Thursday 21 February 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has admonished aspirants vying for various offices in the Ijaw National Congress (INC), to see the exercise as a call to service rather than a political activity. Governor Dickson particularly warned former officers of the INC not to engage in acts that could threaten the peace and stability of the unity and survival of the Ijaw Nation in their bid to support candidates of their choice in the forthcoming elections of the congress. 

The Governor handed down the warning during a meeting with an expanded Executive Council of the INC, which took place at the Ijaw House in Yenagoa. He said, “While people retain their rights to support candidates of their choice, nobody should do anything that could threaten our unity and survival. A few days ago, I had cause to authorize an announcement cautioning aspirants to realize that contesting for an office in the INC is a call to duty; it is an opportunity to offer service.

It is not the same attitude you display when you are contesting for a normal political office.  Ours is an organization that stands for service.”      

 According to the Bayelsa State Chief Executive, the INC is nobody’s political play field and if people want to test their political strength, they should join political parties and display whatever strategies they have. 

Governor Dickson, who noted that his duty was to provide support and encouragement to ensure that after the process of the election, the Ijaw Nation becomes more united and respected, thanked the Acting President of the INC, Chief Joshua Benamaisia and other members of the Election Planning Committee, ELECO for their contributions and sacrifices in the service of the people. 

The Governor remarked that though it is an election, the activity should be regarded as a family affair and reminded them that the INC is not a profit-making organization but a platform for promoting the ethnic interests of the Ijaw people.

 Earlier in his remarks, the Acting President of the INC, Chief Joshua Benamaisia said the meeting was convened at the instance of Governor Dickson to deliberate on issues to move the Ijaw Nation forward.  

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Friday 15 February 2013



Messrs Akoso Napoleon and Ebikeme Okoringa were on Friday sworn in as the Acting Chairmen of Sagbama and Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State.The ceremony which was performed by the State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson under the supervision of the Chief Judge, Justice Kate Abiri was sequel to the impeachment of the former chairmen of the affected local government areas over alleged abuse of office.

The Peoples Democratic Party had in a statement signed by its State Chairman Colonel Sam Inokoba (rtd) accussed the affected chairmen of desperate attempts to undermine the peace of the LGAs under their care with the active support and collaboration of some desperate politicians and power seekers.The statement reads in part, ‘barely two months ago PDP in Bayelsa State waded into the matter concerning the three LGAs.

We took the decision because of several disturbing reports on the refusal of the Chairmen of the three local government areas to work with their respective Councillors’.As a responsible party, we at the time decried the action of the Chairmen, particularly their refusal to work with the Councillors. The party advised the chairmen to work harmoniously with their Councillors and not see their reinstatement by the Supreme Court as a call to exact vengeance.

 ‘Sadly, rather than allow reason prevail, the said chairmen have chosen to embrace the path of self-destruction, apparently because they have long ceased to be members and dumped our great party and embraced little known Change Advocacy Party (CAP). ‘Having found themselves in councils dominated by PDP-elected councilors, these chairmen have since discovered that they cannot be Sole Administrators from their shaky CAP platform.

P  The point must be made clear that no sooner had the Chairmen been reinstated than they appointed their Vice Chairmen without recourse to the Councillors, who are constitutionally empowered to ratify such appointments’. However, in his charge to the new Acting Chairmen, the Governor warned them against turning the council to their personal estate, saying, don’t operate as sole administrators; rather you should work harmoniously with your legislative arms. ‘As an administration hinged on transparency and accountability, you are expected to render monthly account of income and expenditure of the council funds’. 

We are working hard to preserve and protect the democratic system at the third tier of government to ensure smooth transition of local government administration. In a related development, Governor Dickson has inaugurated the 32 rural development authorities in the state, charging them to reside in their respective domains and perform their constitutional roles. 

