Tuesday 30 April 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon Seriake Dickson has attributed the country’s security challenges to insufficient investment in human capacity development and failure of most critical state institutions.The Governor stated this when the Director-General and participants of Course 35 of the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, near Jos in Plateau State paid him a courtesy call at Government House, Yenagoa.Hon. Dickson, who identified the provision of a secure environment as the first responsibility of government, vowed that his administration would not compromise in the maintenance of law and order.

He maintained that the present administration has in the past one year made appropriate investments in the provision of law and order, adding that more efforts will still be made in that direction to ensure a safer environment for socio-economic activities to thrive.His words; “Here, in the past one year, we have made a lot of investment in the maintenance of law and order, putting the right structures and laws in place and also send the clear message that leadership has no business compromising law and order. 

 Within one year, we have been able to provide this level of security and peace and tranquillity that you are going to witness as you go out there to interact with the people of the state.“But we are not yet where we ought to be.  That is why we are working with our partners to see how we can make even our waterways safe so that our strategic assets will be secured and our people who live along the waterways will also be safe.

While commending the Director-General and Staff of NIPSS for keeping the dreams of its founding fathers alive, Governor Dickson urged the Institute to carry out objective assessment of their findings to promote good governance in the country.“We will like to remind the Institute to do more and tell us what we are not doing right.  Only the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies have the institutional and structural capacity to dig deep into theissues we have talked about here (security challenges).“But in spite of these challenges, our country has the potential of being one of the greatest nations in the world especially with the President’s transformation agenda and the enthusiasm, which I know players at all levels are working hard to ensure that we make life more meaningful for our people.

Expressing delight at the visit, the Governor directed all government officials to interact freely with the NIPSS’s team to enable them have a dispassionate assessment of what the current administration is doing in the state.“I hereby direct all government officials to interact closely with you on what we are doing in terms of reforms in the governance culture, and what we are doing on transparency and accountability because we hold power at the mercy of our people.

.”Continuing, he said “we have issues of pollution and environmental degradation; those are very serious matters and in this state much more than any other state you will visit because this is where oil production and exploration started in 1956.  I hope you will find time to visit places like Oloibiri, which is now a metaphor of the day after oil.”“And that is why in the new Bayelsa we are also working hard to diversify the base of our economy and prepare our state for the day after oil.  And we are doing so by mobilising resources to invest in agriculture and tourism.

Earlier in his remarks, the Director-General of the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, Professor Tijani Mohammed-Bande enjoined Nigerians not to despair in the face of the current challenges but rather support the present administration’s transformation agenda to move the nation forward.Professor Mohammed-Bande, who lauded the Governor on his developmental strides, noted that the institute was embarking on study tour to all the states with a view to putting together a report that will promote good governance and security in the country. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Monday 29 April 2013

DICKSON FAULTS CRITICS OVER BDIC- Commissions Office in South Africa

 Dickson faults critics over BDIC……commissions office in South Africa

 The Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has faulted the position of the critics on the inauguration of the Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation, (BDIC), arguing that it was aimed at attracting investments to the state and as well make it the delight of local and foreign investors.The BDIC, contrary to the submission of the critics is aimed at charting a more diversified economic base from the current dependency in Oil and Gas sector of the economy.

Warning the people against playing politics with the economic development of the state, the Governor noted with dismay the position of some politicians in the state on his administration's economic policies which gave birth to the establishment of the BDIC and other agencies of the government.

In order to boost its economic profile, the State, according to the Governor is beaming its searchlight on the following sectors which include: tourism, Agriculture,Oil & gas, Infrastructure, and FMCG.On the choice of South Africa as corporate office of the BDIC, the Governor disclosed ‘the BDIC is looking to attract investment from all major markets and economies, with South Africa being one of such country.

  The Johannesburg office represents their second international presence after the recently opened London, UK office. ‘It is hoped that through its presence the BDIC will attract partnerships with Southern African investors on a PPP (public private partnership) into the identified economic sectors of Bayelsa State.   

Interface with the Nigerian consulate to fast track immigration requirements for prospective investors looking to visit Bayelsa State. "The BDIC’s vision is to be an enabler for transforming Bayelsa State into one of the top economies not just in our country but also in Africa.

 Our mission is to protect, stimulate and grow the wealth of all Bayelsans through responsive, innovative and sustainable investments while acting as a catalyst for socio-economic development of our state,” said Dickson Governor Dickson is to lead a high powered delegation from Nigeria, with President Goodluck Jonathan expected to perform the official commissioning of the BDIC office in South Africa along with his South African counterpart, President Jacob Zuma. 



  Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has identified the absence of non-functional prison services as one of the factors militating against the quick dispensation of justice in the Country. This is just as he tasked the Federal Government; Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on employment generation.                

   Receiving the visiting Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, in his office on Monday, the Governor blamed the delay in dispensation of justice and congestion of the prisons across the country on inadequate facilities.              

    Assuring the visiting Minister of his administration’s support, Hon. Dickson stated that the presence of a functional Prisons Service in the state would to a large extent, ensure the speedy administration of justice, especially in the aspect of criminal justice as well as reduce the cost of litigation.    

According to him, “the delay in the dispensation of justice to inmates of the state was occasioned by the absence of a Federal prisons in the state as its indigenes had to be transferred to the Ahoada Prisons in Rivers State which posed challenges for litigation and transportation.”              

