Friday 29 March 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Friday signed into law, the 2013 appropriation bill of N304.05bn with the recurrent expenditure of N142.1bn and capital expenditure of N161.9bn.

The Governor in December 2012 presented a budgetary proposal of N285.9bn to the State House of Assembly for approval. However, after sectoral review, the Assembly increased the budget by N19bn before passing it into law.Signing the bill into law, the Governor attributed the delay in its presentation to last year’s flooding that ravaged the entire communities in the state and the ill-fated Helicopter crash that claimed the lives of the former National Security Adviser, General Owoye Azazi and late Governor of Kaduna State, Sir Patrick Yakowa.Commending the efforts of the State lawmakers for their commitment towards the actualization of the Restoration Agenda, the Governor said his Economic Team would soon commence the preparation of the 2014 Appropriation bill, adding that this would ensure its early presentation and passage in line with the Fiscal Responsibility Law.

According to him, ‘we are not only going to partner with the House of Assembly as we have always done but also specifically (on this issue of appropriation) work to ensure that by the Grace of God, we comply with the fiscal responsibility law which obliges us to submit an appropriation bill earlier than we did last year.’On the implementation of the newly signed appropriation bill, the governor said, ‘on our part, we intend to follow this budget scrupulously. We intend to implement it to the latter as you have passed it.

Where there are difficulties and shortfalls or any area we need to work with the Assembly, we will not hesitate to bring that to your notice because (after all) a budget is only a statement of intent, it is a broad policy financial document.

I want to request you and members of your House to also support Government as you have always done by exercising the full ambit of your oversight powers over all Ministries, Departments and Agencies, so that we can all work together to ensure that set goals and targets are achieved to enable us bring prosperity, development and security to the good people of this state’.

Earlier, the Speaker of the House of Assembly; Rt. Hon. Friday Kombowei Benson attributed the increment in the budget to the present administration’s drive for development.  ‘The increase is because of your (Governor) ambitious drive for project and well-being of the people of Bayelsa state,’ the Speaker said. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State 



 The Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has sought collaborative effort of major ethnic nationalities in the Country towards the building and sustenance of a virile and united nation. Stressing the need to build bridges across major ethnic groups in the country, Hon. Dickson during the inauguration of the newly elected Executive Council of the Ijaw National Congress,(INC) on Thursday in Yenagoa tasked the leadership of the ethnic group to see it as a task that must be accomplished. 

His words,’ we must promote better understanding not just among people in Ijaw land but across various ethnic nationalities in the country. Declaring support for President Goodluck Jonathan, the Governor said this had become imperative, noting his efforts towards building a better Nigeria, peace and security of lives are guaranteed. 

In his charge to the new Executive of INC, the governor expressed the readiness of his administration to collaborate with them the Ijaw National Congress, to convene an all-embracing forum of stakeholders to evaluate the collective interest of Ijaws in the light of emerging national issues in the country. Calling for the convocation of an Ijaw Forum, the governor said it would go a long way in cementing relations among Ijaw ethnic nationalities. He described his administration as an INC government and pledged his continued support to the Pan-Ijaw socio-cultural organization to enable it remain as a formidable body that would champion the cause of the Ijaw Nation. 

“This Government will continue to stand for what is in the Ijaw fundamental national interest.” Government of Bayelsa State will give support and then we will work out modalities to ensure that in no distant time all the political and opinion leaders will assemble here again in your Jerusalem to evaluate the Ijaw national imperatives in the light of current development.” 

Governor Dickson extolled the leadership qualities of the new President and called for the restructuring of the Congress so that both the people at the grassroots and national level would feel its impact. While congratulating the new Executive Council, he reminded them of the task ahead especially in the area of mobilizing the people and resources to actualize the interest of the Ijaw Nation.

 In his acceptance speech, the INC President, Senator Tari Sekibo pledged to run an all-inclusive administration to strengthen the unity among Ijaws.  Senator Sekibo, said the 2015 elections at the state and national levels, implementation of the Local Content Act, Petroleum Industry Bill, as well as creation of new states and Local Government areas as some of the important issues that would be tackled. 

He thanked the people for giving the new Exco the opportunity to serve and called for support from all stakeholders. The out-gone Acting President, Chief Joshua Benamaisia, highlighted some of the achievements of his administration to include spearheading initiatives and interfacing with other ethnic groups to support Dr. Goodluck Jonathan’s presidential bid. 

In their goodwill messages, Ijaw elder statesman, Chief Edwin Clark and President of the Ijaw Youth Council, Mr. Abiye Kuromiema congratulated the new leadership and stressed the need for them to build bridges of unity in the country. Highpoint of the ceremony was the symbolic presentation Staff of Office by Governor Dickson to the INC President.     

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson has doled out N500, 000 each to Bayelsa athletes who won Gold Medals at the last year’s National Sports Festival, Eko 2012 in Lagos. Also rewarded were Silver Medalists, who got a cash awards of N300, 000 each, while bronze medalists were rewarded with N200,000 each.

. Announcing the cash awards at a formal reception and Award ceremony organized in honour of Team Bayelsa at the Banquet Hall of Government House in Yenagoa, Governor Dickson also awarded N550, 000 each as cash prize for Coaches and organising Secretaries whose athletes won gold medal, N350, 000 each for the Coaches and Secretaries who handled Silver Medalists while N250,000 each was announced for Bronze. 

The Captain of Team Bayelsa, David Adeyemo, a Weightlifter who won 2 gold and I silver medal, was promoted from Grade Level 08 to Grade Level 10. Governor Dickson, who described the athletes as the true winners of the festival, hailed them for their outstanding performance in spite of the circumstances arising from the flood, which affected their preparations. He said government was in the process of establishing a Football Academy in the state and announced the appointment of Samson Siasia, a former handler of the Super Eagles as the administrator of the proposed academy. 