His charge, ‘developmental centres should really be for development and I expect you people to monitor projects cutting across your respective communities.   
 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
 Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State      

Thursday 14 February 2013



Bayelsa state Governor Hon. Seriake Dickson on Thursday presented a bank draft of N3.9bn to Julius Berger Plc and Rafoe Nigeria Limited to fast track the developmental projects embarked upon by his administration in the State.

Making the presentation as part of activities marking his one year in office, Hon. Dickson said the amount paid was part of savings from the 17.22 bn released from the state monthly savings.Calling on the affected companies to expedite action on the completion of the various projects they are handling including two flyovers at the NNPC mega station area and Tombia-Edepie roundabout, the Governor said they would be held liable if the projects are delayed.

According to him, the timeline for the completion of the over head bridges is 24 months, while the expansion of Onopa section of the Sir Lambert Eradiri road and the bridge linking the proposed tourism Island is 18 months.‘We are not indebted to any contractor, rather they are the ones owing us. That is why I am presenting the draft in the public for the teeming Bayelsans to know and monitor them’.Also, the Governor has expressed concern over the payment of N4.104bn monthly wage to public and political office holders, expressing its readiness to work in collaboration with the members of the newly inaugurated Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation, (BDIC) to ensure reduction in the State’s recurrent expenditure.

In his financial breakdown at the January monthly transparency briefing held on Thursday in Yenagoa, the State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson said at the end of every month, civil servants are being paid N3.8bn as salary, while political appointees’ salary stand at N304m.According to him, on assumption of office, one year ago, we inherited a wage bill of N5bn.

However, after necessary financial measures were put in place, the figure drastically reduced to N3.8bn. We are still going to do more at ensuring that we bring down our recurrent wage bill to the barest minimum.We inherited a fraud infested system. In Bayelsa state as at the time we took over, we had a total number of 5,237 teachers and 8,000 non academic staff including cleaners who do not go to work in the primary schools across the state.

While the government is complaining of dearth of instructors in the Education sectors, the administrators, for their selfish reasons keep on employing their aged relations as cleaners.The Governor queried, “how can non academic staff out-number teaching staff, when the state is complaining of dearth of teachers in our primary and secondary schools.

We are still going to embark on another round of verification exercise, to fish out the remaining ghost workers in the system. The third tier of government is not spared either.”Even though the claim is that non teaching staff is not earning much but by the time you put the figure together, it becomes something else. We cannot condone this act any longer.Some local government administrators are fond of recruiting their family members without recourse to due process.

This has to be stopped for the state to move forward.On the state financial status at the end of January, the governor put the Gross inflow at N15.215bn, the Federation Account Allocation Commission, (FAAC) deduction stands at N2.385bn and the Net inflow balance is N12.829bn.The monthly outflow as put forward by the government include; bank repayment; N1.9bn and FIRS is N200m.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State 

Monday 11 February 2013



 Piqued by the epileptic power supply in some parts of the State, the Bayelsa government has released over four billion naira into the power sector in the last one year, while also vigorously pursuing its rural electrification projects across the State.

Giving an account of his Ministry’s stewardship under the Restoration Administration of Governor Seriake Dickson, the State Commissioner for Energy, Mr. Francis Ikio said investments in the power sector became imperative inview its relevance to the economic growth of the State.The Power sector, according to the Commissioner, plays a significance role in any growing economy, that is why the present administration is leaving no stone unturned at ensuring that all the rural areas become beneficiaries of its Electrification projects.

To this end no fewer than 23 projects have been awarded which include; rehabilitation, reticulation of networks and extension of electricity across several communities in the state, adding that, ten communities in Sagbama Local Government Area are beneficiaries of the rural electricity scheme. He added that government is making efforts at refurbishing the 20 Megawatt capacity power plant at Imiringi in Ogbia LGA which is currently generating five megawatts to generate up to 15mgw.

 Mr Ikio explained that the Ministry recently installed 80 units of 300 KVA electricity transformers in Yenogoa and its environs to end cases of low voltage supply being experienced in those areas.