    Without a Federal Prison, the infrastructure of a justice administration system particularly that of the criminal justice system is not complete and we in Bayelsa, over the years have that problem so I want to thank the Federal Government for the decision to establish a Federal Prison here. Before now, as you rightly said, all our Awaiting Trial Inmates, all those who have to be detained or kept in custody for one reason or the other are usually taken to other places of detention outside Bayelsa State. That meant a lot of inconvenience and cost to them and their relations as well as created a lot of problems for their legal representatives.”                                     

   He affirmed that the state government’s collaboration with the Federal Government to establish the Prisons Service was informed by the need to provide a humane and comfortable environment for those awaiting trial, considering the fact that the Prisons is basically a place for rehabilitation, stressing that the business of security is the collective responsibility of all.                  

   To this end, Governor Dickson urged other state governments to join forces with the Federal Government in enhancing security and not maintain a hard line about infrastructures that are of the Federal Government since such structures were for the benefits of the citizens of the state. While assuring the Nigeria Prisons of more logistic support, the Governor implored the Minister of Interior to absorb Bayelsans in its various agencies toward reducing the problem of unemployment in the state.                

      Earlier in his remarks, the Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro who was in the state to commission the Federal Prison, gave a thumbs up to Governor Dickson for the giant strides made in the development of the state particularly in promoting good governance.                

   The Minister described as unacceptable the absence a federal prison in Bayelsa, the home state of the President pointing out that the establishment of the state command would go a long way in addressing the problems of litigation.                

    Comrade Moro also suggested to Governor Dickson to undertake regular visits to the prison to grant prerogative of mercy to inmates who are deserving of such pardon as well establish alternative ways of punishment rather than imprisonment in order to help decongest the prison.                          

 Bayelsa state prison now has a full fledged command like any other state, while we will continue to provide for the logistics, vehicles for the transportation of inmates in the quest to access justice, there is a lot of expectation and challenge arising from the transfer of Bayelsa inmates to this place. I, therefore request provision of additional vehicles. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has stressed the need to strenghten the bond relationship existing between the Government and people of Abia State and their Bayelsa counterparts.Governor Dickson, who also expressed his deep appreciation to the Abia State Governor, Dr. Theodore Orji for his continued support for the policies and programmes of the Federal Government, especially the Transformation Agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan, described him as a brother and dependable ally of Bayelsa State.

The Bayelsa State Governor stated this, while speaking at the traditional marriage between former Miss Justina Nwosu and Mr Chidi Nsonwu at the country home of Barrister Friday Nwosu in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State.Hon. Dickson, who lauded the Abia State Governor for his achievements, particularly in security, urged him not to relent in his efforts at bringing about positive change in the state and country at large.

While congratulating the newly married couple for a successful ceremony, he called on Nigerian youths the country to live exemplary lifestyles and strive to build bridges of peace and unity across the country.Commenting on his relationship with the father of the bride, Hon. Dickson described Barr. Nwosu is a bossom friend as well as a former classmate and colleague from the Police Academy, as well as university and law school.

He noted with satisfaction, Barr. Nwosu’s supportive roles to him both in politics and other fields of human endeavour, adding that the Abia State born legal practitioner has always stood by him as well as shared a lot of dreams and challenges and was also instrumental to some of his achievements as a  Federal lawmaker.

In his remarks, Governor Theodore Orji expressed appreciation to his Bayelsa State counterpart for gracing the ocassion, describing him as a man of integrity.The Abia State Governor noted that his support for President Goodluck Jonathan remains unshaken, stressing that, he has moved Abia from an opposition group to a major and reliable player at the centre of nation’s politics.

He explained that, his posture, which was one his electioneering promises to the people of the State, was among other things intended to give the people a greater sense of belonging in the scheme of things as well attract more of the dividends of democrcy to the State.In his remarks, the father of the bride, Barr. Friday Nwosu wished the couple a blissful marriage and prayed God to bless them as well as thanked all those that attended the ceremony for the honour done to him and his family.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor Hon. Seriake Dickson has reiterated call for diversification from oil and gas sector of the economy as he announced the release of N10bn grant for effective take-off of the Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation, (BDIC).

Disclosing this at the Inaugural Board Retreat BDIC held at the weekend in Yenagoa, Governor Dickson said this would assist the Corporation in performing its statutory functions, which include attracting local and foreign investors to the State, boosting its economic profile and providing an economic blueprint for the State.

While, calling for the active participation of the Board members of the BDIC in the present administration’s efforts to turn the economy of the State around, the Governor said it has become imperative for the state to diversify from the Oil and Gas sector of the economy in view of the non renewable nature of the resource and emerging global economic market trends.

According to him, “the new Bayelsa that we all crave for, the new Bayelsa that we actually deserve, that new Bayelsa can only be founded on prosperity and security. Government is building roads and bridges, schools and so on, but in vain do we do all of this, if these activities do not translate to economic prosperity and opportunities for our people”.

Stressing the need for active involvement of the Organized Private Sector, (OPS) in the development process of the state, Hon. Dickson said government should have little or no business in running commercial enterprise, adding that his administration believes in free enterprise.“Our government is a believer of free enterprise. It believes that the Private Sector is best suited to promoting enterprise, creating wealth, sustaining development. Government should therefore, have very little business in running businesses”.

On the expected role of the BDIC, the governor pointed out that the corporation is to serve as a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity, and not to usurp the functions of the Ministries, Departments and other Agencies of the government.He submitted, ‘the BDIC is not intended to take the place of the Ministries in this state. It is not a body that is higher than the Ministries and Government of this State. The BDIC’s role is not policy formulation. That will continue to reside in the State government and its formal organs.

However, it will be the duty of the BDIC to drive those activities that are investment related.“It is the instrument for driving investment; attracting investment and, also directly investing. Also, because it is a creation of our laws, there will always be necessary collaboration with other organs of government”. 

In his bid to strengthen the economic base of the state and place it on a higher pedestal, Governor Dickson urged the management of BDIC to bring their wealth of experience to bear on the corporation’s mission, especially in the area of building a formidable conglomerate.‘We have instances of Odua Group of Companies and other similar bodies within this Country.

