Wednesday 20 August 2014

Skill centre: FG threatens to revoke Bayelsa contract

The Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Dr. Steve Oru, has threatened to revoke the contracts for two of the nine skill acquisition centres in the Niger Delta over poor and delayed contract execution.
The two contracts are the Skill Acquisition Centre in Otuke, in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State and the one for Ibeno in Akwa Ibom State awarded for N3.4bn.
The companies involved in the execution of the contract for the two centres are Stegis International Agencies Nigeria Limited, Salem Cat Limited, Enorasol International Limited, Ogbosite International Limited,  El-Hanen Ventures Limited, Verity Concept Limited, Y.S. Associates Limited

The Otuoke Centre is expected to be a centre for the training of youths in oil and gas, maritime studies, Information and Communication Technology and how to assemble Ipad and mobile telephone on completion.
The Minister summoned the contracting firms to his office and lambasted them for shoddy execution of the contracts for the centres which according to him, lacked the appropriate supervision.

He told the two contractors that the level and quality of job done on the centres was too poor to be acceptable to the Federal Government.
The aggrieved minister issued a two-month ultimate to the contractor handling the Otuoke Centre and a six month period of grace to the firm handling the Ibeno Centre to complete the project or face the ire of the government.
Oru said that his observations during an inspection tour of the projects was rather disappointing and conflicted with the impression created that the projects were ready for commissioning.

He stressed the present state of the centre contradicted the impression created by the handover notes to him at the ministry that the Otuoke project would be commission soon.
“The impression we had before the visit were of Otuoke being ready for commissioning by the President at any given date and that this would be followed by the commissioning of Ibeno.
“But contrary to what we had on paper in the office here when I was being briefed, we were in state of shock by what we saw first at Otuoke which we thought was already fully completed.
“I think our findings show clearly poor execution of jobs by most contractors and untidiness of sites. We observed poor finishing of jobs and very poor supervision by consultants.
“So in totality it is a tail of poor job executions which resulted in disappointments and jobs being executed in substandard and unacceptable manner.”

The Minister who urged the contractors to take a second look at their approach to the execution of government jobs said that adequate attention would be given to ensure a thorough scrutiny of all previous certificates presented by the contractors as a corrective measure.

 Speaking also, the Minister of State for Niger Delta Affairs, Mr. Dairus Ishaku, who also blamed the contractors for poor execution of the contracts, noted that the jobs would have been completed if the contractors had done what was expected of them.
He said that it was not conceivable for the contractors to cite the terrain and wheather as the reason for doing shoddy jobs.

However, the Chairman of one of the firms, Salem Cat, Mr Austin Uloho, who defended the firms attributed the delay in the execution of the contract to poor funding.


Bayelsa takes Ebola campaign to corps members

The Seriake Dickson administration in Bayelsa State has taken its sensitisation and awareness campaign against Ebola Virus Disease to the National Youth Service Corps members in the state.

On Tuesday, the government team led by the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Ayibatonye Owei went to the Kaiama Orientation Camp in Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area of the state.
Owei warned the corps members against making contacts with persons showing symptoms of the virus.

Owei also appealed to the corps members to be vigilant, saying they should look out for persons showing symptoms of the disease and to avoid contact with them.
Explaining the Ebola virus and its deadly nature, the commissioner asked the youths to join other Nigerians in “fighting the disease like a wounded lion.”

He told the corps members that all Nigerians that had shown symptoms of the disease were  persons who had direct contacts with the late Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer.
He, however said the fear of Ebola should not affect interpersonal relationship among the corps members since the virus could only be transmitted by persons showing its symptoms.
“It can only be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. It is one of the conditions that can easily be prevented. When the person is not sick, he is not capable of transmitting it,” Owei said.

He said corps members must avoid secretions of sick persons and maintain high level of personal hygiene.
He said the task force had distributed sanitisers, washing soap and water across the camp and appealed to the youths to always wash their hands.
“We are not saying that you shouldn’t shake hands but don’t do it with sick people. Don’t eat bush meat because some of them are carriers. Ensure that any meat you eat is well-cooked,” he said.

He said the National Council of Health had cancelled the movement of dead bodies from one place to another.
Owei, who described the corps members as the foot soldiers, asked them to carry Ebola message to other parts of the state.
In his remarks, the State Coordinator, NYSC, Mr. Ekeocha Anthony, told the corps members that the Ebola virus was deadlier than the HIV/AIDS.

Bayelsa moves to immortalise Gen. Azazi

In order to immortalise the late General Owoye Azazi, Bayelsa State Government has instituted an endowment fund with the sum of N5 million in the National Defence College, Abuja for the purpose of establishing an Award for Outstanding Academic Performance in the College. 

Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah(rtd), at the weekend presented the draft on behalf of Governor Seriake Dickson during the graduation ceremony of course 22 at the National Defence College, Abuja.