 According to him, the Energy Ministry is currently supervising the 23 ongoing electricity projects across the state to ensure that set standards and timelines were achieved by contractors.Some of the projects include the rehabilitation and reticulation of the Obunagha-Sagbama 33 KVA Line as well as extension to Ofoni community through Ebederbiri, Bolou Orua, Angiama and Toru-Orua.

Others include the Sagbama 2x7.5 MVA injection sub-station; Agbere-Odoni 1000KVA Gas fired CAT generating station including cabling; upgrading and modification of Angiama sub-station to import and export electricity to communities in Southern-Ijaw local government area among others. The Energy Commissioner added that the Ministry was working to ensure the availability of power to keep pace with the development of the State in other critical sectors.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Friday 8 February 2013



The Bayelsa State Government has commenced massive cultivation of cassava and rice for export as well as boost food production and internally generated revenue base of the State.

To this end, the state government has acquired a total of 600 hectares of land for the cultivation of improved varieties of cassava in various locations around the State.The State Commissioner for Agriculture, Dr. Thomas Commander disclosed this at one of the cassava multiplication farms at Ebedebiri in Sagbama Local Government Area of the State during a media tour of facilities embarked upon by his Ministry to mark the one year anniversary of Governor Henry Seriake Dickson’s administration.

The essence of the tour, according to the commissioner, is that the administration was using agriculture to drive a programme of diversifying the State’s economy as well as generate employment opportunities.The commissioner explained that the cassava cuttings sourced from the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan were pest resistance and very high yields.“They are pest resistant and give very high yields, and when they grow and we get the stem, these stems will be used to develop a commercial cassava factory."

The Ebedebiri farm is kick starting with 40 hectares in size. This farm is meant for multiplication of improved variety of cassava cuttings; these cassavas, the ones you are seeing are improved varieties”.  “The total area will be 600 hectares some of which is located at Ebedebiri and Ofoni and other locations will make up the 600 hectares total size of the farm for the cassava project.“It is going to be used for export, we are going to process the cassava mainly for export, it is going to be a major source of revenue for the State and the Nation.”

Dr. Commander also said that Government is to embark on the quick rehabilitation of the rice farms at Peremabiri, Isampou and Kolo for commercial purposes, adding that, Government will go into partnership with investors from Thailand and Malaysia for the rice and oil palm.

According to him, the State Government has concluded plans to install a very big palm oil mill for the diversification of oil products such as soap making, pomade, vegetable oil amongst others.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Thursday 7 February 2013



The Bayelsa State Government has commenced the construction of five referral hospitals in parts of the State to boost qualitative health care service delivery to the people of the State.

  Bayelsa State Commissioner for Health, Dr Anapurere Awoli announced this in Yenagoa while conducting newsmen round projects embarked upon by the ministry across the state as part of the one year anniversary of Governor Henry Seriake Dickson’s administration. 

The projects which are being kick-started in five Local Government Areas are located in Sagbama, Ogbia, Ekeremor, Southern-Ijaw and Kolokuma/Opokuma Council Areas, while the remaining three Local Governments of Brass, Yenagoa and Nembe were excludedbecause of the medical facilities already existing in those areas.Awoli said the five referral hospitals which contracts were awarded in  February, 2013 have a nine months completition period.

  He explained that because of the seriousness Government attached to the welfare of workers, the State Government is also constructing a 20-bed civil servants clinic at the State secretariat complex.According to the commissioner, the State Government Emergency ambulance unit boosts of a number ambulance vehicles and boats, a situation which according to him, assisted in creating a zero mortality rate during last year’s floods in the State.

The commissioner noted that “Governor Dickson sees health as very important and therefore, on assumption of duty set up the HIV/AIDS Agency, a bold step that has helped in curbing the HIV/AIDS prevalent rate in the state.”Awoli expressed Government’s desire to urgently put into use the 500-bed Melford Okilo Memorial Hospital, Yenagoa, which has now been reduced to a 375-bed hospital to better serve the purpose of health care delivery for the people of the State.