Outside the shore of the Country, we have sovereign entities like Investment Development Corporation, (IDC), South Africa and that of Rwanda and so many others.‘These models exist and that is the level that we want to take our State to. Let me emphasize that going forward, all capital investment that have business elements will be undertaken by the BDIC”.

On the issue of funding, the governor disclosed, “the BDIC will enjoy from now till the end of the current budget year, a capital injection of between N5bn-N10bn from the Government of Bayelsa State. This is to enable the BDIC take off in earnest. The BDIC is not expected to be a paper tiger. We, therefore, expect the BDIC to (from now) explore investment opportunities”. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



In fulfillment of an earlier pledge made to enhance the movie industryin the country, Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson hasperformed the foundation laying ceremony for the Bayelsa film city at the Igbogene axis of the capital city, Yenagoa.The foundation laying ceremony was part of activities marking the 9th Africa Movie Academy Awards in the State. 

Governor Dickson noted that, the film city, when completed will harness and boost the state’s potentials in the tourism and entertainment industries as well as serve as an alternative source of revenue base for the State outside oil and gas.The all encompassing edifice is expected to accommodate a businessdistrict, section for Guild activities, seminar halls, inaugurationcentres, collapsible set as well as a night club.

Other facilities to be housed in the proposed film city Project include a relaxation centre, helipad, police and fire service stations, village setting for films, water treatment base, power plant, Studies and a Shopping Mall.The Governor, also used the occasion to announce the institution of the Bayelsa State Indigenous Movie Trust Fund with an initial donation of N250 million.

According to him, the Movie Trust Fund which will be used for thedevelopment of budding talents in the State, will be managed bypersons within and outside the State.While, describing the entertainment industry especially Nollywood as amajor employer of labour and an avenue to showcase the rich culturalheritage of the people of Nigeria and a tool for re-branding thecountry and Africa,  Hon. Dickson urged movie makers to focus more and portray the positive side of the country to the outside world.

The Governor, who alongside some special guests also witnessed a cultural display, stated that efforts will be intensified to use the AMAA awards to showcase the rich cultural endowments of the State with a view to attracting more visitors to the State on regular basis.According to him, the relevant organs of government will be properly positioned to make new innovations and improvements to the various activities that were put together to celebrate this year’s AMAA at subsequent editions.

The cultural event featured ceremonial and war boat regatta displays, cultural dances as well as traditional wrestling with past and present State, national and continental champions in attendance.The Eight Local Government area took part in the Boot Regatta withNembe LGA emerging winners in the Ceremonial Category followed byBrass and Ogbia LGAs, while Southern Ijaw came tops in the war boat regatta display, with Sagbama placing second.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

F.G Partners Bayelsa Government on provision of Water

The federal government has expressed its desire to partner the Government of Bayelsa State to ensure adequate provision of safe water for the people of the area.The Minister of Water Resources, Mrs. Sarah Reng Ochekpe, made this known when she received the Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Seriake Dickson, in her office in Abuja.

Ochekpe said the federal government had realised that to meet the MDGs goals there was the need to increase collaboration with the states government and it was in this regard the ministry recently held a meeting with all the commissioners of water resources to further strengthen the bond of cooperation between them to achieve the objective of adequate provision of safe water.She added that a meeting with Nigeria Governors' Forum was being planned to solicit for their support.

The minister told the governor that work was progressing on the Otuoke water project being handled by the ministry of Water Resources which extends to 13 communities within the Otuoke Area and other similar projects in the state.While lamenting the setback suffered by the Otuoke water project due to the effect of flood of last year, Mrs. Ochekpe assured that the project would soon be completed and by July this year the people of Otuoke and other adjoining communities would start to enjoy water.

"We are sorry that in Bayelsa State you have so much water around you but not fresh water because of the effect of pollution, government is doing everything possible through our Niger Delta River Basin Authority to support you and ensure adequate provision of water for the people in the area", the Minister said.On the interest shown by the Bayelsa State Government to take over the Rice Farm Project at Peremabiri, the minister said: "We will collaborate with you but we will not hand over the project".

Earlier, the Governor of Bayelsa State, Seriake Dickson, said the state government alone could not provide water in a state like Bayelsa without support from the federal government."I am here to solicit your support in technical terms. We need to tap into the expertise of your ministry. My government intends to do a lot this year in the area of water", the governor further said.

On the devastating flood that ravaged the state last year, Dickson explained that measures were being taken by his government to prevent the reoccurrence of flood of last year.He said that he had set up two committees to enable government prepare effective response.The governor said his government also intended to embark on massive rice farming this year to turn around the economy of the state.

Nigeria Nine Nigerian Oil Workers Kidnapped in Bayelsa Nine Oil workers attached to the Nigerian Oil Servicing Companies of the Octopus Clan Nigerian Limited and the Deck Oil

Yemi Akinsuyi
Allafrica online

Tuesday 23 April 2013



In keeping with the tradition of the present administration’s policy on transparency and accountability, Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has declared a total of N28.972bn as balance of funds available for the state as at the end of March, 2013. Addressing the press on the financial position of the state for the months of February and March, this year at the Banquet Hall in Yenagoa, Governor Dickson also gave N19.7bn as total balance standing to the credit of the state for the month of February.

 In a breakdown of the figures for February, the Governor declared N19.7 as Gross Inflow comprising Statutory Allocation of N2.4bn, Derivation amounted to N10.04bn, while Value Added Tax came racked in N648 million, Subsidy Re-Investment and Empowerment Programme, SURE-P came up to N1.1bn among other items. On the Outflows, Governor Dickson explained that a total FAAC deduction of N2.38bn consisting of Bond deduction of N1.241bn, Foreign Loan obligation of N11million, Refund of overpayment to the Federal Government on the Excess Crude Account in three tranches of N509.8 million, N187million and N392.8million was made, leaving a Net Inflow of N17.270bn. 

