Sunday 27 October 2013




Over one hundred decamped members of Justice Party, (JP), Change Advocacy Party (CAP), and National Conscience Party (NCP) defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the weekend in Bayelsa State.

Receiving the new members during his monthly interactive session with members of the State working committee as well as executive members at the Local Government and ward levels of the PDP, at the party’s secretariat, Governor Dickson urged them to be loyal and work towards achieving success for the party at all levels.

Describing the politics of his administration as all inclusive, consultative and collaborative, Governor Dickson said they have joined the PDP at the right time as the days of needless media wars were gone.”

“When you have all these elders in the State and you combine their experiences and advice you will always succeed. It is when you get into a position of authority and you raise your shoulders and you say like the foolish man in the Bible that you have arrived and there is no tomorrow; that to me is the beginning of failure. And that is why I always commend the support and prayers that I continue to receive from a broad spectrum of the leadership of this state and beyond.

Governor Dickson stated that in the spirit of the new Bayelsa, the next monthly PDP meeting would also involve National Assembly members and leaders of the State to enable the party tap from their advice and experiences.

While, noting that it was imperative for the State to remain united to enable President Goodluck Jonathan focus on national issues, he said the new Bayelsa is about consensus building and collaboration rather than confrontation.

“In the new Bayelsa, we talk not of confrontation; we talk of consensus building; we talk of collaboration, partnership and I would like what we are doing at the State level to permeate down the line… this State will continue to be a PDP State.

“Bayelsans know that the PDP means well and they know that when we talk of restoration, we mean it. And before their very eyes in less than two years the State is changing. For us in the PDP, what we tell the people is that, even this is just the beginning; you are going to see more things.

Commenting on recent developments at the State and National levels, Governor Dickson stressed that there was nothing like the new PDP in the State as the law court had also adjudicated on the matter.

He however, cautioned members of the party against any division between those at the State and National levels and shun any act that could tarnish the image of the people and commended the support they have shown for the President.

Earlier in his remarks, Chairman of the State PDP, Col. Sam Inokoba (Rtd), had congratulated Governor Dickson on the honour bestowed on him as member of the International Advisory Board of the Lincoln University, USA.

Rtd Col. Inokoba, who also lauded the State delegates for their conduct during the last PDP convention in Abuja, charged the people especially the youths to emulate the sterling qualities of the Governor.

Speaking on behalf of other new members, Dr. Levi Gboluseri of the Justice Party, declared his membership for the PDP by displaying his new membership card.

He pledged his loyalty to the party and promised to work with members to consolidate on the fortunes of the party.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Friday 25 October 2013




I, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson, Governor of Bayelsa, on behalf of the Government, Chiefs and God fearing people of Bayelsa State, most graciously welcome Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, General overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God and other Anointed Servants of God to Bayelsa State on the occasion of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Church in the State.

As a State and as a people, who deeply appreciate the goodness of the LORD in our lives, we most sincerely welcome you and your entourage to the “Glory of All Lands” and wish you an eventful and rewarding time with us.

It is our belief that, your visit to Bayelsa at this time will usher in and ensure the fulfillment of God’s divine blessings, wishes and destiny for the Government and entire people of our great State.

We also wish to use this opportunity to formally congratulate the Redeemed Christian Church of God on its 10th year of highly spiritual, diligent and fulfilling service to the LORD.

We must equally express our profound gratitude to the Church for their prayers, which have contributed immensely to the success story of our Restoration Government in the State.

Once again, on behalf of a grateful State and people, I say welcome and may the good LORD continue to dwell in you and inspire you to give fatherly guidance and direction to us all in JESUS Name. Amen.


Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson

Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has identified paucity of funds and the difficult terrain as some of the challenges militating against aggressive infrastructural development in the state.

Governor Dickson who stated this, when he granted audience to members of Team 5, Course 22 of the National Defence College, Abuja at Government House, Yenagoa, also highlighted neglect of education and human capacity development as the bane of sustainable socio-economic advancement of the country as a whole.

Describing the theme of the study group: “Infrastructure as a catalyst for the development of Bayelsa” as very apt, the Governor said his administration was bracing all odds to address the infrastructural deficit in the State within limits of available resources.

He however, sued for external intervention particularly from the Federal Government, pointing out that environmental and other challenges pose great difficulty to the State Government to single-handedly tackle its developmental needs.

“The most critical challenge is that of funding and it is directly associated with the terrain. The terrain is so challenging in terms of development because what you call roads in other areas, are bridges in this place. Most of the roads we are talking about are actually like the third Mainland Bridge in Lagos State. And, you know it was not the Lagos State Government that built third Mainland Bridge. It was a Federal project in Lagos at that time. So that is the kind of intervention we need in this place.

Fielding questions from the participants at an interactive session, Governor Dickson lamented the level of environmental degradation being suffered by the State and the indifference shown by multinational oil companies towards their social corporate responsibility.

On education, the Governor noted that his administration would continue to prioritize efforts at revamping the sector because of the critical role it plays in societal growth and development.

According to him, the State Government has built over 400 Primary and Secondary Schools with teachers residential quarters across the state in addition to a robust scholarship programme in which Bayelsans including over 100 Ph.D students in various educational institutions both within and outside the country.

“We are building so many schools in the State; people sometimes tell me that we are building too many schools, but my response is that we are just starting, because we will even build more.

It is better to build schools than to build prisons because you must do either of the two. And we prefer to build schools, train people and give them skills because there is a relationship between low quality or neglect of education and the challenges of law and order and security. If we are not careful in this country, we could have villages and communities whose role models would be people wielding AK47.”