Hon. Dickson expressed Government’s desire to groom budding talents especially in the area of combative sports and export them within and outside the country and possibly ensure the Bayelsa athletes make up half of the team that would represent Nigeria in the next Olympic Games. To this end, he directed the Ministry of Sports to forward a memorandum, capturing the areas where Bayelsa has comparative advantage to him, with a view to sponsoring them for intensive training.

The Governor also charged the Ministry of Sports to scout and bring back to the state, all athletes of Bayelsa origin who are competing for other states. Speaking, the Commissioner of Sports Development, Chief Mitema Obordor, expressed gratitude to Governor Dickson for his continued support to the development of sporting activities. Chief Obordor said in spite of the flood that hampered the preparations of the athletes, Bayelsa emerged 5Th on the overall medals’ table, pointing out that, the facilities at the Samson Siasia Sports Stadium were being upgraded.

 Director of Sports, Chief Isaac Mark-Scent, thanked government for the honour done officials and athletes of the state, noting that the gesture would go a long way in boosting their morale. Responding, Captain of Team Bayelsa, David Adeyemo, expressed appreciation to the Governor for the largesse and the investment being made in the area of sports promotion. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State       



Governor Seriake Dickson has again identified the important role of the Church in Nation building and urged church leaders to continue to pray ceaselessly for the peace and stability of the country.

The Governor, who was speaking when the General Overseer and presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) , Dr. Mike Okonkwo visited him at Government House, Yenagoa.He expressed appreciation to the TREM Bishop for his dedicated service to God and humanity as well as sacrifices and contributions to the growth of the state.

Hon. Dickson noted that the present administration came into office at a very challenging period in the history of the state and because of the strong belief and conviction in God to lead the State, it has continued to record successes in all aspects of the State’s economy.

The Governor eulogized the leadership quality of the visiting Bishop, describing him as one of the most important pillars of Christianity in the country, adding that he has contributed so much through prayers to the sustenance of the nation’s democracy. “You are clearly one of the best and we are delighted to have you in our midst.

I feel personally honoured that we are interacting. Somebody I have been listening to and only been seeing from afar and reading about, so I feel most honoured with members of my government interacting with you at close quarters”.

He extended invitation to the TREM General Overseer for future Thanksgiving Day service in the state.Earlier in his remarks, General Overseer and Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM), Dr. Mike Okonkwo had commended the efforts of the Bayelsa State Governor at transforming the state to actualize the dreams of its founding fathers.“A lot of things have taken place here, considering the terrain of the area.

I must commend the efforts of this Government and I believe God who has taken you this far, will also take you farther than you expect.”Noting that the Church and Government are partners in Nation building, Dr. Okonkwo said, to achieve God’s divine purpose for any state or nation, everyone’s hand must be on board.

Commenting on the Church’s Annual Thanksgiving Day in the state, the TREM General Overseer noted that any person in position of authority that recognizes God, automatically sets himself on the path to success.He commended Governor Dickson for finding time to host him and other Church leaders on his entourage.

He explained that he is in the State to dedicate the TREM auditorium as well as meet with Christian leaders and encourage them to do more in the service to God and humanity.Bishop Mike Okonkwo, who is a one-time President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) used the occasion to offer special prayers for Governor Seriake Dickson and the State.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



The Bayelsa State Council of the Nigeria Union Journalists says the appointment of two of its members, Kola Oredipe and Tarinyo Akono as members of the Public Information Management Committee will not in any way affect the tenets of freedom of speech and free flow of information in the State, as enshrined in the constitution.It would rather enhance the practice of Journalism in the State as it would eliminate disinformation and speculative journalism in the State.

A statement by the Secretary of the State Council of the NUJ, Mr. Samson Opokuma noted that, preceding the inauguration of the committee, the NUJ was worried at the level of rumour mongering in the State and was taking steps to check it.The statement further commended the state Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson for setting up the committee and charging it to also take steps to reverse the fast degenerating moral values and ethical standards in the State.

It described the inclusion of about seven media personalities, including members of the NUJ in the committee as a step in the right direction and most timely, noting that the press as watchdog of society is better placed more than any other group of professionals to properly disseminate information and educate the people on happenings in Government and elsewhere.

The Bayelsa NUJ scribe also called on members of the union to rally round their members and the entire committee with a view to ensuring that they render quality and fulfilling services to the Government and people of the State.It would be recalled that, Governor Seriake Dickson had inaugurated the Public information management committee with a mandate to regularly interface with members of the public to filter and scrutinize the true position of every information before disseminating it, if need be as well as educate them on moral and ethical values.

The committee is among other things also expected to investigate the source or sources of unfounded and destructive rumours as well as educate unsuspecting members of the public to be able to decipher between the truth or otherwise of every rumour.It is hoped that with such regular cross pollination of ideas between the committee and the public, especially the vulnerable group, both within and outside Government, rumours, which have caused enormous distraction and damage to both Government and private individuals will be checked, if not completely eliminated.

The highly destructive place of rumour mongering have long been identified in the State, hence successive governments, including the immediate past administration even created separated offices to specially deal with it. The committee, which was not given any time frame to within which to complete this all important assignment, is made up of NUJ members, RATTAWU, NIPR, the social media, market woman leader, traditional ruler and other relevant and strategic organizations within the State.



The Bayelsa State Government has restated its preparedness to support the Military on efforts geared towards stamping out pipeline vandalisation and crude oil theft in the state.Governor Seriake Dickson, who stated this when the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral  Dele Ezeoba visited him in Government House, Yenagoa, emphasised that no amount of assistance to the security agencies is too much in view of the colossal damage the vices have wreaked on the nation’s economy.

The Governor said it is in realisation of this that his administration has been making proper investment in security, which he noted, is yielding positive results.According to Hon. Dickson, “Bayelsa State has transited from being a constant national flashpoint to now being on the vanguard of stability and security within the past one year.