According to the Governor, salaries of Civil Servants gulped N3.817bn, that of political appointees stood at N335 million with monthly overhead payment of N1.1bn while statutory approvals stood at N230 million, gratuity payment of N250 million as well as transfers to the State Compulsory Savings Account of N250 million. He said the sum of N100 million was remitted to the State owned Niger Delta University for the payment of salary arrears owed its workers, pointing out that actual recurrent expenditure gulped N2.5bn while that of Capital was put at N10bn.

 For the month of March, Governor Dickson reported a Gross Inflow of N24.bn made up of Statutory Allocation of N2.3bn, Derivation of N9.5bn, VAT amounting to N658 million, SURE-P stood at N1.068bn while augmentations was put at N10.3bn, noting that there was no disbursement from the Excess Crude Account. 

Governor Dickson also stated that N2.38bn was deducted at source by FAAC, giving the breakdown of the figure to include salary obligation for civil Servants as N3.8bn, political appointees N336 million, overheads of N1.1, IGR of N80 million, land acquisition N250 million.

 The Governor who used the opportunity to commend the state workforce for their understanding and cooperation on the present tax regime, said revenue accruing to the state coffers has increased to N300 million on a monthly basis. 

He also added that the overall monthly IGR came up to N1bn assuring that government would make judicious use of the resources to develop physical infrastructure, create wealth and jobs for the people to get value for their money.  

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State 

Operation Doo Akpo Aborts Oil Theft in Otuasega Bayelsa State

The state security outfit set up by the Bayelsa state Government to Tackle crime "Operation Doo-Akpo" might just have averted another massacre similar to that of the Ahoada explosions, where scooping of oil from a fallen tanker resulted in a fire explosion that ended the lives of over a 130 youths.

Confirmed reports reaching us this morning says the operation Doo Akpor team responded to a report of a crime in progress at about 11pm last night to find "bunkerers" who had burst one of the shell pipelines in that area with hydrocarbons gushing out of the pipeline .  Although The criminals took to their heels on arrival of the men of the Doo Akpo team, the pipeline was still gushing out hydrocarbons. This preempted The Doo Akpo team to inform  the near by shell camp of the vandalization in other to prevent a massive fire outbreak or residents of that area scooping for the product now identified as diesel.

The staff of shell was said to have contained the leak while the Doo Akpo team maintained patrol in the area all night..

Remember Protecting of lives and properties should not be left in the hands of our security agents alone. We have a reponsibilty to our State and Nation to work with our security agents. Special thanks to whomever thought it wise to call the operation Doo Akpo security outfit. Incase you don't have it, this is the hotline for the Operation Doo Akpo security outfit 07006464644. Let security be our priority.

Matilda Angaye

Monday 22 April 2013



President Goodluck Jonathan has assured the Bayelsa State Government of technical and financial support in the promotion of the tourism industry and establish an under Water Research and Imaging Centre in collaboration with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation to create training opportunities for the people. 

 Represented by the Minister of Culture and Tourism, High Chief Edem Duke, President Jonathan also announced that the N3 billion earlier pledged to the movie industry would be made available to it in the next few weeks as well as announced a donation of N25 million to the proposed Yenagoa Film City.   

The President, who speaking at the 9th edition of the Africa Movie Academy Awards, AMAA at the Gloryland cultural centre in Yenagoa, urged the movie industry to focus more on telling stories that portray Africa in its proper perspective and commended the industry for collaborating with other African countries to tell stories across borders. 

Also speaking at the event, Governor Seriake Dickson announced institution of a Bayelsa State Indigenous Movie Trust Fund with an initial donation of N250 million for the development of budding talents, which would be managed by persons from within and outside the state. He described the entertainment industry, especially Nollywood as a major employer of labour and a medium for cultural exchange and a tool for rebranding the country and continent.

 Governor Dickson congratulated Nollywood for the feat achieved by one of its stars, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde for her induction as one of the 100 most influential personalities in the world by the Time Magazine, describing it as a stamp of global approval for the movie industry in the country. As a way of acknowledging the contributions of the Nollywood stars, the Bayelsa state Governor also said government would make available plots of land to deserving stars who would be required to build befitting residential accommodation and take advantage of the facilities that would be provided at the proposed Yenagoa Film City.

 According to the Governor, his administration has made huge investments in the area of security and today it is beginning to pay off as Bayelsa is now being rated as one of the most peaceful states in the country. While observing that night life has also returned to the state, he hinted that by next month, a programme of electronic surveillance would be activated to strengthen existing security measures and peace in the state. 

The Bayelsa state chief executive also used the occasion to woo the private sector to invest in the possibilities of the new Bayelsa State, adding that his administration will support them all the way. Hon. Dickson pointed out that beyond the fun and glamour of AMAA, the event would be used as an avenue for promoting tourism, agriculture and manufacturing as well as prepare for a post oil era.

 In his remarks, President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma said his country shares in the aspirations and struggles of Nigeria and the entire African continent to eradicate poverty and marginalization as well as create a better Africa and a more cohesive world. Represented by the South African High Commissioner to Nigeria, Lulu Luis Mnguni, he commended Governor Dickson for promoting good governance and urged leaders in the African continent to emulate his example of regularly rendering accounts to the people. 