The commissioner added that medical equipment and drugs have been distributed to Health Centres across the state, noting that two Health Centres at Otakeme and Elemebiri in Ogbia and Sagbama Local Government Areas would be commissioned during the Governor’s one year anniversary.

At the Bayelsa State Government owned Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri, the commissioner listed some completed projects to include a combined medical ward, Gyneacology ward, walk ways, among others.

The Chief Medical Director of the Teaching Hospital, Dr. Onyaye Euphemia Kunle-Olowu conducted the commissioner and the media team round facilities at the health institution.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson                                                                        
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Nigeria: SDPC Aids Science Education in Bayelsa.
By Samuel Oyadongha

The Anglo — Dutch oil giant, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SDPC), yesterday said its investment in the sciences in Bayelsa State schools, has helped reverse the dearth of candidates from the state possessing relevant qualifications for employment in the areas of engineering, medicine as well as oil and gas disciplines.

SPDC Managing Director, Mr. Mutiu Sumonu, stated this in Yenagoa on the occasion of the fourth edition of the science competition for secondary schools in the state.The competition sponsored by the oil giant was in collaboration with the state Ministry of Education, Intels, Science Teachers Association (STAN) and Initiative for Science and Education Development (ISED).Represented by Mr. Evans Krukrubo, General Manager, Sustainable Development and Community Relations, Mr. Sumonu said, "we are here today to ensure that our children in Bayelsa State develop a keen interest in the sciences and also encourage more students to pursue these subjects at higher education.

"We decided to focus on science education, because graduate recruitment exercises have highlighted the dearth of candidates from Bayelsa State possessing relevant qualifications for employment in the areas of engineering, medicine as well as oil and gas disciplines."Continuing he said, "based on the evaluation studies carried out by SPDC staff, there has been a significant increase in the enrolment of science subjects and pass rates in WAEC and NECO exams since the commencement of the Bayelsa Science Quiz and Fair in 2009."According to him, education remains one of the company's areas of focus in social performance delivery strategy and had invested a lot in this respect over the last few years.

He said, "the SPDC JV in collaboration with INTEL Corporations and the Education Trust Fund (ETF) set up a web-based Science and Mathematics learning programme called This programme has already taken off in Bayelsa State- a centre was set up at Nembe National Grammar School and handed over to the state Ministry of Education in July 2011."Prior to this, the SPDC JV, upgraded the infrastructure in the Government Science & Technical College, Ekowe, among other schools. The JV also handed over to the Bayelsa State Government, the Yenagoa Model School at Okaka-Epie, constructed at the cost of N142m.

In addition, over 300 secondary school students from the state are awarded scholarship annually."In September 2012, we awarded full scholarships to 20 brilliant pupils selected from community primary schools in the state in our flagship Cradle-to-Career Scholarship scheme, which provides quality education for scholars in reputable secondary schools in the region. A total of 60 students from the state are currently benefiting from the scheme.

"In his remarks, the State Commissioner for Education, Salo Adikumo, lauded the effort of the company and called on other multi-national firms operating in the state to emulate SPDC's noble gesture aimed at improving the socio- economic well- being of the people in its area of operations.

He assured that the state government would continue to provide the needed peaceful climate for investments to flourish.A total of 99 schools in the state took part in the competition and the subjects covered were English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Agricultural Science.Bellary Secondary School, Yenagoa emerged the overall winner while Obolo Grammar School in Southern Ijaw council area came second and Isaac Adaka Boro College of Education Demonstration School took third position.

Curled from the Vanguard

Saturday 2 February 2013

The hypocrisy of yesterday’s men

The hypocrisy of yesterday’s men
by Reuben Abati

A loosely bound group of yesterday’s men and women seems to be on the offensive against the Jonathan administration. They pick issues with virtually every effort of the administration, pretending to do so in the public interest; positing that they alone, know it all. Arrogantly, they claim to be better and smarter than everyone else in the current government. They are ever so censorious, contrarian and supercilious.They have no original claim to their pretensions other than they were privileged to have been in the corridors of power once upon a time in their lives. They obviously got so engrossed with their own sense of importance they began to imagine themselves indispensable to Nigeria.