He however admitted the prevalence of illegal bunkering, crude oil theft and refining activities in the state and expressed the determination of the present state administration to fight against the scourge.According to him, the State Government would do everything possible to ensure that the 15 fast-moving patrol gunboats it recently acquired and handed over to security agencies were soon put to use.“The weakness and vulnerability that you have identified clearly comes from the creeks (waterways) because in the last one year the measures we have taken are such that criminals find the upland areas and the state capital too hot for their comfort.  And, we have discovered the way they are operating.  The hotter the city and its environs become, they take refuge in the creeks that they know very well.“This has been a recurring decimal in all our security council deliberations.  So, we are delighted that the military has now come up with this renewed vigour arising from the charge that has been given by the President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces to flush out those criminal elements.”

The Governor, who commended the Federal Government for the establishment of the Central Naval Command in the State, assured the naval authorities of his administration’s readiness to partner with them to ensure the setting up of ancillary facilities such as schools, hospitals and recreational centres.Hon. Dickson also lauded the military for promoting professionalism and selfless service among its rank and file, noting that these qualities have earned the country much respect. “We are also very happy and proud that our military has become so professional and respectable not only within but also outside the country.

Earlier, the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Dele Ezeoba bemoaned military personnel who connive with criminals in perpetrating the menace and urged them to turn a new leaf in the interest of the country. Vice Admiral Ezeoba, who said the visit, was to solicit support of the Governor, also called on government to provide the enabling environment for proper prosecution of culprits.“Another area that borders us very prominently in this fight is that in the trinity of actions which encapsulates surveillance, response initiative and enforcement, little or nothing is done with regards to enforcement.  

You arrest somebody who has been categorically defined as a criminal, two or three days after he walks the streets as a freeman. What does it do to your psyche as the individual who is fighting the war?  So we need to redefine the enforcement structure.  Our institutions (the judiciary must be given the bite to deal with this important aspect of the fight”. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



 The people of the Niger Delta have been urged to rally round the Federal Government and the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs on efforts to develop the area.Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson gave the advice when officials of the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs led by its Minister,Elder GodsDay Orubebe paid him a courtesy call in Government House,Yenagoa.

Governor Dickson noted that though the Niger Delta region is besetwith myriad of development challenges, sustainable progress can onlybe achieved in the region through mutual understanding and cooperation by the people.Stressing the need for collective responsibility, the Governorobserved that the current groundswell of criticism levelled againstthe ministry was unnecessary in the meantime as development of theregion could not be achieved over night.He commended the Federal Government and the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs for the pragmatic measures being used to redress the longperiod of neglect the region has suffered.

Governor Dickson, who also expressed delight at the ongoing efforts ofthe ministry to bring all critical stakeholders together with a viewto evolving a common development blueprint for the region, assured the Minister of the State’s readiness to participate actively at theproposed all-inclusive summit.“I’m very encouraged and impressed with the steps your ministry hastaken in very difficult circumstances to ensure that the East-Westroad is delivered not just to the people of Niger Delta but to allNigerians.  So, I want to thank and also urge you not to lose focus.

With the successes that have already been recorded in terms of thatroad, and most importantly with your emphasis now on bringing allstakeholders on board, which is another critical issue you are (again)pioneering.  It is commendable because at the end of the day thedevelopment of the Niger Delta is a collective dream and duty for allof us. We should not make it to be like an “us and them situation”.“I’m very delighted at your proposal to have an all-inclusive summitso that we can all harness our various resources and then at the endof the day make inputs and come up with a concrete time-frame for acollaborative developmental agenda for the Niger Delta region. 

I assure you that the Government of Bayelsa State will collaborate with you on that summit.  We look forward to a very robust summit. We will be there and participate actively in it”.

Earlier in his remarks, the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, ElderGodsDay Orubebe said the visit was part of his tour of all the statesin the region to inform its Governors of a stakeholders summit theministry has scheduled to hold by April this year in Uyo, the AkwaIbom State capital.The Minister, who reaffirmed his ministry’s preparedness to deliverthe East-West Road by 2014, attributing the delay in the completion ofthe road to the absence of detailed designs and drawings as at when it was awarded in 2006 by former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

He called on the Niger Delta People to support the Federal Government, adding that “there is no better period to do that than now”.He attributed the delay in the completion of the road to absence ofdetailed designs and drawings as at when it was awarded in 2006 byformer President Olusegun Obasanjo.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa state

Tuesday 19 March 2013



 Bayelsa State Government has reacted to the reported debt profile of the State which was said to have failed the domestic debt sustainability analysis as documented by the Debt Management Office, saying while the substantive figures in the document were right, it was an inherited burden which the state government had made much effort to reduce to a bearable level even amidst the challenges of meeting the financial requirements of running the administration.

 In a statement yesterday, the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Daniel Iworiso-Markson, noted the fundamentals of the report, but was quick to point out that beyond the perceived huge IGR, responsibilities of government in the state were equally so large, adding that the repayment of debt had been on-going having established the total debts inherited from the previous administration even as concerted efforts are being made to liquidate the remaining part of the debt. “We noted the relative figures in the report which suggested concern but the reality is that the debts were solely inherited and we have made much efforts to reduce it significantly.

The Hon. Dickson administration has not borrowed a kobo since assumption of office, we have rather been saving money to finance development programmes and we can see the results so far.Also, we have to put it into context the challenges of running an efficient and effective administration and of course the numerous challenges of development we met in the state, which necessitated that while we continue to reduce the debt profile we inherited, we must also be mindful of the government’s responsibility to the people.