 According to Rear Admiral Jonah, the endowment fund was made in appreciation and remembrance of the immense contributions of the late General Azazi not only to Bayelsa State but also to the Nigerian nation when he was alive. He, therefore, urged the National Defence College to open a dedicated fixed deposit account with the money so that the accruing interest will continue to serve and sustain the purpose of instituting the endowment fund.

 In his response, the Commandant of the National Defence College, Rear Admiral Patrick Agholor, thanked the State Government for taking concrete steps to immortalize one of its illustrious sons, stressing that the collaboration between the College and the State Government will continue to flourish in the years ahead. It would be recalled that the State Government pledged to immortalize the late General Azazi during his burial by instituting a prize for Outstanding Academic Performance at the National Defence College.

 - See more at:

Bayelsa: Group Seeks End to FMC Workers Strike

The Campaign for Democratic and Workers' Rights (CDWR) in Bayelsa State has called on the management of Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Yenagoa to meet the demands of its striking workers without any further delay.
The health workers under the banner of Joint Health Sector Unions at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), had embarked on strike after an initial three-day warning strike, demanding payment of outstanding promotion arrears. However, the refusal of the management of FMC Yenagoa to pay promotion arrears and other outstanding allowances, currently being enjoyed at other FMCs, made the strike inevitable.
The group in solidarity with the health workers on their ongoing indefinite strike action urged the Nigeria Labour Congres (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) in the state to compel manangement of FMC to pay workers their allowances.
“We call on the management of FMC Yenagoa to meet the demands of the striking workers without any further delay. We commend the workers for organising mass actions and not reducing the strike a sit-at-home strike action. We call for the solidarity of the Nigeria Labour Congres (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) in Bayelsa and the entire trade union movement to throw their weight behind the struggle of the workers.
“We argue further that only a democratic socialist political and economic solution can sustainably guarantee the interests of workers. This is why CDWR supports the ongoing initiative to build the Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) and call on workers to join the SPN today,”  the group stated.


I was once ashamed of Bayelsa, says commissioner

The Bayelsa State Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Lawrence Ewhrudjakpor, has said he was hitherto ashamed of the state for glaringly lacking physical development.
Ewhrudjakpor said the state could hardly boast of development infrastructure especially among the comity states in the South-South region.
He bared his mind while addressing newsmen in Yenagoa after his weekly inspection of on-going projects embarked upon by the Governor Seriake Dickson-led administration.
The commissioner said it was at the first BRACED Commission meeting in Asaba that shame overwhelmed him, as the state could not showcase anything.
He said there were now sufficient reasons for him to beat his chest as the state government had invested massively in infrastructure development.
“I was ashamed when we had our first BRACED Commission meeting in Asaba. Now, we can boast that we have a flyover, but Delta State is only building now. Edo and Cross River states don’t have any. These states were all created long before ours’, Ewhrudjakpor said.
According to him, the massive investment in infrastructure was to open up the state for rapid development, adding that the state had lagged behind in development.
“The governor has sworn that he wants to make Bayelsa the Dubai of Africa. So, we are investing massively in infrastructure because we have a deficit in that area”, he said.
The commissioner, who had on his entourage some staff of the ministry, labour leaders, civil society activists, government officials and politicians as well as journalists, inspected several projects in the state capital.
The projects include the Onopa Villa and Resort, the state Museum and Archives Centre, New Governor’s Office complex, the Diagnostics Centre at the 500-bed Hospital, residential quarters for medical personnel, fly over, Outer Yenagoa Ring Road, the Tower Hotel, Isaac Boro Road, among other road projects.

Ebola: Adadevoh‎ saved Nigeria from disaster – FG

The Federal Government has ‎commended Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh‎, bravery, commitment and patriotism in restraining the Liberian American, Late Patrick Sawyer‎, from escaping from First Consultant Hospital, Lagos where he was being treated for Ebola.
This is even as it has disclosed that the sum of N200 million has been released to the Lagos State Government to support its efforts in tackling the ebola virus disease‎.
‎It has also disclosed that the United States government in support of Federal Government’s efforts has donated  30 body scanners that would soon be deployed to major entry and exist points across the country.
‎Adadevoh‎ died Tuesday evening from complications arising from contracting the Ebola virus disease‎ from Sawyer, while treating him.
Addressing State House correspondents at the end of the Federal Executive Council meeting presided over by President Goodluck Jonathan, the Minister of Health Onyeabuchi Chukwu alongside the Minister of Information, Labaran Maku, said but for Adadevoh’s commitment and vigilance, Sawyer would have escaped and infected several primary contacts which would have been difficult to trace.
‎Chukwu who‎ briefed Council on the latest development as regards the Ebola virus ddisease and the country’s efforts to eliminate the disease, said comprehensive efforts have been deployed to eliminate the virus within the nation’s borders with the support of the President.
He said currently, ‎ Nigeria has had a total number of 12 case of Ebola including the index case,  Sawyer. According to him among the 12 are 11 Nigerians who were primary contacts with the one  index case.
He said:  “Of this 12, the total number of successful cases who have been discharged stands at five but the total number of deaths including the index case stands at five. Currently, the total number of cases in Nigeria are two, made up of one doctor, one nurse who had managed the index case and they are presently on treatment at the isolation centers.