It is dangerous to have such a navel-gazing, narcissistic group inflict themselves with so much ferocity on an otherwise impressionable public. We are in reality dealing with a bunch of hypocrites.With exceptions so few, they really don’t care about Nigeria as a sovereign but the political spoils that accrue from it. And so they will stop at nothing to discredit those they think are not as deserving as they imagine themselves to be. President Jonathan has unfairly become the target of their pitiable frustrations.Underneath their superfluous appearance, lies an unspoken class disdain directed at the person and office of a duly elected president of the country.

It is a Nigerian problem, perhaps. In the same advanced societies which these same yesterday men and women often like to refer to, public service is seen and treated as a privilege. People are called upon to serve; they do so with humility and great commitment, and when it is all over, they move on to other things. The quantity surveyor returns to his or her quantity surveying or some other decent work; the lawyer to his or her wig and gown; the university teacher, to the classroom, glad to have been found worthy of national service. When and where necessary, as private citizens they are entitled to use the benefit of this experience to contribute to national development, they speak up on matters of public importance not as a full-time job as is the case in Nigeria currently.Abati-412

What then, is the problem with us? As part of our governance evolution, most people become public servants by accident, but they soon get so used to the glamour of office that they lose sight of their own ordinariness. They use the system to climb: to become media celebrities, to gain international attention and to morph into self-appointed guardians of the Nigerian estate. They mask self interest motives as public causes and manipulate the public’s desire for improvements in their daily struggles as opportunity for power grab.They are perpetually hanging around, lobbying and hustling for undeserved privileges. They exploit ethnic and religious connections where they can or join political parties and run for political office. They even write books (I, me and myself books, packaged as cerebral stuff); if that still doesn’t work, they lobby newspaper houses for columns to write and they become apostolic pundits pontificating on matters ranging from the nebulous to the non-descript. Power blinds them to the reality that we are all in this together and we have a unique opportunity to do well for the taxpayers and hardworking electorate that provide every public official the privilege to serve.Unsatisfied with the newspaper columns, they open social media accounts and pretend to be voices of wisdom seeking to cultivate an angry crowd which they feed continually with their own brand of negativity. They arrange to give lectures at high profile events where they abuse the government of the day in order to gain attention and steal a few minutes in the sun; hoping to force an audience that may ‘open doors’ for them, back into the corridors of power. These characters are in different sizes and shapes: small, big; Godfathers, agents, proxies.

The tactics of the big figures on this rung of opportunism may be slightly different. They parade themselves as a Godfather or kingmaker or the better man who should have been king. They suffer of course, from messianic delusions. The fact that they boast of some followership and the media often treats them as icons, makes their nuisance factor worse. They and their protégés and proxies are united by one factor though: their hypocrisy.It is in the larger interest of our country that the point be made that the government of the day welcomes criticism and political activism. This is an aspect of our emergent democracy that expands on the growing freedom of expression, thought and association but there is need for caution and vigilance, lest we get taken hostage by the architects of odious disinformation.

Nigerians must not allow any group of individuals to hold this country to ransom and no one alone should appropriate the right to determine what is best for Nigeria. The accidental public servants who have turned that privilege into a life-long obsession and profession must be told to go get a life and find meaningful work to do.Those who believe that no one else can run Nigeria without them must be told to stop hallucinating. The former Ministers, former Governors, former DGs, and all sorts who have been busy quoting mischievous figures, spreading cruel propaganda must be reminded that the Jonathan administration is in fact trying to clean up the mess that they created. They want to own the game when the ball is not in their possession. They want to be the referee when nobody has offered them a whistle. They seek to play God, forgetting that the case for God is not in the hands of man.