Commenting on efforts at generating more revenue, he said Government was diversifying from the oil and gas sector by developing agriculture and tourism.

According to the Governor, the present administration’s revenue drive has started paying off with the full implementation of the Federal Tax Law (Personal Income Tax Act, PITA) as stipulated in the country’s constitution, adding that the State’s IGR has increased from a paltry N50 million at the beginning of administration to over N700 million.

Governor Dickson, who assured investors and tourists of their safety in Bayelsa pledged to give more attention to security, describing the crime control system in the State as highly computerised and second to none in the country.

He used the occasion to thank security agencies in the country for their sacrifice and dedication to duty, noting that “the major guarantee for democracy is the military”.

Earlier, the leader of the study team, Navy Commodore Tariworio Dick said they were in the State for a week-long Geo-strategic study tour, which he noted was going on concurrently in all the Geo-political zones of the country.

Commodore Dick, who commended Governor Dickson for his developmental strides in the State, particularly thanked the Governor for promptly giving approval and support to the establishment of a navy secondary school in Bayelsa.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



The Bayelsa State Executive Council has approved the award of contracts for the construction of internal roads in Yenagoa, the State capital and the headquarters of all the eight Local Government Areas in the State.

It also approved contracts for some selected roads within the State and the road linking the old and new campuses of the State-owned Niger Delta University, Amassoma in Southern Ijaw Local Government area of the State.

Briefing newsmen at the end of the 28 th session of the State Executive Council meeting on Thursday, the State Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Deacon Markson Fefegha equally announced that a supplementary budget proposal for 2013 has been forwarded to the State House of Assembly for consideration and passage into law

He explained that, the budgetary proposal was aimed at facilitating the completion of ongoing developmental projects spread across the State.

According to him, ‘the proposals, based on the initiatives, projects and programmes are consistent with the provision of the State Medium Term expenditure Framework, (MTEF) 2013-2015, the State Medium Term Sector Strategies, (MTSS) 2013-2015 for the MDAs involved and the State’s Medium Term Fiscal Strategy, (MTFS) 2013-2015.

Speaking on the outcome of the meeting, the State Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Mr. Lawrence Ehwrhudjakpo said Imgbi road, which is in the Amarata area of the State capital would be used as the standard for all the internal roads to be constructed and expanded.

According to him, the decision was in line with the dream of the Restoration Government to make the State the Dubai of Africa.

He appealed to the people of the State to discard the notion that the demolition of structures obstructing the right of way is politically motivated.

The Commissioner pleaded with owners of the affected buildings that are marked for demolition to cooperate with the Government, noting that they would be duly compensated.

He disclosed that the present administration has paid compensation to owners of land acquired for road construction, stressing that, the exercise was carried out without any ill motive.

Speaking in the same vein, the Commissioner for Special Duties, (Federal projects), Mr. Gesiye Isowo said the present administration is perfecting plans to de-congest major roads in the State capital.

He said this would be achieved through the opening up of more roads, thereby, calling for active participation of the residents in this regards.

As part of the administration empowerment programme, the State executive council, according to the Commissioner, the government has approved award of Quick win projects.

In its bid to improve on the sanitation situation in the State, the Commissioner for Environment, Dr. Sylvanus Abila threatened that; Government would henceforth enforce the relevant sanitation laws.

He said, sanitation equipment was being procured for effective disposal of waste, stressing that landlords would be involved in waste management.

In addition, he said Government would soon embark on house numbering exercise within the State capital.

Thanking the people of the State for their support, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Political Matters, Chief. Fred Agbedi disclosed that the Governor would soon embark on a thank you tour of the eight Local Government Areas of the State and would use the opportunity to commission some projects.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Tuesday 22 October 2013

ODI MASSACRE: Court Upholds Decision to pay N37billion compensation-Odi Threatens Criminal Suit Against CBN

COUNCEL to Odi Community of Bayelsa State in its case against the Federal Government over 1999 army invasion of the community, has threatened to press criminal charges against the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, if it fails to pay the N37.6 billion compensation awarded to the community by a court.

The counsel, Ifedayo Adedipe, spoke, yesterday, after Justice Lambo Akanbi of the Federal High Court, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, described as baseless and dismissed CBN’s application to set aside the judgment ordering payment of the N37.6 billion to Odi.

Justice Akanbi had, on February 19, 2013, convicted the Federal Government for genocide against Odi and awarded N37.6 billion compensation to be paid within 21 days from date of judgment.

Following government’s reluctance to respond to the ruling, the plaintiffs (Odi) on May 3, filed a motion exparte demanding a garnishee order absolute to be made to the CBN to effect the payment of the judgment sum, an application the court granted.

The CBN, in response, claimed it was not given ample time to be heard as an affected party and consequently filed an application to the same court asking that the garnishee order be set aside and the matter retried.

In his ruling yesterday, Justice Akanbi insisted that the apex bank was duly represented in the matter on June 17 as its legal representative did not ask for extended date to allow the motion to mature.

Ifedayo Adedipe, SAN, after the ruling, said of his client (Odi), “We are very happy about that ruling. The application was misconceived from the beginning. It is part of the long term ploy of those who invaded Odi to ensure that they do not get justice.”

Extracted from codewit world news.



Governor Henry Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has pledged the construction and donation of a building to the Edwin K. Clark Foundation in Yenagoa, the State Capital.

Governor Dickson, who made the pledge while speaking at the Foundation Dinner/Launch of the proposed Edwin Clark Foundation and University of Technology at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Abuja, noted that, Chief Clark’s vision was in line with the education and youth empowerment policies of the Bayelsa State government.