Dickson’s Antidote To Kidnapping, Sea Piracy In Bayelsa

When in the space of three weeks, five high profile cases of kidnapping were recorded in Bayelsa State, the Seriake Dickson administration had to develop an antidote and reached out to ex-militant leaders and the state security apparatus to assist and stop the ugly trend.
While the leadership of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN), the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO) insisted that the antidote being proposed with the setting up of a Task Force on Waterway Security, headed by the former deputy leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), Ebikabowei Victor-Ben, popularly known along the creeks as Boyloaf, may not be the solution to violent crimes along the waters of the state, others, including the special adviser to the governor on security, Col. Bernard Kenebai argued that the setting up of the Task Force, coupled with the strengthening of the Marine Component of the State Special Security outfit, Door Akpo, may be the solution needed at this time to end crimes along the creeks.
The 11-man special task force, made up of notable leaders among the coalition of ex-militant leaders, including Osei Clever as vice chairman, Tony Ekisa, Pastor Reuben Wilson, Ayibatari Odio, Alalebo West, Ibarakumo Otobo, Daubiri Samba, Chiefson O. Chiefson, Etai Daniel and Pius Andabai Wariyai, is expected to secure creeks and waterways in the state against violent crimes.
The task force, which came barely few days after the coalition of ex-militant leaders in the state assisted men of the Nigeria Police and the Department of State Services (DSS) to secure the release of three high profile victims, including the 90-year-old mother of Senator Emmanuel Paulker and the younger brother of the speaker of the State House of Assembly, Hon Kombowei Benson, is expected to tackle the rising incidence of kidnapping, sea piracy, illegal bunkering and oil pipeline vandalism in recent times in the state.
Governor Dickson, who expressed deep concern over the rising cases of insecurity in the waterways, called on community leaders, youths and the general public to be vigilant and cooperate with the special task force as well as the various security agencies to flush out the perpetrators of criminal activities in the waters.
Meanwhile, Governor Dickson has also approved the setting up of a Special Marine Component of the State Security outfit known as Door Akpor. The marine component is expected to be headed by a serving naval officer from the state.
According to the governor, the date for the inauguration of the special task force and the leadership of Operation Door Akpor Marine will be announced later, with both bodies to function under the direct supervision and coordination of the special adviser to the governor on security matters, Colonel Bernard Kenebai (rtd).
The constitution of the new Task Force on Waterways Security was based on the effort of the ex-militant leaders who intervened in the rising cases of kidnapping in the state and assisted the men of the State Police Command to secure the release of three high profile victims including a British expatriate working for Conoil Nigeria Limited.
The intervention of the ex-militant leaders under the aegis of the South-South Regional Peace Advocacy Group, and the Leadership, Peace and Cultural Development Initiative (LPCDI), led by General (Pastor) Reuben Wilson led to the release of the three victims within five days.
Aside from the British oil worker, the ex-militants in conjunction with the State Police Command and the Office of the Special Adviser to the Governor on Security Matters, rescued the 90-year-old mother of the senator representing Bayelsa Central senatorial district, Senator Paulker and the younger brother of the speaker of the State House of Assembly, Iniokpeomi Benson.
Confirming the role of the ex-militants in the successes recorded last week, the special adviser to the governor on security, Col. Kenebai, said though the role of the ex-militants was that of intelligence on location, the offer of assistance to the state and the police was commendable, adding, “they offered to help and it was a success. The swift response of the state security apparatus is commendable.”
The national coordinator of LPCDI, General Wilson, who threw more light on the role played by ex-militant leaders in the rescue of the three kidnapped victims, said it was part of their required service for peace and security in the region.
According to Wilson, the ex-freedom fighters liaised with the state security agencies including the police in the area of intelligence gathering which led to pressure on the abductors and the abandonment of the abducted woman at a fishing camp in Azuzuama community of Southern Ijaw local government area of the state.
He commended the state government and the security agencies in the state for giving them the opportunity to serve and assist in the rescue operation of the octogenarian.
The ex-freedom fighters also condemned the rising cases of sea piracy and other violent crimes along the waterways and creeks of Southern Ijaw local government area, calling on the indigenes of the coastal communities to assist security agencies in stemming the ugly tide.
According to the ex-freedom fighters, they are ready to work with security agencies in the state to check sea piracy and other crimes along the waterways and creeks of the state.
Indigenes of the coastal communities have, however, continued to commend the state government for the recent constitution of an 11-man special task force to ensure adequate security of lives and property on the waterways in the state.
Residents of some of the communities where cases of sea piracy, kidnapping and pipeline vandalism were on the increase, expressed relief that security would further be strengthened when the marine component of the state security outfit, Operation Door Akpor becomes operational.
According to Mr Ebiakpo James from Ekeremor local government area, incidents of sea piracy, bunkering, and other related vices would be reduced to the barest minimum with the policing of the creeks and waterways by the task force.
He particularly praised the government for the choice of membership of the task force, which is drawn from experienced persons, who have deep knowledge of the creeks and rivulets criss-crossing the state and have been working closely with security personnel in checking pipeline vandalism and other acts of criminality.
Also in her commendation, Mrs Ebiendu Philip expressed joy that commuters, particularly traders would feel safe to travel on the waterways with their wares, noting that sea piracy and hostage taking have had adverse effects on socio-economic activities in the area.
Mrs Biobelemoye Telimoye and Mr Meindiyo Baralate, who observed that the inaccessibility of the creeks in the hinterlands has remained a major factor contributing to the incessant cases of criminal activities, expressed optimism that with the ongoing construction of the Ogbia-Nembe road, life would be a lot easier for residents of Nembe, Brass and Akassa areas in the state.
They said, “In the absence of security, there will be no meaningful development either from the public or private sector and social and economic activities will come to a standstill.”