So in the face of these challenges, the perceived huge IGR in the state is still not sufficient to finance the ambitious restoration agenda of the Hon. Dickson-led administration. Yet, we are proud to state that while we have some outstanding debt, no fault of ours as it was inherited, but obliged to pay as a government, we have made substantial investments and progress in every facet of the state’s economy; from massive infrastructure to education to tourism and human capital development and job creation which cost so much relative to the IGR in Bayelsa State.

Overall, we are marching ahead with determination to make a remarkable difference in the development of the economy that has really impacted meaningfully on the people of the state even as we emphasize prudent and responsible leadership, which are essential values in financial management and advancement of our dear state.

Of course, our dedicated Savings bank account is part of the structural financial arrangement to deal with such issues as debt, but this cannot be done at the expense of pressing developmental challenges as we witnessed in the last one year, some of which were unforeseen like the terrible flooding which gulped several millions of naira.Still, we have to move on, doing our best in attending to so many issues of governance as a mark of responsibility to the people.

 To this extent, the reported debt was not and can not be a negative performance index on the part of the government of Bayelsa State but a fact of financial management to have a balanced budget which effectively covers the diverse sectors of the state’s economy and indeed the best interest of the people and not necessarily a factor of IGR mismanagement or any funds for that matter accruable to the state.

Our books are open to the public, which in any case we have consciously made known to the public on a monthly basis as usually rendered by his Excellency, Hon. Seriake Dickson.We will still continue to deliver on accountability, transparency and the essentials of our manifesto and indeed paying attention to the remaining debt untill it is finally liquidated.         

 Daniel Iworiso-Marskon
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Saturday 16 March 2013



As part of a genuine plan to carry every dedicated and law abiding youth along in its new youth empowerment strategy, through training and engagement programmes, the Bayelsa State Government, under the auspices of the office of the Special Adviser on SECURITY and Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on CIVIL SOCIETY is proposing Amnesty for prospective renounced cult members in the State.

This is part of Government’s efforts at further extending the olive branch to supposed repentant members of cult groups in the State, who still indulge in criminality, especially in far flung communities in the State to be reintegrated into the society.All cultists, who are genuinely willing to renounce their membership of various cult groups are advised to register their names and other relevant information about themselves at the office of the SSA on Civil Society, opposite NIIT Road, Isaac Boro Road, Etegwe- Epie, Yenagoa or call the number – 08034222303for more information.This equally applies to cult members in higher institutions of learning in the State.

The period of registration is between Wednesday, 20th of March and Friday, 5th of April, 2013, excluding weekends.Government is therefore, calling on cult members to take advantage of this window of opportunity created to turn a new leaf and do something meaningful with their lives.To demonstrate Government’s commitment to this project, His Excellency, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson, Governor of Bayelsa State will meet with all repentant cultists at a later date to discuss and arrange for proper security of their lives as well as ways to engage and empower them. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Alamieyeseigha's Pardon: "US Desist from making unwarranted comments on Nigeria's internal Affairs"- Fed Govt.

Alamieyeseigha's Pardon: "US Desist from making unwarranted comments on Nigeria's internal Affairs"- Fed Govt.
Coined from various newspapers

The federal government yesterday summoned the Deputy US Embassy Chief of Mission, to protest a statement credited to the spokeswoman of the Embassy, Deb MacLean, on the Embassy’s Twitter account.

The Ministry expressed the hope that “the Embassy of the United States of America would henceforth desist from making unwarranted comments on Nigeria’s internal affairs, which are capable of undermining the friendly relations that exist between both countries.”

According to a late night statement from the ministry, Nigeria deplores the use of the words “deeply disappointed” over the pardon and “a setback in the fight against corruption” in Nigeria.

Furthermore People are beginning to speak out on the issue of the state pardon granted on the former Bayelsa State Governor Chief  D.S.P Alamieyeseigha..

Prof Itse Sagay (SAN) believed the pardon was in order, considering that Alamieyeseigha had been tried and convicted, with his property seized, whereas there are thousands of corruption cases in court that are not being followed up.

He commended Jonathan for granting the ex-governor pardon, adding: “There is one particular case of a man that got perpetual injunction at the High Court level to stop his probe and trial and nothing has happened about it till today. What type of corruption are we still fighting?

“There is nothing relevant between Alamieyesiegha and corruption anymore. The government should stop running after its wrong enemies. There are those corrupt government officials that are walking freely. These are the people that the government should go after. Alamieyesiegha deserved to be pardoned.”

In another brief, Prof Steve Azaike said much as it is true that Alamieyeseigha made some mistakes, but he was a victim of political manipulation, because of his strong position on resource control, fair distribution of our oil wealth, with special consideration to those who produce the oil.
“Only yesterday, two members of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly said they were forced to sign documents to impeach Alamieyeseigha. It is in the wisdom of the President and the National Council of State to give pardon. It is not the first in history.”

He added: “What the President and the National Council of State have done is morally and politically correct. The pardon will give Alamieyeseigha a second chance to contribute to the progress, peace and development of our country.”

Dr. Doyin Akukpe talking to newsmen said
“It was God and Providence that lifted President Jonathan over and above his former political boss. But in truth, Alamieyeseigha since he left prison had been working strenously and silently to assist the President stabilise the amnesty in the region. “Alamieyeseigha is a foremost leader of the Ijaw nation and his political and stabilising influence in that region have impacted positively on the overall economy of the nation, bringing crude oil exports from the abysmally low level of 70,000 bpd, to over 2.4million bpd!

Therefore, it is obvious that Alamieyeseigha has been a major player since his release from prison in ensuring that the blood that runs through the Nigerian economy artery is not cut off.”

The major concern of many patriotic and reasonable Nigerians is whether the decision is morally right of if it will send wrong signals on governments anti-corruption crusade.

“These two considerations are my major objectives in addressing this conference and I once again, wish to plead that our people should hear me out and allow us to reason together. On the issue of morality, I want to state categorically here, that state or presidential pardon are not intended for nobility or saints.