He lauded Chief Clark for proposed Youth Development Foundation to be sited in Yenagoa and the University of Technology at Kiagbodo in Delta State, adding that the projects would be of immense benefit to present and future generations of the Nigerians.

While affirming his administration’s continued support for the two projects, the Bayelsa State Chief Executive urged other organizations and philanthropic individuals to support the Youth Foundation and University Projects, in order to enable Chief Clark realize his vision for his people to the fullest.

Governor Dickson used the occasion to appeal to the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to call off their on-going strike in the interest of Nigerian Students, stating that a nation cannot be built when universities are shut down.

According to him, President Goodluck Jonathan has done well in the educational sector through the institution of good policies and programmes, under the Transformation agenda, and should be encouraged.

He also lauded Federal Government’s massive investment Nigerian Universities, describing it as the best in recent times and urged well meaning Nigerians to support the Governments investment in Education sector.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Saturday 19 October 2013



The Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has expressed gratitude to the Awujale of Ijebuland and Chairman of the Ogun State Council of Traditional Chiefs, Oba Dr. Sikiru Adetona and the good people of Ijebuland for the honour bestowed on him as the Chief Guest of Honour at the 2013 Ojude Oba festival.

Commending the Awujale’s leadership style, the Governor said the unique honour has further confirmed his usual stance and disposition as a bridge builder and peace advocate.

He noted that, the honour will also strenghten the bond of unity between the people of Bayelsa state and Ogun state as well as the entire Yorubas of the South-West.

Identifying himself with his great maternal root, Governor Dickson remarked that, he would always identified with the people of Ijebuland and continue to play his roles as a bridge builder and source of unity amongst the various ethnic divides in the Country.

Earlier, the Awujale of Ijebuland had welcomed the Governor back home, noting that, his coming has confirmed the saying that “Ori Ade kii sun ita” meaning, the Crowned Prince never stayed outside. Ojude Oba festival is a rich cultural festival which showcases the culture of Ijebu land.

Hon. Dickson, according to the Awujale is from Awujale Royal Dynasty.

The Governor was represented at the occasion by the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Edmund Allison-Oguru.

On his entourage were the Commissioners of Works and Infrastructure and Education, Messrs Lawrence Ehwrudjakpor and Salo Adikumor as well as the Chairman Sagbama Local Government Council, Willie Oyadougha

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Friday 18 October 2013



As direct fallout from the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Bayelsa State Government and the Lincoln University, Pennsylvania in the United States of America, Government is to set in motion, the modalities for the selection of the first set of beneficiaries for a scholarship programme.

A Government House statement, explained that, two persons each will be selected for the first batch from each of the 8 Local Government Areas of the State, stressing that, the mode of selection would be made very open and transparent.

The statement, which restated the present administration’s commitment to continuously invest in the education sector, urged would be beneficiaries of the scholarship scheme to take advantage of the programme to improve their lot as well improve the manpower capacity of the State.

It further explained that, the nature of the MOU is such that students from Bayelsa State will pay far lesser fees than even Americans, stressing that, the situation has therefore made it extremely necessary for the State to present only the very best.

Describing Lincoln University as a world-class University reputed for turning out some of the best leaders Africa and the world have ever known, expressed the hope that, it will also impart sound and good educational and leadership qualities on the future generation of Bayelsans and Nigerians.

To this end, the Governor is to meet with some major stakeholders and experts, in the educational sector in his office at Government House in Yenagoa by 3 O’clock in the afternoon on Monday, the 21 st of this Month.

Those invited for the meeting are the State commissioner for education, Special Adviser to the Governor on Tertiary education, Chairmen of the 8 Local Government Councils in the State, Vice Chancellor, Niger Delta University and Chairman of the State scholarship board.

Also, to attend are the Provost, Isaac Adaka Boro College of Education and the Rector, Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science.

A Government House statement advised all those invited for the meeting to be seated by half past Two in the afternoon on Monday, the 21 st of October, 2013 as late comers would not be admitted.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Sunday 13 October 2013

The Untapped Beauty of Bayelsa

Ojo Maduekwe writes that though a young state, Bayelsa has distinctive features that are being harnessed to make it a tourist destination and emerging market in Nigeria

It's 30 minutes after 10 in the night and I'm standing in front of the Bolaebi hotel gate. Since getting into Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa, I and other journalists haven't had time to take in the view of the city.

Coming from Lagos where the nightlife is a constant part of the vibrant city life, I come out believing to regain what was lost in between our arrival and attending the state's 17th anniversary lecture in the evening.

Except for the long stretch of Melford Okilo Road, also known as Mbiama-Yenagoa Expressway that led to the Bayelsa State government house, which remained boisterously busy with vehicular movement, not a single shop on both sides of the road was opened.

The rays from the streetlights stationed in the middle of the road and car lights, cast shadows on a few people that still walked the way. "It's Monday," Peter Alagoa said in defence of why the road was empty at that hour of the day.

Alagoa works in the hotel as a laundryman. The hotel laundry also services the neighbourhood. He had come outside to hand over a customer's belongings to the delivery man when he met me taking in the atmosphere. I had enquired from him why all the shops were under locks and keys.

Bayelsa is not this usually deserted of people. Earlier, on arrival, we were greeted by a scenario that translated to Yenagoa being a busy capital. There was a long queue at all the banks' ATM centres. The users looked used to it. A regular fixture of the city, I was to be told.

I wondered why the road was not littered with ATM machines. In Lagos, back in the days, when banks still charged one hundred naira per withdrawal it was fashionable to find ATM machines in very ridiculous places. Maybe if banks were still allowed to charge for withdrawal, they would have since seen the city's dire need of having ATM machines stationed across the landscape of the capital.