Furore over condition of Port Harcourt/Bayelsa road

The contract for the quick re-construction of the East/West road linking Delta, Bayelsa and Rivers States was awarded in 2003, but to the consternation of the  people of the three states, the reconstruction has moved at a snail speed. Those plying the road have been at the receiving end, as their vehicles are often damaged and several lives lost to avoidable accidents on the ever busy inter-state road.
Speaking with InsideNigerDelta, a respondent, Mr Festus Obach, noted that the road was so bad that the dual carriage portion had been converted to single carriage road, and that the many accidents on the road could have been avoided, but for the condition of the road.
Another respondent, Madam Florence Jaja, noted that the road was completely bad, and that one could not keep appointments owing to the wastage on manhour caused by the port holes and bumps.
She lamented the politicisation of the situation of the road by the governments at the centre and at the state which had continued to trade blames over the condition.
According to her, “my greatest regret is the fact that I lost an uncle on this same road in January”, adding that if the rate of work was fast enough, her uncle might not have died.
A commercial driver, Mr Johnson Ayodele from Osun State, said they hardly met their target returns for the day because the condition of the road often made them make less than 5 trips, adding that if both sides of the road had been completed, commuters would be able to make 10 to 13 trips on a daily basis.
He also noted that the construction work in the area had been subjected to political wrangling; hence, the work had continued to move at snail speed with no hope in sight that it would be completed.
Susan Amadi, an undergraduate of the University of Port Harcourt, expressed regret over slow pace of work on the East/West road, which she described as an important road to the people of Delta, Bayelsa and Rivers States.
A lecturer at the Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Mr Awele Chinedu, said the condition of the road forced him to relocate from Ahoada to Bayelsa in order to get to work on time, adding that if the dual carriage road was completed, it could have been easier for him to live in his Ahoada resident while working in Bayelsa.

Bayelsa NUJ threatens to boycott 2015 elections

Following the continued security challenges in Bayelsa such as sea piracy and kidnapping, the Bayelsa state chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) has threatened to boycott the coverage of 2015 general elections if measures are not taken to curb the menace.

Traveling in the waterways in major parts of the state has become a source of worry and fear to marine transporters due to the incessant activities of sea pirates and kidnappers who have caused a major havoc in the area.

Speaking yesterday in Yenagoa during the Security Stakeholders Forum organized by the Joint Military Task Force (JTF) as part of the activities marking the 2014 Inter-Agency security week, the Bayelsa state NUJ Chairman, Comrade Tarinyo Akuno decried the increasing wave of sea pirates and kidnapping, while describing maritime security as very important to the people.

He pointed out that the issue of sea piracy and kidnapping has become a big challenge for the people and as such has made the people to become apprehensive of their environment.

“Maritime security is becoming very important to Bayelsa. It has become a big challenge for us as the issues of sea pirates are becoming rampant, and we are becoming apprehensive.

We may not cover the 2015 election due to the issue of piracy and other kidnapping activities”, Akuno stated. The NUJ Chairman also condemned the burning of oil and barges seized from the illegal oil bunkerers by the JTF operatives, saying such acts further destroys the environment.

Earlier in his address, the deputy Commander of JTF, Commodore Imeh H. Ekpa noted that the forthcoming Inter-Agency security week slated to hold from August 20 – 22 would give them the platform to discuss the security challenges.