In general, a state pardon is for those who have committed crimes and breached the laws of the land and may or may not have been tried or convicted regardless of their social status. “A pardon is the forgiveness of a crime and the cancellation of the relevant penalty; it is usually granted by the head of state, or by acts of parliament or a religious authority.

Today, pardons are granted in many countries when individuals have demonstrated that they have fulfilled their debt to society, or are otherwise considered to be deserving.

Also, a prerogative of mercy by definition is not a justiceable affair. It has to do with discretion and the necessity to redress bitterness and thereby offer healing and forgiveness especially in the presence of evidence of remorse and potential to add value to the country,” he said.

Also yesterday, the Executive Secretary of the National Summit Group (NSG), Mr Tony Uranta, deplored the opposition to the Alamieyeseigha pardon. He said on television in Lagos yesterday ---”Alamieyeseigha contributed enormously to the ongoing amnesty in the Niger Delta and every Nigerian is currently benefitting from it because of the crude oil production that has doubled after the amnesty.

“He played a great role in helping to keep peace in the country and he has done his time in prison.

“Should Alamieyeseigha not be pardoned because he is a minority?”

He wondered why there was no brouhaha when other people were pardoned in the past.

His words: “Why the focus on Alamieyeseigha when coupists are among those that were pardoned?”

Mr Nathan Egba also spoke out on this issue. In his words; "I expect that Nigerians should by now learn not to rush to judgment each time there is a presidential decision that appears controversial. In this particular case Mr President ought to be commended for his courage in granting state pardon to all those affected, particularly Gen. Diya and his colleagues as well as Chief D.S.P Alamieyeseigha.

As a man of conscience and high moral standing, Mr President knows that former governor sins were more political than criminal, in those hectic days of the infamous ‘political EFCC.”

Friday 15 March 2013




Bayelsa State Government on Tuesday expressed concern over the 2013 Nigeria Meteorological Agency weather forecast and stressed the need for the people of the state to take precautionary measures at preventing a recurrence of the 2012 ugly experience.The NIMET in its forecast, predicted heavy rains this year higher than the one experienced last year which rendered some families in some states of the Federation homeless while farmlands were washed away especially in Bayelsa state.

Disturbed by this trend and in order to avert a recurrence of such experience despite the prediction of the Meteorological Agency, the State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson met with the leaders and members of relevant committees including Post Flood Management Committee and Infrastructure Advisory Committee set up in the wake of the crisis to nip in the bud the likely occurrence of such incident in the state.

Calling on the committees represented at the meeting to carry out more technical assessment to identify the flood level, the Governor said this would assist his administration in ascertaining the foundation height of its public infrastructures.

On the need for the interaction, the Governor said, ‘we are here this afternoon to discuss the subject matter that is of interest to the people of our state. We are all aware of the devastating effects of the flood last year on our state and we have reason as a result of the magnitude of the damage and destruction that we suffered to set up a committee of our very best hands to come up with ways and means of effectively managing the aftermath of the flood in several ways.

“I am aware that the committee has swung into action. Let me on behalf of a grateful state government thank its chairman and members of the post flood management committee for their sacrifices and contributions.”“I summon this meeting firstly to have a report of how far the two committees have gone and their work plan.

We have cause to summon this meeting based on the weather forecast for 2013 and knowing what we suffered in this state last year when we were notified about the weather forecast by NIMET.”“The forecast reveals that the rain fall projection by this year will be higher than that of last year with the likelihood of flood, I got very worried as your Governor, and this is the reason why we gather here to see that we do everything possible to prevent a recurrence of last year’s flooding that ravaged the entire state.

It has already started raining and that is worrisome. You are aware that the entire state has been turned into construction sites. We are not through yet. We are very worried with the weather forecast this year.”In their separate remarks, the Chairmen of the two affected committees, Engr. Charles Dorgu and Chief Francis Doukpola said the committees embarked on extensive tour of 95% of communities across the state, noting that both public and private properties were destroyed by the flood.

According to Chief Doukpola, a minimum of 20 billion naira is required to solve flooding problems in the state and stressed the need for government to supply more relief materials such as food and cement to affected communities, adding that all mud houses were destroyed.Engr. Dorgu who urged contractors currently handling road expansion jobs in the state capital to open up the water courses, also recommended that dykes be built to protect the roads from flooding. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State 



As a part of measures to check youth restiveness, the Bayelsa State Government has mapped out training programmes for its teeming youths, aimed at empowering and putting them in the right stead to be able to compete favourably with their contemporaries from other parts of the country

. To this end, youths in the state have been urged to key into the restoration agenda of the Governor Seriake Dickson-led administration by availing themselves of the various youth empowerment programmes being put in place. Governor Dickson made the plea during an interactive session with members of the newly established Bayelsa State Youth Development Committee at the Banquet Hall of Government House, in Yenagoa. 

According to the Governor, “some of such programmes are being fine- tuned to enhance the capacity of youths and make them contribute their quota to the development of the state.” The Governor noted that there are several empowerment programmes in the offing for them in the areas of agriculture, training in other fields both within and outside the country as well as develop policies that would cater for about five thousand youths. Hon. Dickson stated that already, government has awarded scholarships from primary to Post Graduate levels and urged them to prevail other youths across the State to advantage of the programmes to improve themselves and be more useful to society.

 He declared that, “we are in a new Bayelsa and we want to work with the young people to take responsibility for their future. “Those days when youths feel that some other persons should be responsible for their lives, which was a life of slavery occasioned by what has happened in the country, our people have had a mentality of over-dependence on others.  “I want to work with you to teach our boys and girls how to earn a living and be respectable”.   

Governor Dickson remarked that he was appreciative of their support especially during his campaign, describing them as the true heroes of the prevailing peace and stability in the state. The Governor urged his representatives on Youths in charge of the various Local Government areas to work closely with the youths and sensitize others on the various ongoing programmes and policies of government. 