On a positive side, the cluster of people at all the banks did inspire an internal discussion - the attraction of residing in Yenagoa. The landscape on its own took the semblance of an emerging market. Made up of land and waters, one could see that construction of roads and drainage were on-going. A Julius Berger construction yard stationed at the junction of Isaac Boro Expressway (one of many yards belonging to different construction companies in parts of the capital), indicated that the state is a huge construction site.

During the anniversary public lecture held at the banquet hall of the state government house, the key speaker, a Peoples Democratic Party chieftain and former Minister of Transportation, Chief Ebenezer Babatope had told a personal story to buttress the point of how Bayelsa was gradually turning into a centre of attraction.

Babatope while delivering his lecture titled, 'Nigeria - the Challenges of Our Times', said he had asked two relatives who had abandoned Lagos and taken residence in Bayelsa on the reason for their relocation. According to him, both gave a similar response of Bayelsa being good for business.

A history of the creation of Bayelsa exposes the irony of the widely held view of the late General Sani Abacha as an unpopular leader. While many Nigerians may rain words of abuse on the dictator for bringing untold hardship on Nigerians, Bayelsans have no choice but to reserve some form of appreciation for him each time they celebrate the state's anniversary.

After years of agitations by the Ijaws who alleged marginalisation regarding the spread of developmental projects in the old Rivers State, Bayelsa was created out of the old Rivers state. What previous military administrations failed to do, late Sani Abacha did on October 1, 1996. Today, Bayelsa shares birth date with Nigeria and, like the country has had its own fair share of mixed fortunes.

One of the smallest, if not the smallest of all the states in Nigeria, in terms of land mass and population, Bayelsa is big in natural resources, contributing largely to the wealth of the nation. Record has it that the state has one of the largest crude oil and natural gas deposits in the country.

This means the monthly federal allocation accruable to it ranks among the highest. Naturally, one would expect Bayelsa to be the best developed in the country. Among other challenges that subsequent administrations have had to battle with, the pace of development was also due to how past governors, both military and civilians may have handled its resources.

Chief Press Secretary to the state government, Daniel Iworiso-Markson, writing in 'Bayelsa Today', a quarterly magazine of the state wrote, "At 17, Bayelsa State is still relatively young and the journey of statehood arguably tough and mixed, but there is great hope especially now as we can see a bold identity of creative leadership and enterprise at work which has the sole objective of bringing back the once lost glory."

Aside being relatively young, Bayelsa, among other challenges, before governor Dickson took over the reins of affairs in the state, was lacking in proper developmental roadmap. Up until the current administration, the level of development achieved has been greatly influenced by the ecology and topography of the state. Bayelsa is substantially a riverine state.

So, previous administrations had battled with the dire challenge of construction on tough, almost forbidding terrain. The state is described as floating "On a marshy environment", which is a huge challenge for any construction to take place. The cost of constructing a kilometre of road in Bayelsa is said to often time be "more than five times the cost of doing so elsewhere in the country."

What little other administrations were able to achieve, governor Dickson, the people say, has more than doubled them. In a space of a year and six months, Dickson has achieved so much. The governor is being praised for promoting good governance. Through the Bayelsa Income and Transparency Bill 2012, accountability is being ensured by the disclosure in a publication of the revenue accruing to the state and the local governments and how they are spent.

An all-inclusive government, town hall meetings are regularly held in the state, where issues are addressed. One of such issue is in the area of education to which the government set up a one billion naira fund for scholarship. According to official data, the fund has already started paying the way of "hundreds of the state's indigenes in universities and top institutions of higher learning around the world."

Notable in the state is a high level of security. Before the granting of amnesty by the federal government to former militants, the state used to be in the press for bad reasons. Once characterised by insecurity, Bayelsa now radiates peace; the kind of security that encourages external investors to come and set up businesses; that kind that has turned Lagosians into Bayelsans.

Refusing to solely rely on oil, the state has continued to invest in tourism. Endowed with a wide variety of customs, traditions, festivals, arts, crafts, artifacts, museums, monuments and more, the state government has through the relevant state agencies initiated and adopted strategies to properly harness and develop them into tourist attractions.

The federal government is doing well to boost the state government's efforts. According to official report, an oil museum has been proposed by the federal government for Oloibiri, the community where oil was first discovered in commercial quantity in Nigeria in 1956. It is said that when established, the museum will serve as a centre of excellence in petroleum history, entertainment and learning.

Bayelsa may not yet be a state befitting of a president, but with the rate of development being embarked on by the Dickson administration, it is only a matter of time before change sweeps through the entire oil rich state, making it the envy of other states of the federation, and like its official motto says, 'The Glory of all Lands'. The odds definitely are in favour of Bayelsa.

Curled From



In line with his vision to radically restore and transform the educational sector as well as enhance the human capacity development of the State, Governor Henry Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the prestigious Lincoln University of Pennyslyvania in the United States of America.

The MOU signing ceremony was held inside the boardroom of the impressive multipurpose International Cultural Centre of Lincoln University, which also served as venue for the inauguration of Governor Dickson as a member of the University's International Advisory Board.

While Governor Dickson signed on behalf of Bayelsa State, Dr. Robert Jennings, President of the Lincoln University’s Advisory signed on behalf of the university.

The main thrusts of the MoU are hinged on the development and promotion of educational exchange programmes between students of Niger Delta University and their counterparts in Lincoln University.

The MoU will also offer a unique opportunity for both students and members of the academic staff and faculties of NDU to share in Lincoln's rich history as a foremost institution of learning famous for turning out world leaders like Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Kwame Nkrumah, who stood out as the greatest political thinkers and visionaries of their time.