One of the virtues of enlightenment is for persons to have a true perspective of their own location in the order of things. What they do not seem to realise or accept is that the political climate has changed.When one of them was in charge of this same estate called Nigeria, he shut down the Port Harcourt airport and other airports for close to two years under the guise of renovation. The Port Harcourt airport was abandoned for so long it was overgrown with weeds after serving for months as a practice ground for motoring schools. It was reopened without any improvement and with so much money down the drain, and the pervasive suspicion that the reason it was shut down in the first place was to create a market for a new airline that had been allowed the monopoly use of the other airport in the city.Under President Jonathan, airports across the country are being upgraded, rebuilt and modernized; in less than two years, the transformation is self-evident.

Perhaps the greatest hypocrisy from our see-no-good commentators comes from the one who superintended over the near-collapse of the aviation sector who is now audacious enough to claim to be a social critic.For the first time since 1999, the Nigerian Railway Corporation is up and running as a service organization. The rail lines have become functional from Lagos to Kano; Ewekoro to Minna, and very soon, from Port Harcourt to Maiduguri, Abuja to Kaduna and Lagos to Ibadan. They couldn’t do this in their time, now they are busy looking for money that is not missing with their teeth. When questions are asked, they claim they invented the ideas of due process and accountability.

They once promised to solve the crisis of electricity supply in Nigeria. But what did they do? They managed to leave the country in darkness with less than 2,000 MW; abandoned independent power projects, mismanaged power stations, and uncompleted procurement processes. The mess was so bad their immediate successors had to declare an emergency in the power sector. It has taken President Jonathan to make the difference. Today, there is greater coherence in the management of the power sector with power supply in excess of 4, 200 MW; a better conceived power sector road map is running apace, and the administration is determined to make it better.

They complain about the state of the roads. Most of the contracts were actually awarded under their watch to the tune of billions! They talk about corruption, yet many of them have thick case files with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the courts and the police on corruption-related charges. One of them was even accused of having awarded choice plots of government land to himself, his wives, his companies and other relations when he was in charge of such allocations! Really, have we forgotten so soon?These yesterday men and women certainly don’t seem to care very much about the Nigerian taxpayer who has had to bear the brunt of the many scandals this administration is exposing in its bid to clear out the Augean stable.

They’d rather grandstand with the ex-General this, Chief that, Doctor this and ex-(dis)Honourable Minister who has no record of what he or she did with the funds the nation provided them to deliver results to protect our interest so that we don’t end up continuing to make the same wasteful mistakes.It is enough to make you shudder at the thought of any of them being part of government with access to the public purse; but then we’ve already seen what some of them are capable of doing when in control of public money, authority and influence; and to that the people have spoken in unison – they have had enough.

Nigerians are wiser and are now familiar with the trickery from these persons whose claim to fame and fortune was on the back of their public service.Our point at the risk of overstating what is by now too obvious: We have too many yesterday men and women behaving too badly. We are dealing with a group of power-point technocrats who have mastered the rhetoric of public grandstanding: carefully crafted emotion-laden sound bites passed off as meaningful engagements. That is all there is to them, after many years of hanging around in relevant places and mingling in the right corridors, all made possible through the use/abuse of Nigeria. Our caveat to their audience is the same old line:

let the buyer beware!

Dr. Abati is Special Adviser
(Media and Publicity) to President Goodluck Jonathan
Culled from vanguard



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson says investments being made in human resources and physical infrastructures are all geared towards developing a viable economic base that will endure in the post-oil era. Governor Dickson made the assertion when members of Course 35 of the Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Jaji led by its Deputy Commandant and Director of Studies, Rear Admiral Duke O. Osuofa paid him a courtesy call in Government House, Yenagoa. 

Commenting on the theme of the study tour, “Diversifying the Economy of Bayelsa for National Development,” Governor Dickson noted that his administration’s major focus was in the area of agriculture and tourism towards the diversification of the state’s economy. While urging the team, currently on a study tour of the state to visit the first oil well located at Oloibiri in the state, the Governor described the area as a metaphor of neglect and a constant reminder of the need to diversify as oil and gas are non-renewable assets.  