He also urged the youths not to allow themselves to be used by self seeking politicians to divert the attention of government from effecting the desired changes in the polity. Responding, a representative of the youths, Mr. Odimiekumo Ogori thanked Governor Dickson for the empowerment programmes being packaged for the youths. He also hailed the Governor for the various construction projects in the state, adding that his works would speak for him.   

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



 Contractors handling various projects in Bayelsa State have been told to expedite work to ensure timely completion of their jobs. Addressing the contractors at a meeting with the contractors in Government House, Governor Seriake Dickson said the call was borne out of his administration’s belief in aggressive development of the state. 

 The Governor who restated his administration’s determination to consolidate on the achievements recorded in the last one year, explained that the meeting was to enable government have first hand reports of the extent of work done, problems and prospects.

 He stated that, he will personally lead a team on inspection visit some ongoing project sites including the ones inherited from the previous administration. In his words, “I  am quite pleased with the pace of work that I have seen, very soon a date will be communicated to you through the various supervisory ministries whereupon and embark upon on the site inspection of all major works including the ones we have inherited.” The number one citizen of the state, who commended some of the contractors for their impressive performances, however expressed concern over the slow pace of work in some of the jobs and urged such contractors to show more commitment as government was not owing any contractor in the state and they have no excuse not to deliver. 

 “There are a few projects that are not meeting up with the pace but so far it’s been good but you can all do better. There is no contractor that we have given a job to that we are owing to the best of my knowledge. In this new Bayelsa if we are giving you a job, just know that we will fulfill our obligations. “I like to enjoin you all to redouble your efforts, happily working together and with the cooperation we have received from the good people of our state and with the efforts of our security agencies you can see that the state has turned a new leaf in terms of security.

 I am pleased that from all the construction sites where various forms of construction are going on in every community in this state, either we are building a school or residential quarters for teachers or we are building one health facility or road construction cutting across an area, so every community is touched one way or the other.”   

   Reminding the contractors of the recent weather forecast by the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET), Hon. Dickson noted that government would not allow any of its projects to suffer any setbacks due to floods like it happened last year. 

Expressing his commitment to accelerate the pace of development in the State, Governor Dickson called on the contractors to redouble their pace of work to meet up completion deadlines or where possible surpass the expected milestones, assuring that government will not fail in its contractual obligations.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State 



The Bayelsa State Government has earmarked the sum of 500 hundred million Naira to kick-start a health insurance scheme in the State. Disclosing this while receiving the report of the State Health Committee on Wednesday in Government House, Yenagoa, Governor Seriake Dickson said the scheme would cover all civil servants. According to him, “this is a project that we are very passionate about and that is the state health insurance policy.

I have been informed you have talked about it.” “I hope that your recommendations and findings in that regard are exhaustive but we intend in no distant time to set up a technical committee to undertake the drafting of the legislation that will support the health insurance scheme.”  “We feel that we should not allow our people to bear the brunt of healthcare.
It is never done in any decent society. Our people in this state deserve the support of government in terms of health care provisions and particularly they need to know that if they fall ill and do not have money, their government has a programme that will come to their aid.” The Governor noted that some members of the technical committee will be drawn from the health committee due to their experience and expertise in the health sector as well as be involved in the implementation of government programme on health. He said all civil servants are expected to key into the proposed scheme and pay only a token assuring that government’s contribution towards the insurance scheme will go a long way in ensuring its future sustainability as opposed to previous schemes in the state. 

Acknowledging the fact that government did not declare a state of emergency in the health sub-sector, Governor Dickson pointed out that government has invested massively in health with the upgrading of various health facilities across the state as well as the construction of standard general hospitals in all the 8 local government areas. He also expressed government’s desire to ensure the early completion of the 350 bed Melford Okilo General Hospital, Yenagoa, construction of the Diagnostic Centre, upgrading of Diete Koki Memorial Hospital and Government House Clinic to places of excellence. 

The Governor charged the committee to embark on the second phase of the assignment by touring all the communities to ascertain the capacity of Health centres and make appropriate recommendations on the way forward. ‘Government is desirous of providing functional health facilities in every community in the state, including living quarters for community health workers that will be posted to the areas’ Hon Dickson also called on the committee to make available raw data that will help government plan for the future in the health sector. 

Earlier, the Chairman of the Health Committee and Commissioner for Health, Dr. Anapurere Michael Awoli had recommended the declaration of a State of Emergence in the Health sector due to its numerous challenges. He said there was need for human capacity training, the development of  a Cardiology Department and financing of the sector through the proposed State Health Insurance scheme.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State     



 As part of the Bayelsa State’s revolutionary policy in the educational sub-sector, Government is to introduce free meals in all boarding schools across the state from September, this year. Governor Seriake Dickson disclosed this when the Senate Committee on Education led by its chairman, Senator Uche Chukwumerije paid him a courtesy visit in Government House Yenagoa.

 The Governor who also noted that compulsory boarding would commence during the period in all senior secondary schools in the state, remarked that government has started the construction of three special schools designed not only to run academic programmes but offer leadership training.

 According to him, the country has suffered decadence in human capacity development over the years, which necessitated his administration’s radical reforms, adopting the bottom-top approach in the sector to break the vicious cycle of unemployment and violence. “One area my administration will leave a lasting mark must be in education and human capacity training. “If we want to build the generation whose future is secured, we must build the capacity of individuals.We need to go out of the ordinary way of doing things and break the jinx to curb unemployment, violence and insecurity,” Hon. Dickson declared. 

The Governor urged the committee to support advocacy in the sector in the performance of its oversight functions as it traverses the length and breadth of the country. Assuring that government would not fail in its commitment to the counterpart funding of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) as such funding has proved to be a veritable means of improving educational infrastructure. 