 In her speech, which was centred on the theme of this year’s AMAA “Africa One”, the Chief Executive of the Africa Movie Academy Awards, AMAA, Ms Peace Anyiam Osigwe, said it is incumbent on film makers to use the medium to change the mindset of Africa by Africa and for Africa as that was the whole essence of the Academy. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Bayelsa State Government Raises over 600million Naira for AMAA

The AMAA fund raising dinner which was chaired by Alhaji Sayuu Dantata held at the conference hall of the Transcorp Hilton hotels and Towers Abuja. It had in attendance the first lady of Nigeria Dame Patience Jonathan, the wife of the Vice president Mrs. Amina Sambo, The Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Henry S. Dickson, friends and business partners of Alhaji Dantata, construction giants, representatives of state Governors, Key players in the Banking sector, Members of the BDIC, prominent sons of Bayelsa state etc.

Gov. Dickson while giving his speech, commended the Organizers of AMAA for birthing and holding on to the project for years now, he also commended  his predecessors for  buying the idea and successfully hosting the awards through the years, especially the president for supporting the project as Governor and even as president.

He however emphasized on the need for AMAA to be a Private sector driven event in line with the restoration agenda of His Administration to get private sectors as key players in the new Bayelsa project. He thanked the guest for honouring the invitation and for showing solidarity with the new Bayelsa state project in the promotion of arts as a medium of promoting national unity and Integration as well as wealth creation, he especially thanked the first lady of Nigeria Dame Patience Jonathan and the chairman of the fund raising Alhaji Sullah Dantata for honouring and promoting the fund raising event.

Gov. Dickson assured the guest that the funds raised will be judiciously and properly utilized, he therefore charged the guest to contribute generously to the successful hosting of the this Years AMAA awards ceremonies. In his words "we want the pockets to do the talking tonight". He also informed the guest that he is looking forward to receiving them all in Bayelsa state on Saturday for the award night program.

The first lady of Nigeria Dame Patience Jonathan in her Remarks acknowledged the importance of the entertainment industry in our society and the role Nigerian movies have played in our national development. she also commended the organizers of AMAA, and the state governor for pointing  this year's AMAA to a new direction.

She also commended her husband, the president of Nigeria,Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for the 3 billion naira innovation fund recently established for the Nigerian creative industry on its 20th Anniversary. She thanked the Bayelsa state Governor and the friends of Bayelsa state for supporting and partnering with this project and called on the players in the private sector to consider the support of the film industry as part of national service to grow the economy, reduce social vices and empower Nigerians.

She charged film makers to tell stories that highlight the virtues of peace and peaceful co-existence among Nigerians. Her excellency encouraged the Governor of Bayelsa state, Henry Seriake Dickson to build the Yenagoa film city, as it will positively extend the opportunity of the youths. She therefore urged the guest to donate generously to the AMAA project, stating that nothing is too small or too big for a good course.

Under the Able chairmanship of the AMAA fund Raiser, Alhaji Sullah Dantata, Over 600 million naira was realized during the fund raiser with the chairman donating 100million naira, friends of Dantata 100million, Senator Uzamere behalf of Glo 100 million, BDIC 50 million, Gilmore Nig. Ltd 35million, Chief Arthur Eze, Timi Alaibe, Ben Bruce and friends 27million, Ifeanyi Uba of capital oil 30million, Hakeem Bello - Osagie of Etisalat 30million, Oxmas construction 25million, H.R.H king A.j Turner of Trenor Nig. Ltd 20million, Chief Ineton 25million, Gitto construction 15million, CCECC construction 10 million. Other donors includes Julius Berger, ken Etete, Dan Etete, Francis Ogoro, V and V, petroleum products carriers, Dr Wale, Dantata and Sawoe, who gave 5million naira each. There were other undisclosed amounts donate by Firstbank, FCMB, UBA, Sterling bank, Kaduna and Niger State Governments.

The program was anchored by Basorge tariah junior, taribio Oweifawari and Mr Ebi Avi

Matilda Angaye

Monday 15 April 2013



 Plans by the Bayelsa State Government to establish a Maritime Academy in the State received a massive boost with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government and the renowned Navimor International Maritime Academy of Poland at the Transcorp Hilton in Abuja. 

Bayelsa State Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah Rtd, who represented Governor Henry Seriake Dickson, signed on behalf of the State government while Mr. Romuald Kinda , signed for the Navimor international Maritime Academy. The agreement signing ceremony, which was one of the highlights of the Poland, Nigeria business forum, was witnessed by the Polish Prime Minister, Mr Donald Tusk and Nigeria’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr Olusegun Aganga, with polish business investors who are in Nigeria in search of business investment opportunities also in attendance. 

The Bayelsa State Maritime Academy is expected to come into full swing in one and half years’ time and it will be the second of its kind in the South South region of the country, the first being the Maritime Academy, Oron in Akwa Ibom State. Speaking to journalists shortly after the signing ceremony, Bayelsa State Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah Rtd, stated that, the Maritime Academy is being affiliated to the Navimor Maritime Academy in Poland because of its high reputation as a first class international maritime academy coupled with the intention of the state government to establish a maritime academy of international standard. “We are establishing the Maritime Academy that would have international touch and recognition”. 

While, expressing satisfaction with the decision of Government to affiliate the proposed Maritime Academy in the State to the Navimor Maritime Academy of Poland, he explained that the training programmes of the Academy have been arranged to ensure that its products are accepted and acknowledged globally in the maritime industry.

 In his reaction, the Chairman of Navimor Maritime Academy Poland, Mr Romauld Kinda, disclosed that the partnership with the Bayelsa government would enable his Academy transfer knowledge, and the educational system of Poland to the Bayelsa Maritime Academy, adding that the Navimor Maritime Academy has existed for over 80 years. 

