Wednesday 30 January 2013

Day 4... Tour on project sites -Ministry of Trade and investment.

Day 5... Tour on project sites in commemoration of the 1year in office of His Excellency Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson
Ministry of Trade and investment.. Headed by the honorable commissioner Hon. Ayakeme Masa

The honorable commissioner Mr Ayakeme Masa and Mr Cyril Akika led the team of journalists to the proposed Castle Hotel, whose features include a casino, a gulf course, a polo club amongst others... Mr Cyril Akika who is the special assistant to the Governor on Investment informed the team that the project will be completed before the end of the year.

The team then proceeded to  the proposed 5 star hotel being handled by the Asigwe Ayam group. located along the Ox bow lake road, the contractor Mr Asigwe conducted the journalists round the facility, he explained that all materials needed to complete the hotel are already on site and they have started work, He said the expected time of completion is within 12 months

The team was also visited the tower hotels at Azikoro NNPC road. Where a brief interview session was conducted. Mr Cyril Akika informed the journalists that all funds needed to complete the hotel is already available. And the contractors are already moving to site.

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