Speaking at the MoU signing ceremony, Governor Dickson stated that, the Government and people of the State will fully exploit the opportunities offered by the MoU in line with the resolve and commitment of his administration to create enduring impact and positive imprints on the standard of education in the State.

He expressed the hope that, the MoU would equally enable both Bayelsa State and the Lincoln University to engage in robust educational and cultural exchanges, explore capacity building for young Bayelsans as well as advance the State’s quest to expose its students to Information Communication Technology (ICT) knowledge and provide greater oportunities for more research and exploration into areas of environmental protection studies and the preservation of the State’s natural endowmenmts.

The Bayelsa State Chief Executive also spoke of the need to identitify other areas of mutual interests and concern to both the University and the State, especially with current efforts of Government at diversifying its economy through robust programmes in the agricultural and tourism sub sectors.

His words: "Surely, this is one opportunity we will exploit to the fullest given our resolve and commitment to impact positively on the standard of education back home. This memorandum of understanding further affirms that commitment as we take a crucial step forward today to forge institutional links between this great institution and my state. By this MoU, I am positive that we will engage in robust educational and cultural exchanges, explore capacity building for our young people, advance our quest to expose our students to ICT knowledge, provide more opportunities for research, explore and examine areas of environmental protection studies and nature preservation, and identify other areas of mutual interests and concern."

In his remarks, the President of Lincoln University Advisory Board, Dr. Robert Jennings, commended the Governor’s passion for education and the practical steps being taken to improve the sector in the State.

Dr. Jennings assured Governor Dickson of the support of Lincoln University, stressing that, the institution was more than ready to give the Bayelsa State Government the needed support to propel its quest to turn around the educational fortunes of Bayelsa State.

The MoU signing ceremony was preceeded by a brief ceremony, which witnessed the formal inauguration of Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson as a distinguished member of the University International Advisory Board.

The ceremony was witnessed by 36 members of the board made up of distinguished men and women drawn from different parts of the world.

Also in attendance were those on the Governor's entourage which included Vice Chairman of Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation, BDIC, Prof. Lawrence Ekpebu, the member representing Sagbama/Ekeremor Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Dr. Stella Dorgu, Majority Leader, Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Hon. Peter Akpe, Chief Joshua Fumudoh, a Former President of the Ijaw National Congress, Prof. Steve Azaiki, a one time Secretary to the State Government and Hon. Douye Diri, Principal Executive Secretary to the Governor among others.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Thursday 3 October 2013



The Special Adviser on Security Matters to the former Governor of Bayelsa State, Mr. Richard Perekeme Kpodoh has been put under security watch over an alleged inciting statement.

In a statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Bayelsa State Governor, Mr. Daniel Iworiso-Markson, the government has directed relevant security agencies to take appropriate action.

Describing the statements credited to the former Special Adviser as a threat to the existing peace and tranquility in the State, the release added that if not nipped in the bud it is capable of plunging the state into chaos.

The statement reads in part, “Mr. Kpodoh had in the last couple of days vigorously pursued his inordinate plans by dishing out deliberate falsehood about the Federal and State Governments with a view to creating a state of insecurity and disaffection, using the platform of the so called new PDP, ostensibly to destabilize the home base of Mr. President. “Government wishes to remind Bayelsans of the antecedents of Mr. Kpodoh and warn vulnerable Youths as well as the unsuspecting public to be mindful of this group of disgruntled persons, who are only out to mislead and misinform them as part of their grand design to achieve their selfish motives. “Piqued by the fact that, the current administration has achieved so much within so short a time, what they couldn’t achieve in 5 years, they have resorted to deliberate blackmail and propaganda. “Furthermore, the general public is hereby enjoined to note the serial killings and wanton destruction of property of perceived political opponents, leading to heightened fear and insecurity perpetrated by the said Mr. Richard Kpodoh. “As a responsible Government with a clear mandate to provide adequate security for its citizens, this administration will not hesitate to deal decisively with any individual or group, no matter their status, that decides to take advantage of the existing peaceful and convivial atmosphere in the State. “In view of the foregoing, Government wishes to advise law abiding Bayelsans to be wary of the antics of these mischief makers, who are clearly out to use them to attract undue recognition. This Government has a clear vision and cannot be blackmailed by anybody or group all in the name of playing politics. “Members of the public are therefore, advised to go about their normal duties, as Government is prepared more than ever before to protect lives and property of the citizens. “Government also wishes to warn that it will spare no effort at ensuring that anyone found wanting is made to face the full wrath of the law”.

Wednesday 2 October 2013



Bayelsa State Government is to constitute a high-powered Elders Consultative Forum to enable the State prepare adequately for the proposed national dialogue. Governor Seriake Dickson made the announcement in Yenagoa at a dinner party organised by the State government as part of activities marking the nation’s 53 rd independence and 17 th anniversary of the creation of Bayelsa at Government house in Yenagoa.

Commending President Goodluck Jonathan for always responding to reasonable concerns of well-meaning Nigerians, the Governor noted that the convocation of the dialogue would promote national cohesion and stability.

On the rationale behind setting up the Forum, Governor Dickson explained that the proposed Forum will among other responsibilities collate the divergent views of the State on matters of critical interest to the people as well as ensure that Bayelsans speak with one voice without jeopardizing the peaceful co-existence of the country.

“Very soon we will have the need to assemble our elders to formally set up the Elders Consultative Forum, and to provide another platform for interaction. “You are aware of the unfolding scenario at the national level which is positive.