 The Senior Special Assistant to the Bayelsa State Governor on Investment, Mr. Cyril Akika who also spoke to Reporters said, the Bayelsa Maritime Academy was envisioned to produce experts in the various fields of the evolving Bayelsa maritime industry. Describing the state as mainly riverine, he stated that the products of the Maritime Academy would provide the required human resource for the Bayelsa sea port as well as produce divers, ship captains, Cabin attendants, ship builders and other viable personnel needed in the maritime sector of the economy.

Friday 12 April 2013

Bayelsa State Govt Signs MOU with Polish company to establish a Maritime Academy in the state.

Bayelsa State Govt Signs MOU with Polish company to establish a Maritime Academy in the state.

The partnership would translate into a transfer of knowledge, maritime technology and financial assistance from Poland to Nigeria.

The Bayelsa State Government on Friday signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with a Polish maritime company, Navimor International, on the establishment of a maritime academy in the state.The letter is a document outlining an agreement between two or more parties before the agreement is finalised.

LOI is similar to a written contract but it is usually not binding on the parties in their entirety.Bayelsa Deputy Governor, John Jonah, signed on behalf of his state, while the Chairman of Navimor, Romuald Kinda, signed for his company at a Polish-Nigerian business and investment forum held in Abuja.Mr. Jonah told newsmen that the agreement was aimed at establishing a world-class academy that would drive local manpower development in Nigeria’s maritime industry.

He said that the choice of Poland was informed by the country’s well established and recognised maritime education sector.“The maritime industry is an international one. We want to affiliate with the well-established and well-recognised maritime academy in Poland.

This is to ensure that whatever we do would be in line with the standard they have established in their country.”The deputy governor explained that the partnership would translate into a transfer of knowledge, maritime technology and financial assistance from Poland to Nigeria.On his part, Mr. Kinda said that although modalities on the final agreement were being worked out, the project would take off in the next 18 months.

According to him, his company runs the 80-year-old Polish maritime academy and has the expertise to help Bayelsa build a world-class maritime institution.“We will jointly build an international standard maritime school in Bayelsa that would ensure the transfer of knowledge, infrastructure and technology which we have in Poland.

In this very moment, we have an academy in Gdyni where over 40 cadets from Rivers State in Nigeria have just been educated. The ambition of the Bayelsa State Government is to build its own maritime academy and system of education. I would like to say the deputy governor visited our academy in Poland and of course, he likes the system which we created over 100 years; our academy is over 80 years old. So, we have the experience and the know-how. Education is the future of Nigeria and we are determined to help in it,” he said.

Dignitaries at the forum included the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk; Nigeria’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Olusegun Aganga, businessmen and entrepreneurs from both countries.

Ebi Evinson

Coined from premium times online.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Leadership Newspaper, Media Responsibility and the Police -Ruben Abati

Leadership Newspaper, Media Responsibility and the Police  -Ruben Abati

Our attention has been drawn to a statement by the Leadership Newspaper titled “Statement on the Arrest and Detention of LEADERSHIP journalists” (April 10), the latest episode in the matters arising from the same newspaper’s publication of an alleged “Presidential Directive” which we have had cause to disavow because the basis of the story proved to have been a dubious ‘bromide’ containing nothing more than “a mishmash of carefully arranged and concocted lies, presented to the public as evidence of a document emanating from the presidency.” Yet, the Leadership newspaper insisted that “it stood by its story.”

As a responsible government committed to providing good governance and protecting the rule of law, the rebuttal from the presidency was appropriate; yet its symbolism runs far deeper. It ordinarily ought to have motivated all concerned with or related to the process and issues contained therein, particularly the publishers and editors, to double check their claims, and where errors had been made, to quickly retract the story. This would have been in line with the ethics of professionalism, good conduct and unbiased reporting.

This approach reflects the crucial role of a bridge which a best-practice media performs, in the management of the civil engagement between elected officials and the citizenry. Underpinning this social contract is the principle that the freedom of expression goes hand in hand with great responsibility. Given the Leadership Newspaper’s insistence that it stood by its story, questions are automatically raised about professional ethics and the social responsibility of the media, which certainly, by the rules and codes of practice of the various media associations in the country do not accommodate the publication of falsehood, or inciting material, or the abuse of the media’s constitutional mandate.

The circulation of a fictitious ‘presidential directive’ that seeks in the main to cause civil strife, engender a breakdown of law and order, and negate the values of our democracy is a very grievous act indeed that should not be ignored. At its core, such a disruptive act erodes the ethos of governance and professionalism and naturally stirs up those entrusted with the protection of law and order; as it should also, every responsible citizen, interest group and the entire media. In that regard, President Jonathan did not have to issue any orders before those who have as much constitutional responsibility as the media; that is, the police, see the need to act in the public interest.

Without holding brief for the law enforcement and security agencies, such a publication, like all others that threaten our democracy and undermine law and order, become the duty of the Police as an institution to investigate. The Leadership newspaper should see this as an opportunity to co-operate with the police as required by the laws of the land. The Police have not done anything outside the law. The trite rule is that nobody is above the laws of the land. It is also within the powers of the Police to invite persons for questioning and to conduct investigations, which is what they have done so far in “The Leadership case”. Or are the editors of the Leadership newspaper insisting that they are above the laws of the land?

This administration believes in and has demonstrated its commitment to press freedom times over. The Freedom of Information Bill (FOI) was signed by this President into law and under this government the Nigerian print and electronic media has grown in number, reach and in terms of freedom to practise. It will be disingenuous to suggest that there is a clampdown of any sort or an attempt to stifle the press.