Bayelsa elders carpet northern elders over ultimatum on Chibok girls

Elders and leaders of thought in Bayelsa State under the aegis of Bayelsa Development Forum (BDF) have slammed Northern elders over the ultimatum given to President Goodluck Jonathan on the rescue of Chibok girls.
At a press conference held in Yenagoa, the BDF said the  Northern elders’ ultimatum was in  bad faith as it showed that they were fully aware before the abduction took place.
Chairman of BDF, Chief Thompson Okorotie, said the forum’s attention had been drawn to an “invidious attack” on Jonathan by the Northern elders.
According to him, the Northern elders have launched   weighty allegations against President Jonathan, which smacked of hatred on the person of the President and the Federal Government.
Okorotie noted that it was a public knowledge that Jonathan had demonstrated sufficient political will and had consistently taken steps towards the release of the abducted girls.
The BDF threw its weight behind President Jonathan to contest the 2015 election, stressing that his right was constitutionally guaranteed.
“The BDF views these statements as most unfortunate. In their desperation, its members have finally exposed their complicity in the kidnap of the Chibok girls, which they had long planned to use as a political ploy against President Jonathan.”This is most callous. They, who have connived to kidnap the Chibok girls and put this burden on Nigeria, should now take definite steps towards assisting the Federal Government to secure the release of the girls.
Mr. President’s achievements have been the basis of the overwhelming support the President is enjoying daily from all parts of the country including the North. We, therefore, call upon Jonathan to declare his intention to contest,” the group said.

Group flays SPDC, others for frustrating local content law

The Niger Delta Indigenous Movement for Radical Change (NDIMRC) has flayed Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and other multinational oil companies for frustrating the implementation of the local content law in project execution in the Niger Delta.
The NDIMRC also enjoined the Minister of Petroleum, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, to call the oil companies to order in the interest of peace.
This was made known at the weekend in a statement signed by its President, Nelly Emma; Secretary, John Sailor and Public Relations Officer, Stanley Mukoro, and made available to Community News in Warri, Delta State. 
The group accused SPDC for the continued undermining of the Nigerian Local Content Law signed by President Goodluck Jonathan in April 22, 2010 through injustice and unfair treatment of the people of the Niger Delta region. 
 “We have been drawing the attention of the whole world to the unholy activities of Shell  in the oil-rich Niger Delta region, but the situation has remained the same as the company has refused to repent.” 
“Our indigenous contractors, who obtained huge loans from  banks over the years to invest  on capacity building are not getting a better deal from the multinational oil companies and Shell is a major culprit. Hence, we are urging the Honourable Minister of Petroleum to call the company to order so as to end the frustration of our local contractors in the hands of Shell, ExxonMobil, Total, Chevron and Agip,” the group stated.
SPDC, it said, has been frustrating indigenous contractors by denying them contracts, adding that, “we are not going to allow Shell to get away with this. We want an end to this injustice now,” the group demanded.

Group Slams Ex-MEND Leader Over Letter To Jonathan

A group, the Grassroots Connect for Restoration (GrassCore), yesterday slammed a former member of the Upper Chamber of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), Paul Eris, popularly known as General Ogunboss, over his open letter to the president, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, alleging that the state governor, Hon Seriake Dickson is disloyal and part of a plot to assassinate him.
The group described the accusation levelled against the state governor, Hon Seriake Dickson as irresponsible and another calculated attempt to create a bad relationship between the governor and the president.
In a statement issued yesterday in Yenagoa and signed by its national coordinator, Hon Nyenye Kuro Mathias, the group called on security agencies to investigate the ex-militant leader for alleged perjury.
“How can a man like that claim that a sitting governor, Hon Seriake Dickson is disloyal to the president? He is being used by some politicians to throw the state into a state of insecurity,” the group said.
According to the group,the preliminary investigation by the group showed that the refusal of the State Governor,Hon.Seriake Dickson,to be drawn into the local conflict between the ex-militant leader and his boys at the Peremabiri community over the sharing of the Agip N5million meant for fuelling community generating set is responsible for the false claims.
“We are aware on good authority that some youths of Peremabiri community interested in freeing their community from the clutches of slavery by Ogunboss had engaged him in deadly battles.Though the State Commissioner of Police,Hillary Okpara,had intervened and finding a lasting solution,the aggrieved ex-militant leader felt he has a sole right over the community and wanted to draw the state government into the crises.”
“The ex-militant leader,who is widely known as part of the dark era of violence during the last administration,is under investigation by different security agencies for alleged cultism and killings.What the people should ask is how he got to the top of his militant camp before the amnesty?How did the notorious Igodo die?Who are the boys that engaged Ogunboss in violent youth leadership clash in Peremabiri community?Were they not boys he armed and trained for nefarious activities in Southern Ijaw councils?what happen to the stipends paid by the Amnesty office to these aggrieved Ogunboss Youths?Truth must be told,he lack credibility.”
“If the past issues of Igodo killings and militant era is hunting Ogunboss,he should not draw the State Governor and his aides into it.He should open his eyes and see that the a new and sustainable peace is existing in the state.In the new Bayelsa,under the Dickson administration,the use of security and government power is over.Rule of law must be followed.”
On the loyalty of Governor Seriake Dickson to President Goodluck Jonathan,the group noted that though the likes of the Former Militant leader may not know what loyalty entails and assured that Dickson is loyal.