This Tuesday morning our President, leader and brother, who is flying the flag of the country so very well announced the intention of the Federal Government to hold a dialogue of the peoples of this great nation, and we commend that initiative. And so, in the course of this week, I will begin the mechanism for putting our elders together so that our representatives will be able to interact and compare notes with you which we will be forwarded at the appropriate time in that respect.’

Describing Nigeria as a land with endless potentials and opportunities, Hon Dickson renewed his call on Nigerians to work together in harmony irrespective of their political and religious differences for the greater good of the nation.

While thanking Bayelsans for their support and prayers, the Governor reassured them of his administration’s commitment to build a new Bayelsa ‘’where its people are bonded together by a sense of brotherhood and unity.’’

Dignitaries at the event include the State Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah Retired, first civilian Governor of Bayelsa State, Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha and first military Governor of old Rivers State and Amayanabo of Twon-Brass, King Alfred Diete-Spiff. Others were former military administrator of Ebonyi and Delta states, Retired Navy Capt. Walter Feghabo-Amain, the Chairman Fiduciary Board, Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC), Prof. Lawrence Ekpebu, Professor Emeritus Ebiegberi Joe-Alagoa and the State Chief Judge, Justice Kate Abiri.

Also in attendance include serving and former members of the National Assembly including one time Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt Hon. Ghali Na’abba, former Governor of old Anambra State, Dr Chukwuemeka Ezeife and Chairman of the State council of traditional rulers, King Godwin Igodo.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



1. My Good people of Bayelsa State, I congratulate you today on this occasion of the 17 th anniversary of our dear State. Indeed, on this day, we also celebrate Nigeria's 53rd anniversary as an independent nation.

2. Today as we mark the 17 th anniversary of the creation of our beloved state, we remember the sacrifices and contributions of our founding fathers. And we salute their vision. Our founding fathers envisioned Bayelsa to be a beacon of hope for the Ijaw nation wherever they may reside.

4. This laudable vision will be unattainable without a solid foundation built in the areas of good governance, peace and security, appropriate investment in critical infrastructure, human capital development, education, health and diversification of the state economy. Thus, the Restoration Agenda of our government is predicated on the realization of these core visions of our founding fathers.

5. As the fruits of our Restoration Agenda begin to manifest, we are encouraged by the feedback we receive regarding our modest effort so far. Many of you and indeed visitors also can testify that our administration has produced tangible results that are visible for the good of all.

6. As a government, we are determined and committed in our pursuit to make Bayelsa a model state, where government actually serves the best interest of the people. Our avowed commitment to --2-

run a focused, transparent, accountable and purposeful government that really cares for the broad interest of every Bayelsan remains an abiding social contract. We will never waiver in this direction! That is why we have said times without number that we will not play politics with your development.

7. As we celebrate Bayelsa at 17 today, it is pertinent to restate that your government, our government will keep faith with our commitment to deliver on every promise we have made. Our words will continue to be our bond as a way of sustaining your confidence.

8. On infrastructure, you are all witnesses to the revolutionary turnaround of critical infrastructure in our dear state even as we undertake the construction of more critical infrastructure. This is a work in progress.

9. There is a policy that education is free and compulsory in this state. Our commitment therefore to deliver on quality education with emphasis on computer literacy, science and technology is firm. Not only have you seen huge investment in the construction and rebuilding of schools in virtually all nooks and crannies of the state; we have also invested massively in the training of our teachers to adequately equip them to impart the right skills and knowledge in our children. Accordingly, the Teachers Training Institute, which is the foremost of such institutions in our country is near completion.

10. This government is youth-friendly. We have doubled our investment in building the human capital development. We have given scholarship to 137 PhD scholars in one fell swoop. We have sponsored close to 300 Masters degree scholars attending the best universities in the world. We also have the post-primary -3-

scholarship scheme, of which 250 of our deserving students are in top secondary schools in Nigeria. Our government pays all NECO, WAEC and JAMB fees for all our final year students.

11. A good number of our youths are equally are being sponsored abroad to develop their capacities in specialized fields like Agriculture, Maritime Engineering, Medicine and Aviation. This is strategic because we believe that the youths as the future of our state must be well equipped to serve the state and fully develop themselves.

12. The economy of the 21 st Century is largely knowledge-based and for our youths to be participants therein, their scope, depth and exposure must be broadened beyond traditional boundaries.

13. At this juncture, I will like to commend all our youths across the state, including those of you who have renounced cultism and are currently undergoing biometrics registration at the various local government areas. And to you I say that once you complete your biometrics, at the appropriate time, you will hear from us regarding the next phase. In the meantime, I urge you all to continue to work closely with government as you have been doing and resist attempts by some disgruntled politicians to lure you into trouble, all in the name of politics. Our youths are therefore reminded to take advantage of all the opportunities that this government has thrown open like the re-establishment of BYCAS, School of Tourism, strengthening of the College of Education, establishment of the school of Agric, the Youth Development Centre at Kaiama and the ICT centre of excellence, which is under construction.

14. I am particularly delighted with report reaching me from all our communities about the support being given by our community leaders, women and youths to the various contractors and -4-

government officials carrying out projects in our various communities.

15. I wish to thank all of you ou for joining hands with government and the security agencies to ensure the prevailing peace and security in the state. I urge all of you to protect the various government facilities and projects in your communities as these are indeed your projects.

16. In appreciation of all the support that all the stakeholders have given to my government before, during the elections and up till now, I will embark on a thank you tour in November to enable me have more direct contact with you so as to have further insight into your needs and expectations. The time-table of the tour will be released in due course.