Why shouldn’t journalists normally cooperate with the police in this instance? We believe that it has to do with the fundamentals of professional ethos that make journalists operate with a different set of loyalties and a different set of outcomes. Yet, there should be no contradiction under normal circumstances where the pursuit of peace and democracy deepening is concerned. This should ordinarily have been an opportunity for the ‘media’ to help our democracy by collectively rejecting the publication of pure falsehood.

As recently as March 12, 2013 in the United Kingdom, detectives working with the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Elveden, an on-going British police investigation into corrupt payments to public officials, placed two journalists under covert surveillance by police investigating corruption and bribery allegations against journalists. This process was considered a crowding out of press freedom with a number of people settling for an open invitation by the police for questioning, as was done in previous invitations with regards to Operation Weeting – covering investigations of The News of the World which led to numerous arrests, detentions and eventual convictions.

The developments at The News of the World, which centre around the resort to illegal means to obtain and/or publish otherwise dubiously obtained information led to the setting up of the Leveson Inquiry, a judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press. The Inquiry published the Leveson Report in November 2012, which reviewed the general culture and ethics of the British media, and made recommendations for a new, independent, body to replace the existing Press Complaints Commission, which would be recognised by the state through new laws. Some of the changes recommended include sweeping measures that will allow police officers to demand information from sources; rights for police to seize materials from the press, changes that may force journalists to reveal whistleblowers’ identities; and other rule changes that may define freedom of speech. To show the extent of an ordered approach, part 2 of the inquiry has since been deferred until after criminal prosecutions regarding events at The News of the World are concluded.

In Nigeria, the place of our media is well regarded by the government and its freedom within the law, is regarded as sacred. The Nigerian media is self-regulated and is required to abide by defined codes of ethics. The incident with the Leadership newspapers is not an attempt by the government to muzzle a critical bridge in the societal value chain. Rather, it reflects the professional gaps that need to be bridged within the profession as the media continues to play its very crucial and necessary role in nation-building.

This development therefore offers the media an opportunity for introspection, one that requires an emphasis on the responsibility of a media house as regards issues of ethics and professionalism; and extends in the main to how such a media house builds corporate governance rules to ensure that reckless, unfounded and grossly misleading publications have no place in the esteemed profession and outputs from its stable.

Nigerians fought so hard to end an era whereby serious attempts were made to muzzle the media and our recent history will attest to the heroic role played by the media in our emergent democracy. We intend for that to continue and welcome unfettered contributions, investigations and accountability audit of those holding public office today and tomorrow.

What must not be encouraged is voodoo journalism or the deliberate and malicious attempt to use a medium that is designed to inform to now take on the inglorious task of being a mouthpiece for a narrow agenda based on disinformation, deliberate scaremongering, civil society baiting and the offer of media platform(s) to those hell-bent on causing disharmony through well-woven conspiracies.

This government is proud of its record on press freedom, its relationship with and promotion of access for the media and civil society. The publication of a spurious document and the alarmist approach to the routine invitation extended to the Leadership journalists should of itself provide proof of a choreographed attempt to deliberately cast the administration in bad light; especially given the synchronized communications from the newspaper, the Action Congress of Nigeria, and others.

Once again, we urge the Nigerian public and the media to pay careful attention to those who parade themselves under different garbs and push forth information intended to subvert the cause of peace and order. The Nigerian government remains a committed advocate of a free but responsible media that can and should hold the government to account even as it seeks to educate and inform the citizenry for whom we are all responsible. This is the social contract we are all agreed to, for and on behalf of the Nigerian public.

•Dr. Reuben Abati
Special Adviser (Media and Publicity) to President Goodluck Jonathan

April 10, 2013



A combined team of security operatives on Tuesday recovered the bodies of ten of the slain policemen along the creek of Azuzuama in Southern Ijaw local government area of Bayelsa state contrary to a media reports that perpetrators of dastardly act went away with their bodies.The development is a pointer to the fact that, contrary to MEND’s claim, the bodies were neither taken away nor the attack carried out by its men.

The recent development has put paid to the fact that, the attack was carried out by a group of disgruntled ex-militants, who have issues to settle among themselves, but have clearly over stepped their bounds by their action.Confirming the report, the State Commissioner of Police, Kingsley Omire said it took the combine efforts of men of the Joint Security Task Force to ensure the recovery of their corpse.The affected security gunmen were attacked on their way to Azuzuama last Friday.

Four of them, according to the security reports were rescued alive.In a related development, the State government has debunked the claim that Movement for Emancipation of the Niger Delta was responsible for the attack.The State governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson, who stated that the killings were unacceptable, noted that there was no iota of truth in the claim that MEND was responsible for the attack.

It will be recalled that, the State Commissioner of Police, CP Omire while briefing newsmen stated that the attack was orchestrated by disgruntled ex-militants.Restating his administration’s stance on zero tolerance for crime and any form of criminality, the governor assured the bereaved families and the entire people of the state that the security operatives are closing in, on the perpetrators.

The Bayelsa State Government also reassured families of the 12 Policemen killed in the attack that their deaths will not go in vain as Government is determined more than ever before to bring the perpetrators to book.The statement warned that, the recently appointed State Special Prosecutor and the Special Team is purely geared towards fast tracking the manner and way criminal cases are investigated and prosecuted as well as ensure that culprits receive the right sentences and serve the punishments.

It emphasized that it was unacceptable for persons, who have committed very grievous crimes to only work the streets as free men, because of lack of adequate investigation and prosecution of such criminals, who after a while return to their bad ways and threaten the peace and well being of law abiding citizens of the State.The statement noted that, henceforth anybody arrested of any offence, especially those that are criminally related are not only going to be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted, but those that are found guilty made to face the full penalties of the law. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Sunday 7 April 2013



Bayelsa State Police Command has continued the search for twelve of its men allegedly attacked by suspected gunmen on their way to Azuzuama in Southern Ijaw local government area of the state.