IMG Sets Guidelines for Dickson's Loan

The office of Ijaw Motoring Group, IMG, has released the guidelines for the smooth take-off of Governor Seriake Dickson's Micro-Finance loan for Niger Deltans in South-West.
According to the guidelines released by Mr. Andrew Elijah, Chief of Staff to IMG, interested Niger Deltans must belong to a registered cooperative society made up of, at least, 10 persons. The 10 persons must show evidence of having a bank account in the name of the cooperative society and the society shall also produce a group photograph of the members.
It also stipulated that the cooperative society members must participate in the micro-finance management workshop to be organised by IMG as part of requirement for the loan.
It said: "Every umbrella body willing to secure the loan for its affiliated groups must have a bank account as evidence to safe-guard the loan.
"All interested cooperative societies shall collect and submit forms for the loan beginning from Wednesday, August 20 to Friday, August 29, in Lagos."
The IMG thanked the Bayelsa State governor for the loan and lauded the effort of Director General of the agency, Mr. Ifiemi Ikpaikpai for his zeal in driving the vision of the governor on poverty alleviation to uplift Bayelsans.
According to IMG, "we will apply the same method adopted in the disbursement of Delta State Poverty Alleviation loan granted by Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan through the IMG office.

Source: Vanguard

Monday 18 August 2014

Bayelsa monarchs blame indigenes for travails

Traditional rulers in Bayelsa State, who came together under the auspices of Swamp Area Oil and Gas Producing Communities’ Association, have revealed that indigenes of the state working with multinational companies are behind the neglect suffered by the state over the years.
According to them, their sons and brothers working with the various oil companies are the ones making things difficult for the communities each time they approach the management of these multinational corporations operating in the Niger Delta.
The association, which inaugurated its executive corps at the Ijaw House in Yenagoa with an impressive turnout, however, recorded no presence of multinational companies.
The monarchs, however, said they would not allow that to discourage them from achieving their objective of forming a formidable body that would protect oil installations from vandalisation, and other prevalent crimes in the area.
Speaking to newsmen in Yenagoa, the Chairman of the body, Chief Victor Kurekigha Ighaba, said letters were sent out to the multinational companies as they also wanted to use the medium to discuss some oil-related issues affecting the area, but that they turned their back on them.


Gunmen kidnap four dredging workers in Bayelsa

Four workers of a dredging company attached to construction giant, Setraco, were Saturday kidnapped along the creek of Nembe in Nembe Local Government Area of the Bayelsa State by unknown gunmen.
The abducted workers have been identified as Caleb Agene, Otuke Magic Kingdom, Gabriel Oghene and Godwin Odukpong.
The abduction of the dredging workers came few days after the state government set up an 11-man security task force, headed by former leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), Ebikabowei Victor-Ben.
According to a security source, “The dredging crew members were reportedly seized and whisked away from their dredging base by the armed men, who came in a speedboat. We heard sporadic shooting Saturday night but we never knew it was from the daredging firm base.”
Sources confirmed that the Southern Ijaw communities and Nembe creeks have become the hub of violent crimes in the state. Gunmen and sea pirates have been identified to freely engage in kidnapping, sea piracy, pipeline vandalization and oil theft.
“Activities of the hoodlums also extended to neighbouring communities of Azuzama and Ekeni in Ekeremor LGA of the state,” sources said.
Meanwhile, operatives of the Joint Military Task Force, code named Operation Pulo Shield, under the leadership of Major General Emmanuel Atewe ordered a security action against identified kidnappers’ camps in the Southern Ijaw areas of the state.
In a statement issued by JTF spokesman, Lt. Col. Anka Mustapha, the anti illegal bunkering squad of the task force, led by Commanding Officer of 5 Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Shu’aibu Nuhu, in collaboration with the air component of the task force, stormed a camp at Meibegbemo, located at Zobia of Faropo community of southern Ijaw LGA, dislodged the camp, recovered arms and ammunition before setting it ablaze.
According to the statement, “during a shootout, miscreants escaped to the creeks with several gunshot wounds sustained during the exchange of fire.
“No arrest was made but caches of arms and ammunition were recovered. Other items recovered include six fibre boats, with 75hp bow out engine mounted on them, seven pieces 65hp engine, 12 pieces of mattress, two generating sets, four smoke grenade and five cell phones, with 15 SIM cards, belonging to different communication companies.
“Others include food stuff, refrigerators, freezers and video camera, with microphone belonging to African World Web Television, presumed to belong to a victim of the criminals.”
The hoodlums, it was learnt, are responsible for robbery activities on vessels, boats and ferries plying the Forupa channel, while their kidnapped victims are kept in the camp. The recent hostages and attacks on Bayelsa waterways, which sometimes led to death of their victims are alleged to have been perpetrated by the camp operators. Attack on the camp made the waterways of the Niger Delta unsafe for both the oil company workers and marine operators and the general public.