Responding to the Senate committee’s request to provide assistance to the Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, especially in the area of access road, the State Chief Executive directed the Ministry of Education and the Secretary to the State Government to liaise with the management of the institution and arrange a meeting for next week with a view to determining the extent to which government can intervene. 

Earlier, chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, Senator Uche Chukwumerije, had explained that, the committee was in Bayelsa as part of its oversight functions to assess the state of tertiary institutions as well as the Bayelsa State Universal Basic Education Board. Senator Chukwumerije gave thumbs up to Governor Dickson for his vision in declaring a state of emergency in the education sector, pointing out that it is the first state to do so.

. While noting that Bayelsa was the first state to pay up its counterpart funds in the UBE, he noted that the governor has blazed a trail in the sector.

 The Senator also said they were impressed by the model primary schools under construction as well as the structures on ground at the Federal University, Otuoke and urged him not to relent in actualizing his dreams in the education sector.  

  Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State


… Nobody pardoned me –Diya


Controversy yesterday trailed the state pardon granted former Chief of General Staff (CGS), Lt. Gen, Oladipo Diya, the late Major-Gen Abdulkareem Adisa, Major Bello Magaji, Mohammed Lina Bin, Major Segun Fadile and former Managing Director, Bank of the North, Shettima Bulama as rights activist, Mr. Femi Falana (SAN) said President Goodluck Jonathan goofed by endorsing last Tuesday’s Council of State action.

The council also pardoned former Bayelsa State Governor DSP Alamieyeseigha. Falana said Gen. Diya and others implicated in the 1995 coup against the late Head of State, Gen. Sani Abacha, were pardoned by his successor, Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar in 1999.

Falana sent in a copy of the document granting the state pardon, which was reproduced here. Reacting to Falana’s claim yesterday, Diya said he was not aware Gen. Abubakar granted him any pardon. But commenting on the pardon, Falana wrote in a text message sent to Daily Sun yesterday: “As I am out of Lagos, I have asked my secretary to send the statutory instrument to you.

The Presidency should stop playing on the collective intelligence of Nigerians, since there is no provision for double pardon under the law. “In view of the grave official error, the list of the convicts granted unconditional pardon should be reviewed to avoid any further embarrassment.” However, in a telephone interview from his United Kingdom base yesterday, Diya debunked the allegation that he was granted state pardon in 1999 for his role in the phantom coup against Abacha. Diya denied the alleged 1999 state pardon, saying if it was done in 1999, he ought to have been paid what he is supposed to be paid.

According to Diya, “if it was done in 1999, I have not been paid what I am supposed to be paid: pension, gratuity, et cetera. So, I only believe that since there was nothing mentioned about it, the gratuity and pension, it has not been done.” The Ogun state-born former CGS said if it was done in 1999, then there should have been a formal letter written to him. He said “because if it was done in 1999, there should have been a formal letter written to me.

But no letter, no payment, no gratuity. But like this one that has been announced now, I know there will be a letter from the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, formally informing me about this decision and all that go with it, be done,” Diya added. Revealing his mood about the state pardon, Diya said “I feel good, I feel very, very happy,” saying “the only remark I would have is that I wouldn’t be happy if anybody is left out on the phantom coup list because I am not sure of the list yet. Some names are there, others are not there. Somebody is telling me that General Olarenwaju’s name is not there.”

Diya ended the conversation by further enquiring from our reporter whether names of Cols. Akiode and Edwin Jando were included. Meanwhile, Adisa’s widow, Hajia Ramat, has commended President Jonathan, the National Assembly and Nigerians in general for the post- humous state pardon granted her husband. Speaking with newsmen in Ilorin on Wednesday, Hajia Adisa said the gesture was a welcome development, adding that the entire family of the late General would remain grateful to Nigerians.

Hajia Adisa, who said she would have been happier if the late General was alive like other officers alleged to have participated in the 1995 coup, however, gave thanks to the Almighty God for making the state pardon possible. Executive Secretary of the National Summit Group (NSG), Mr. Tony Uranta, lauded the pardon for Alamieyeseigha, saying it was justifiable and in order.

Uranta told newsmen in Lagos that Alamieyeseigha deserved forgiveness by the National Council of State because of his role in ensuring peace and progress in Niger Delta. Uranta said that the pardon was in tandem with practices all over the world. “The United States of America during the tenure of Bill Clinton granted state pardon to his brother who was involved in drug trafficking.

That notwithstanding, Alamieyeseigha played great roles in bringing the Niger Delta insurgency to an end. He risked his life to ensure that there was peace in the Niger Delta so as not to affect the nation’s economy that depends so much on oil for revenue.

And he is still playing same roles to ensure that the peace in the region is sustained,” he said. President Jonathan, Uranta said, had the prerogative to reject or embrace the advice of the Council of State and since he approved of their recommendations showed it was the right thing to do.”

Also, the immediate past commissioner for information, who also served under Alamieyeseigha, Chief Nathan Egba, Special Adviser to Governor Dickson on Political Matters, Chief Fred Agbedi and Bayelsa State Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Oson, said the gesture was timely.

Egba said in tabling the request for state pardon before the Council of State, Jonathan as a man of conscience, knows that Alamieyeseigha suffered political persecution. His words: “I expect that Nigerians should by now learn not to rush to judgment each time there is a presidential decision that appears controversial. In this particular case Mr President ought to be commended for his courage in granting state pardon to all those affected, particularly Gen. Diya and his colleagues as well as Chief D.S.P Alamieyeseigha.

As a man of conscience and high moral standing, Mr President knows that former governor sins were more political than criminal, in those hectic days of the infamous ‘political EFCC.”

Friday 8 March 2013



Contractors handling various projects in Bayelsa State have been told to expedite work to ensure timely completion of their jobs.