Also, the Command has denied the involvement of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, (MEND) in the heinous act, arguing that the threat earlier issued by MEND has nothing to do with the attack. Briefing newsmen, the State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Kingsley Omire said some aggrieved ex-militants that had earlier embraced Amnesty programme as put forward by the Federal Government took advantage of the malfunctioning speed-boat to launch the attack, which resulted in the missing of twelve policemen. His account, "50 policemen set out on assignment to Azuzama.

On their way, one of the boats conveying them developed engine fault. A Joint Military Task Force gun boat was moving ahead of them. They were isolated and became soft target. Intelligence report have shown that those involved in the armed attack were hoodlums within an ex-militant group that were supposed to be enjoying Amnesty"

Out of the Fifty policemen deployed to Azuzuama community, the 12 officers were declared missing including two Police Inspectors, Four Non-Commissioned Officers, (NCO) and Six Constables." On the claim of an illegal trip, the Police Commissioner said the deployment of the Policemen was authorized by him and done to provide security to high profile visitors expected at the burial ceremony of the late Mother of an ex-militant leader, Kile Selky Torughedi a.k.a Young Shall Grow According to him, "as I speak to you, some policemen are still at the community.

It is the disabled nature of the speed boat conveying the affected policemen that made them soft targets. We had lots of gunboats and security personnel in the area. As I speak with you now, the entire Azuzuama community is condoned off."



Bayelsa State Government has threatened to withdraw any of the beneficiaries of its ongoing agricultural training programme at the Songhai International Farms, Port Novo in the Benin Republic caught formenting trouble or misrepresenting the State.

The State government, as part of its empowerment programme for the teeming unemployed youths in the state had approved the training of 500 youths in Agriculture at the Songhai International Farms in Port Novo, Republic of Benin but the beneficiaries, according to security reports, rather than reciprocating the gesture of Government are demanding for N50,000 monthly allowances.

The beneficiaries, according to reports wanted to be treated as ex-militants in the Federal Government’s ongoing amnesty programme with a monthly take home pay of between N30,000 and N50,000 monthly.

Describing their planned protest as uncalled for, the Bayelsa State Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dr. Thomas Commander stated, ‘Bayelsa State Government is paying each beneficiary of the scheme N10,000 monthly, aside tuition, feeding and other payments but they are saying the money is not enough and they need between N30,000 and N50,000 as a compulsory condition for government to bear.

“Our Governor being a man that is out to restore and bring sanity to the system and ensure that things are put right, has said that he will not do that. He wants the committed ones to undergo the training while those who are not ready should come back home. We are now bent on implementing his position.

Those that are causing the problem will be fished out and sanctioned and every effort will be put in place to ensure that the programme succeeds”.

Blaming some disgruntled politicians of attempting to scuttle the developmental programmes of the present administration, the Commissioner disclosed that the recalcitrant ones among the beneficiaries are being sponsored for political reasons.

His words, “we have every reason to believe that they are being sponsored because the way they are going about the matter is unusual. Initially, they were all very appreciative. The Governor addressed them and they gave him the commitment that they will do well, when they get there.

“However, just within a twinkle of an eye, their attitude and everything about them is changing. We, therefore, suspect that a foreign element has infiltrated them to discredit or create problem for the success of this government.”

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Thursday 4 April 2013



Bayelsa State Government has accused its Rivers State counterpart of abuse of judicial process over the disputed Soku Oil Fields/Boundary disputes. The Chiefs and Principal members of Akuku-Toru Local Government Area in Rivers State had in a suit number FHC/ABJ/CS/413/20 against the National Boundary Commission, (NBC) and Attorney General of Bayelsa State prayed the court to declare River Santa Barbara as the boundary between the Kalabaris in Akuku-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State and the Nembes in Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. 

The plaintiff, also sought the court declaration on the purported 11th Edition of the Administrative Map of Nigeria, arguing that it was done in error and its adoption should be declared null and void. 

However, the defendant, the Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Bayelsa state, Chief Francis Egele submitted that the plantiff has no locus standi, arguing that boundary matter is an issue between the states and not LGAs or communities. 

Describing the suit as filed by the plaintiff, as abuse of judicial process, the state legal officer submitted that the Supreme Court had adjudicated on the matter, adding that it is wrong for individuals, group or state to flout the order of the apex court. Quoting copiously from the ruling of the Supreme Court as read by Justice Suleiman Galadima, the Attorney General said the boundary between the two states could not be determined until the National Boundary Commission completed its assignment as contained in the Supreme Court judgement on suit number 106/2009.

 The judgement reads in part, ‘I have set out the function of the NBC above and from the provision of the NBC Act, it cannot be seriously suggested that before the jurisdiction of this court is invoked in a boundary dispute between states, the NBC should have determined the dispute or completed its exercise in delineating the disputed boundary. It is on account of the foregoing and because of the technical nature of the dispute and the claims of the parties, this court finds that the NBC as an authority vested with authorities and expertise know-how in dealing with this matter should have once and for all conducted an exhaustive exercise of delineating the disputed boundary.

 In the light of the observations, I have clearly expressed above, I do not feel comfortable to grant the declarations sought until the NBC concludes its exercise of delineation of the disputed boundary to finality. It will be futile and premature to determine the boundary of the two states in the present circumstances. Meanwhile, the suit filed in by Chief Goddey Orusah and Seven others for themselves and as representing the chiefs and principal members of the Akuku- Toru LGA has been fixed for hearing at the Federal High Court Seven, Abuja on the 10th of this month. 

According to the Bayelsa State Attorney- General, inspite of the fact that Bayelsa State Government was not properly served the writ of summon, the State will file its defence at the hearing.   

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State