Empowerment: Bayelsa Govt Disburse N20M Loan To Epie/Atissa Women

The Bayelsa State Government has disbursed the sum of N20 million as loan to Epie/Atissa women.
The disbursement, which is part of the empowerment programme of the present administration, is in fulfilment of an earlier promise to the women.
While speaking at the cheque presentation ceremony held at the NUJ Press Centre in Yenagoa, Commissioner of Information and Orientation, Deacon Markson Fefegha said the loan disbursement was in keeping with the present administration's commitment to improving the lot of the citizenry and charged the women to invest the money wisely. 
The Director General of the Micro-finance and Enterprise Development Agency, Mr. Ifiemi Ikpaikpai, who noted that there are other loan opportunities, urged the women to use the loans judiciously so that they can pay back and be eligible for more loans.
In his remarks, the Director General of the Bureau for Co-operative Development, Chief Joseph Alah told the women to adopt the co-operative model and pay back the loans as at when due so that other people can benefit too.
Also speaking at the occasion, the Monarch of Atissa clan, King Godwin Igodo, who is also the chairman of the Bayelsa State Council of Traditional Rulers, commended the state governor for the loan given to the Epie/Atissa women and urged the women to utilise the loan properly and improve themselves and their families.
Responding on behalf of the women, Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Women Empowerment in Yenagoa Local Government, Mrs. Grace Columbus thanked the governor for keeping to his promise to the women.
She said the loan will go a long way in improving the lives of the women and their various families.
Women from a total of 29 communities in Epie/Atissa benefitted from the loans, which is to administered by their co-operative societies.

'Northern Leaders Should Champion Fight Against Insurgency'

Special Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Niger Delta and Chairman, Presidential Amnesty Programme, Hon. Kingsley Kuku, yesterday urged Northern Nigerian leaders to champion the fight against insurgency that was currently ravaging a section of the region.
He said for peace to return to north-eastern Nigeria, political, community, opinion, religious and intellectual leaders of the north must borrow a leaf from Niger Delta, Southwest and Southeast leaders who at a time were key to the resolution of restiveness in their respective area.

Kuku who spoke in Benin City when he delivered the 10th Convocation Lecture of Benson Idahosa University, pointed out that this became imperative based on the security challenges in Northeast Nigeria.
Speaking on the topic: "Challenging Current Security Issues for National Transformation: The Way Forward", he said, "the greatest mistake any person or group of persons would ever make is to politicise insecurity, particularly terrorism. The war against insurgency and terrorism must be a collective one but I insist, based on fact that northern leaders must lead the charge against obvious enemies of their people, their religion, their land and people".
He was of the view that the political resolution of the Niger Delta crisis was made possible because of the intervention of leaders of the region.
Similarly, he cited the key role played by political, opinion and intellectual leaders of the southwest of Nigeria in reining in the Oodua Peoples' Congress (OPC) when their activities became inimical to development and transformation in the zone.
In the same vein, Hon. Kuku noted that in the southeast, when activities of the Movement for Actualisation of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) began to militate against development and transformation in the area, the political and opinion leaders of the region were on hand to curb their excesses.
"I have said on several occasions and I will reiterate it here that even while the Federal Government and the Armed Forces of our great nation are doing all they can to restore peace, safety and security in northeast Nigeria, political, community, opinion, religious and intellectual leaders in Northern Nigeria must borrow a leaf from Niger Delta leaders, Southwest leaders as well as leaders in the South-eastern parts of the country and lead efforts to restore peace, safety and security in their communities, particularly, terrorism.
"The war against insurgency and terrorism must be a collective one, but I insist, based on facts that northern leaders must lead the charge against obvious enemies of their people.
"The political resolution of the Niger Delta crisis and other areas have shown that it is not all the time that guns and bombs are used in stemming conflicts because 'there was never a good war or a bad peace according to Benjamin Franklin" , Kuku stressed.
He said because of the relative peace and security that the amnesty proclamation and post-amnesty programme engendered in the Niger Delta, crude oil export figure has soared from 700,000 barrels per day to between 2.4 and 2.6 million barrels per day.
To him also, the intervention  of Southwest leaders led to the integration of OPC operatives who today have become respectable officers of various agencies in Lagos State like LATSMA, KAI, LAWMA, etc.


Step up efforts to meet prescribed deadline-Contractors warned

Contractors handling sports-related government projects have been given the marching orders to step up efforts to meet prescribed deadline or risk not being paid for the next milestone.