17. To the political class, I want to urge you to take advantage of the open door policy of the present administration so as to avoid the acrimonious political culture of the past, which has thrust our state in the headlines for the wrong reasons. This has given the State a bad name and scared away tourists and investors. It is to avoid this vicious cycle that this government consciously refrained itself from reacting to the provocations and blackmail. Our patience and tolerance should not be construed for weakness. It is an essential building block of the new Bayelsa.

18. Our dear state once again has come back into reckoning. Investors, tourists have started streaming into Bayelsa. This is evident by the various events that the state has hosted which include AMMA, Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, which we won, the standing committee of the Anglican Communion, NAFEST which we also won and the World Tourism Day. In all of these, there was no of breach of peace and security. Consequently, we are -5-

now a tourist and investors destination and one of the safest places to live in and do business. To this end, all are welcome to Bayelsa.

19.Our modest effort of creating a peaceful environment has earned the nomination of the state security outfit, Doo-Akpo an international award by the African Security Watch in South Africa.

20. Similarly, it has led to the visit of high profile visitors to Bayelsa such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Baroness Valerie Amos, the UN Under Secretary General, the First Lady of South Africa and several other high profile dignitaries.

21. In the same vein, I have accepted the invitation of the Honourable Minister of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation to lead the Bayelsa Council for Arts and Culture to China for the World Cultural Day. I will shortly leave for the United States to be inaugurated as a member of the Advisory Board of the prestigious Lincoln University to further build on the linkages of relationships.

22. To cap this emphasis on tourism and investment, we are going to unfold the new Yenagoa City which is 15,000 hectres lying between the Epie Creek and River Nun, beginning from Igbogene to Tombia in the north down to Yeneka. This will be unfolded soon

23. As we celebrate our 17 th anniversary, let us remember to pray for our state and the Restoration Government. Let us pray for peace in Bayelsa State and Nigeria. Let us pray that this state will live up to the dreams of our founding fathers. Above all, let us spare a word of prayer for our dear nation, Nigeria and the president in particular. I will on your behalf continue to galvanize -6-

support for the President, who is proudly Bayelsan.

24. Let me assure you once again, that Bayelsa is in safe hands.

Happy 17 th anniversary, once again, to you all.

God Bless Bayelsa State! God Bless the Ijaw Nation!! God Bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Monday justified the proposed 60m euros Tied Direct Aid, (TDA) from Poland, arguing that it is not a loan facility as being rumoured by members of the opposition. This is just as he ordered the immediate arrest of some civil servants over an alleged salary fraud. Making this known during the monthly Transparency briefing for the month of August, Hon. Dickson said there was no iota of truth in the rumours making the rounds that the State Government has secured parliamentary approval for obtaining 60million euros from the Polish Government.

He explained that, the financial assistance tagged, “Tied Direct Aid,” (TDA) is interest free and is aimed at financing the proposed Maritime Academy at Okpoama in the Brass Island area of the State.

In his clarification, the Governor stated that his administration is not taking any loan from any bank or Government, rather the Polish Government has agreed to finance the proposed Maritime Academy and recoup the investment fund within thirty years. His words, “the Polish Government offered to work with us to build a Maritime Academy which is like a University. We wanted a Maritime Academy in Brass Island. This State has the potentials because of our maritime nature. We want to dominate the maritime industry going forward. Today, there are countries like the Philippines and others, whose Gross Domestic Product mainly comes from their sea farers. We, Bayelsans want to aspire to that, we dream big dreams for our people and we need your support and cooperation to actualize this.

The Polish Ambassador came here and said Mr. Governor; we have seen what you are doing. We are a strong maritime nation and we want to work with you to develop your maritime potentials” “To this end, I instructed the Deputy Governor to lead a delegation to Poland and was received warmly. The President of Poland visited President Jonathan and raised the issue in their bilateral discussions. The Government of Poland later wrote to us and said they wanted to work with us to build the Maritime Academy. We have the funds and the expertise. We are actually going to affiliate it to our own maritime academy or University. We will build it, we will operate it, and we will run it and provide training. I told them that Bayelsa would not pay them one naira back. They said no problem. They said they will bring the funds and when the institution is set; they will be admitting students from all over Africa and other places. It is not a loan, get it right, it is a Tied Direct Aid. What it means is that, it is tied to a particular project. They will bring the fund and supply the manpower. They will bring the ships. It is going to be a big Maritime Academy. They will now service it back in 30 years”.

On the alleged fraud in the State civil service, the Governor disclosed that he has ordered the arrest of some civil servants over an alleged salary fraud. Reiterating his commitment to sanitize the civil service, the Governor said even though some corrupt workers are still doing everything to beat the system that has been put in place, Government would not relent in its efforts at restoring normalcy. According to him, “I have given instructions for the apprehension of some civil servants. I directed that they be arrested and investigations be carried out, because now unknown to them, I have different layers set up by which we monitor what goes on.

People are there who have no business being on the payroll of our State. “It is when we are able to eliminate these fraudulent activities that we can now have enough resources to build the schools, roads and we are thinking of how to get partners to build a road from Nembe to Brass which is N90bn and the same for the road from Ekeremor to Agge estimated at N120bn.”

Presenting the figures of the State’s earnings, the Deputy Governor, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, said the balance of funds standing to the credit of the State Government as at the end of August 2013, stood at N14bn.7. The Deputy Governor who remarked that the gross inflow was N13.7bn, gave a break down of the amount which include, Statutory Allocation- N2.5bn, Derivation Fund-N8.6bn, SURE-P-N1.5bn while the State did not receive any fund from the Excess Crude Account and Augmentation for the Month of August. He also stated that, total deductions at source came up to N2.71bn comprising a Bond loan of N1.2bn, foreign loans amounted to N12 million while refund of overpayment on the revised Excess Crude Account from 2008 to 2009 stood at N187.8million representing the 32 nd payment out of 72 installments. On recurrent expenditure, Retired Rear Admiral John Jonah said N3.9bn went for payment of salaries of civil servants while that of political appointees amounted to N414million.