The State Chief Executive, said it was in realization of this need that government was working at maintaining the existing peaceful atmosphere in the state, which he noted was a prerequisite for any meaningful development to take place. Governor Dickson also expressed the hope that as the team traverses the length and breadth of the state, they will appreciate the challenges of developing the state as well as the numerous potentials that abound in Bayelsa.

 The Governor who was full of praises for the Nigerian Military for its professionalism and dedication in the service of their fatherland thanked the Staff College for the choice of Bayelsa as one of its study states. He stated that the report of the team, which is expected to be made available to government, at the end of the tour, would be adopted for discussion at the State Executive Council. Earlier in his remarks, the Deputy Commandant and Director of Studies, Rear Admiral Duke O. Osuofa explained that Course 35 of the Staff College decided to visit 9 states in the country including Bayelsa on a study tour as part of the College training of their officers.

 Rear Admiral Osuofa who is also the team leader, remarked that the aim of the study tour was to enable participants have a first hand knowledge of what Bayelsa was doing to diversify its economy for national development. The team leader hailed the efforts of Governor Dickson at transforming the landscape of Bayelsa and urged him not to rest on his oars until the state is taken to the next level.  

 He explained that the study tour was also to afford participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with political and socio-economic issues, which are fundamental to the development of the country. According to him, the Course 35 participants have 22 students from 14 different countries while the team to Bayelsa includes an officer each from Ghana and Burkina Faso. 

  Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Government said on Friday that it has recovered the sum of N18.6bn Derivation Funds from the Federation Account Allocation Commission, (FAAC) and refunded the sum of  N7.4bn to neighbouring States.Also, the government has refunded the sum of N7.4bn being over payment of Excess Crude/Augmentation 2006 to 2010 and Okori and Ndah Fields to other states.Raising a poser over the refund made on Okori and Ndah Fields while briefing newsmen on the financial status of the state as part of the activities marking the Governor Seriake Dickson led administration’s one year in office, the State Commissioner of Finance, Mr. Duate Iyabi said, , ‘we are however, disputing the N2bn refund because Bayelsa State had never benefitted from any revenue generated from Okori and Ndah Fields.

Clearly we cannot refund what we never received.”He said the development has deprived the state of its rights of income, adding, we are in the process of recovering over N100bn Derivation funds due to Bayelsa state but wrongly credited to other states, because oil wells in the state were wrongly assigned to other states.In its efforts to shore up its Revenue base, Mr Iyabi said the government has proposed monthly Internally Generated Revenue of between N1bn and N2bn, adding that this will assist the present administration in its bid to transform the state.According to him, the current Internally Generated Revenue of between N400 to N600m a month is low.

Government is taking concrete steps to shore up the IGR. First, a new Board made up of seasoned professionals has been appointed.Already, Government has set up a target for Internally Generated Revenue generation per month at N1bn which is expected to increase to about N2bn in two years.On Investment profile, the Commissioner disclosed that the Ministry of Finance Incorporated holds share with a nominal value of N12.34bn and market value of N9.442bn while the dividend collection for the year ended 31st December was N126.401m.

The Commissioner added that the present administration has acquired additional 35.18% of the Ordinary shares of Linkage Assurance Plc at a cost of 50k per share giving an aggregate purchase consideration of N1,686,900,418.82bn.Also, during the 2012 fiscal year, the Government through legislative approval spent N1.5bn out of N3.1bn it is having in its Strategic Savings Account on flood related matters.

On the pay-roll fraud, the Commissioner disclosed that the present administration inherited a monthly payroll bill of N5.4bn but has been able to reduce it to N4.1bn.His words, ‘ the present administration on assumption of office in February met a monthly payroll bill of N5.4bn. Government took definite steps to reduce this amount including promulgation of a law. We are succeeding as the figure has since dropped to N4.1bn. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State