Bayelsa State Commissioner for Sports Development, Chief Ebikitin  Diongoli handed down the warning while addressing contractors at the Bayelsa State Football Academy, Angalabiri in Sagbama Local Government Area shortly after inspection of projects there.

The commissioner, who expressed delight over the performance of some contractors, however had cause to lambast others for poor performance, stressing that contractors who fail to complete their second milestone on schedule will not be paid for the next milestone.

He said the purpose of the project inspection tour was not to witch-hunt anybody but to ensure that contractors were on ground at their project sites and also to ascertain the level of job done.

He urged the contractors to ensure they do quality jobs that will stand the test of time to complement the good intentions of the state government in establishing the sports facility.

The commissioner also inspected projects at the Bayelsa State Sports Academy, Asoama in Kolokuma Opokuma Local Government Area of the state.

With the Commissioner on the project monitoring team were the Head of Administration Department, Mrs. Grace T. Alagoa, Head of Planning, Research and Statistics, Sampson Poripo and the Head of Sports, Mrs. Josephine Amakuro.


Navy Hands Over 20 Suspected Oil Thieves To EFCC

The Central Naval Command of the Nigerian Navy, with headquarters in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, has handed over 20 suspected crude oil thieves to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).  

The handing over of the suspects took place on Wednesday at the command’s Forward Operating Base, Formoso, Brass, Bayelsa State.
The suspects including 18 Nigerians, one Camerounian and one Ghanaian were on board the vessel MV ELMINA.
The Commanding Officer, FOB Formoso, Capt. Noel Madugu, said the suspects were arrested at Sangana River in Brass Local Government Area of the state.
He said that during the time of arrest, the captain of the ship could not provide the relevant documents  to lift crude oil.
Capt Madugu also said the suspects declared they were loading Automated Gas Oil (diesel), but when the products were tested, it was discovered to be crude oil.
Capt Madugu, who paraded the suspects before handing them over to the officials of the EFCC, Port Harcourt office, noted that the culprits were arrested around 1.30am local time on August 7, 2014.
The commanding officer said: “About 1.30am, August 7, 2014, MV ELMINA was intercepted coming out of the creeks of Sangana River entrance in Brass Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.
“The vessel and her crew were intercepted by NNS BOMADI while on routine patrol of the area.
“Upon arrest, the actions of the crew during interrogation indicated that they had carried out the dubious activity as they refused initially to answer their radio until several warning shots”.
Madugu said the ship was however boarded and discovered that she was loaded with crude oil.
According to Capt. Madugu, the vessel was safely escorted and anchored at Brass River where she was detained for further interrogation.
Madugu gave the names of the suspects as Lucky Osiebe, captain; Adakole Onmoniji, Chief engineer; Monday Esemutoye; Tonwoye College; Collins Ograko; Odaba Divine; Dutie Ezetu; Frederick Onwoievbe;  Bonley Atangeho and Dover Abruda.
Others, according to Madugu, are Joe Richard, Campala Lewis, Efe Godday, Aaron Amohefe, Reuben Dabbi, Joseph Koey,  Ponmile Gideon, Wafo Marcel, Dominion Agbo and Akinbolu David.

The Nigerian government had ordered the Navy and other security agencies to tackle oil theft in the Niger delta region,as it was affecting revenue generated from crude oil sales.

2015: No blackmail can stop Jonathan –IYC warns Northern Elders

The Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) has declared that no amount of blackmail would stop President Goodluck Jonathan from contesting the 2015 presidential election. The council’s spokesman, Eric Omare, said recent comments by some northern elders over the insurgency in the zone were  clear indication that the crisis was being fuelled by Northern elements to discredit the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan.
According to IYC, it was an act of desperation on the part of northern elements to insist  that President Jonathan should not contest the 2015 presidential election if he failed to  produce the kidnapped Chibok girls.
The IYC advised the Northern elders to borrow a leaf from Niger Delta leaders, who went to the creeks to mediate between Niger Delta agitators and the Federal Government.
Omare said: “By this publication, the Northern Elders have confirmed the consistent position of the IYC and other well meaning Nigerians that the insurgency in the North is being fuelled by politicians and some leaders of northern extraction like members of the Northern Elders Forum, to discredit the government of President Jonathan, so as to make his candidature unpopular in 2015.
“The IYC regards this as unpatriotic and the height of desperation for power by some northern leaders and call for their immediate arrest for fuelling insurgency in the North.
“The IYC wish to state clearly, that no amount of blackmail by some northern leaders through insurgency or any other means would stop President Jonathan from seeking a second term in office in line with the 1999 Constitution. Jonathan’s second term in office is the right of the Niger Delta people. The Northern Elders Forum lacks the moral justification to blame President Jonathan for the insurgency in the North. What have they (the Elders of the North) done to tame the insurgency rather than fuelling it?
The IYC urged the security agencies to arrest members of the Northern Elders Forum for their alleged role in promoting insurgency in the North.