According to him, other recurrent expenditures include, monthly overhead, N1.4bn, transfer to gratuity account- N250million while capital payments stood at N6.98bn and recurrent payments came up to N2.67bn.

Former Governor of old Anambra State, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife and one time Speaker of the House Representatives, Rt. Hon. Umar Ghali Na’abba, who were in attendance were full of praises for Governor Dickson, noting that he has set a standard for other State Government s to follow.

In their separate remarks, they both described the process as a step in the right direction and called on all Bayelsans to rally round the administration in its efforts at moving the State to enviable heights. The Transparency initiative monthly press briefing, which was the 16th in the series, is the first by any State Government in the Federation.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Tuesday 1 October 2013



As the nation marks her 53 rd Independence and the 17 th year anniversary of the creation of Bayelsa State, Governor Seriake Dickson has urged the political class to take advantage of his open door policy.

Making this known in a broadcast to the people of the State, the Governor said this has become imperative in order to avoid the acrimonious political culture of the past, which had thrust the State in the headlines for wrong reasons.

As the State intensifies its efforts to attract local and foreign investors, Governor Dickson stressed the need for a departure from the past.

According to him, there is need to avoid the acrimonious political culture of the past as this has given the state a bad name and scared away tourists and investors.

In order to avoid this vicious cycle, he said his administration has refrained itself from reacting to unwarranted provocations and blackmail, noting that “Our patience and tolerance should not be misconstrued for weakness. It is an essential building block of the new Bayelsa.”

Hon. Dickson noted that, with an improved security situation, the State has become a delight for local and foreign investors.

He explained, ‘investors and tourists have started streaming into Bayelsa. This is evident by the various events that the State has hosted which include Africa Movie Academy Awards, Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria pageant, which we won, the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion, NAFEST and the World Tourism Day.

In all of these, there was no breach of peace and security. Consequently, we are now a tourist and investors’ destination and one of the safest places to live in and do business.”

The Governor disclosed that, the development has earned the nomination of the State security outfit, Operation Doo-Akpo an International award by the African Security Watch in South Africa.

Reiterating his commitment to infrastructural development, Hon. Dickson said his administration would soon unfold the new Yenagoa city which is 15,000 hectares lying between the Epie Creek and River Nun beginning from Igbogene to Tombia in the north down to Yenaka.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



The Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson, the former Governor of Anambra State, Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife and the former Minister of Transport and chieftain of pan Yoruba socio-cultural group; Afenifere, Chief Ebenezer Babatope on Monday warned the political class in the country against inordinate ambition, stating that it is capable of truncating the present democratic dispensation.

They made the call at a Public Lecture marking the 17 th anniversary of the creation of Bayelsa and 53 rd independence celebration of Nigeria at the Banquet Hall, in Yenagoa.

Assessing the present political situation in the Country at the lecture with the theme, “Good Governance as a Panacea For Promoting Stable Democracy and Sustainable Development,” they decried the security situation in the country and the disposition of some politicians whose actions and utterances are capable of jeopardizing national unity.

In his presentation, Chief Babatope enlivened the hopes of the people, submitting that the nation would outlive the onslaught of Boko Haram.

Describing the insurgence of Boko Haram as a phase in the country’s political history, Chief Babatope stated that the nation had experienced such in the past.

According to him, ‘we may have all the Boko Harams of this world shooting and murdering people all over the place, the truism, however, stands that the commission of these ugly incidents have never provoked President Jonathan in to imposing autocracy, wickedness and political extremism on the people of Nigeria.

“I say again and with great respect to Nigerians that President Goodluck Jonathan has stated times without number that his Government is ready to dialogue with Boko Haram and all those who share different opinions with the Government and people of Nigeria at any time.

Speaking on good governance and accountability, Chief Babatope said the election of people into political offices or positions of responsibility should be based on their record of performance and not through rigging of election.

He, therefore, appealed to the Independent National Electoral Commission not to succumb to the whims and caprices of political blackmailers.

Assessing the performance of President Jonathan and Governor Dickson, the chieftain of Afenifere, said the duo have proved themselves and deserve to be given another chance in 2015 and 2016.

Also, speaking at the occasion, the former Governor of Anambra state, Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife stressed the need for true federalism and accountability that would impact on the welfare of the people.

“Our coming together as a nation, according to him, is not by accident and we should join hands in promoting the unity of the country rather than fanning the embers of crises.

“God’s plan for us as a nation is that we survive as one permanent Nigeria, restructured for efficiency and effectiveness. Restructured, so that Nigeria becomes a country where things work”

On good governance and accountability, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Ghali Na’Abba called on the political class to embrace people-oriented policies.

Calling on the politicians in the country to borrow a leaf from Governor Dickson’s style of transparency and accountable leadership, which he said has assisted in establishing political stability and security in the State.

In his remarks, the Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson also called on the political class to pursue their ambitions in a manner that would not be inimical to national interest.

Describing disagreements as normal in a democratic setting, the Governor noted that what the country is currently facing may not be unconnected with the inordinate ambitions of some impetuous politicians.

“Disagreements and differences in perspectives are normal. We should not shy away from disagreements because that is what democracy breeds. But whether we agree or disagree, we must do so at all times in the national interest. That to me is one missing link, as it seems that people have fast-forwarded 2015.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State