Addressing the contractors at a meeting with the contractors in Government House, Governor Seriake Dickson said the call was borne out of his administration’s belief in aggressive development of the state.

The Governor who restated his administration’s determination to consolidate on the achievements recorded in the last one year, explained that the meeting was to enable government have first hand reports of the extent of work done, problems and prospects.

He stated that, he will personally lead a team on inspection visit some ongoing project sites including the ones inherited from the previous administration.

In his words, “I am quite pleased with the pace of work that I have seen, very soon a date will be communicated to you through the various supervisory ministries whereupon and embark upon on the site inspection of all major works including the ones we have inherited.”

The number one citizen of the state, who commended some of the contractors for their impressive performances, however expressed concern over the slow pace of work in some of the jobs and urged such contractors to show more commitment as government was not owing any contractor in the state and they have no excuse not to deliver.

“There are a few projects that are not meeting up with the pace but so far it’s been good but you can all do better. There is no contractor that we have given a job to that we are owing to the best of my knowledge. In this new Bayelsa if we are giving you a job, just know that we will fulfill our obligations.

“I like to enjoin you all to redouble your efforts, happily working together and with the cooperation we have received from the good people of our state and with the efforts of our security agencies you can see that the state has turned a new leaf in terms of security.

I am pleased that from all the construction sites where various forms of construction are going on in every community in this state, either we are building a school or residential quarters for teachers or we are building one health facility or road construction cutting across an area, so every community is touched one way or the other.”

Reminding the contractors of the recent weather forecast by the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET), Hon. Dickson noted that government would not allow any of its projects to suffer any setbacks due to floods like it happened last year.

Expressing his commitment to accelerate the pace of development in the State, Governor Dickson called on the contractors to redouble their pace of work to meet up completion deadlines or where possible surpass the expected milestones, assuring that government will not fail in its contractual obligations.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Thursday 7 March 2013



As part of the Bayelsa State’s revolutionary policy in the educational sub-sector, Government is to introduce free meals in all boarding schools across the state from September, this year.

Governor Seriake Dickson disclosed this when the Senate Committee on Education led by its chairman, Senator Uche Chukwumerije paid him a courtesy visit in Government House Yenagoa.

The Governor who also noted that compulsory boarding would commence during the period in all senior secondary schools in the state, remarked that government has started the construction of three special schools designed not only to run academic programmes but offer leadership training.

According to him, the country has suffered decadence in human capacity development over the years, which necessitated his administration’s radical reforms, adopting the bottom-top approach in the sector to break the vicious cycle of unemployment and violence.

“One area my administration will leave a lasting mark must be in education and human capacity training.

“If we want to build the generation whose future is secured, we must build the capacity of individuals. We need to go out of the ordinary way of doing things and break the jinx to curb unemployment, violence and insecurity,” Hon. Dickson declared.

The Governor urged the committee to support advocacy in the sector in the performance of its oversight functions as it traverses the length and breadth of the country.

Assuring that government would not fail in its commitment to the counterpart funding of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) as such funding has proved to be a veritable means of improving educational infrastructure.

Responding to the Senate committee’s request to provide assistance to the Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, especially in the area of access road, the State Chief Executive directed the Ministry of Education and the Secretary to the State Government to liaise with the management of the institution and arrange a meeting for next week with a view to determining the extent to which government can intervene.

Earlier, chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, Senator Uche Chukwumerije, had explained that, the committee was in Bayelsa as part of its oversight functions to assess the state of tertiary institutions as well as the Bayelsa State Universal Basic Education Board.

Senator Chukwumerije gave thumbs up to Governor Dickson for his vision in declaring a state of emergency in the education sector, pointing out that it is the first state to do so.

While noting that Bayelsa was the first state to pay up its counterpart funds in the UBE, he noted that the governor has blazed a trail in the sector.

The Senator also said they were impressed by the model primary schools under construction as well as the structures on ground at the Federal University, Otuoke and urged him not to relent in actualizing his dreams in the education sector.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor

Wednesday 6 March 2013



Bayelsa State Government on Tuesday expressed concern over the 2013 Nigeria Meteorological Agency weather forecast and stressed the need for the people of the state to take precautionary measures at preventing a recurrence of the 2012 ugly experience.The NIMET in its forecast, predicted heavy rains this year higher than the one experienced last year which rendered some families in some states of the Federation homeless while farmlands were washed away especially in Bayelsa state.

Disturbed by this trend and in order to avert a recurrence of such experience despite the prediction of the Meteorological Agency, the State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson met with the leaders and members of relevant committees including Post Flood Management Committee and Infrastructure Advisory Committee set up in the wake of the crisis to nip in the bud the likely occurrence of such incident in the state.Calling on the committees represented at the meeting to carry out more technical assessment to identify the flood level, the Governor said this would assist his administration in ascertaining the foundation height of its public infrastructures.

On the need for the interaction, the Governor said, ‘we are here this afternoon to discuss the subject matter that is of interest to the people of our state. We are all aware of the devastating effects of the flood last year on our state and we have reason as a result of the magnitude of the damage and destruction that we suffered to set up a committee of our very best hands to come up with ways and means of effectively managing the aftermath of the flood in several ways.“I am aware that the committee has swung into action. Let me on behalf of a grateful state government thank its chairman and members of the post flood management committee for their sacrifices and contributions.”“I summon this meeting firstly to have a report of how far the two committees have gone and their work plan. We have cause to summon this meeting based on the weather forecast for 2013 and knowing what we suffered in this state last year when we were notified about the weather forecast by NIMET.”“The forecast reveals that the rain fall projection by this year will be higher than that of last year with the likelihood of flood, I got very worried as your Governor, and this is the reason why we gather here to see that we do everything possible to prevent a recurrence of last year’s flooding that ravaged the entire state.It has already started raining and that is worrisome. You are aware that the entire state has been turned into construction sites.

We are not through yet. We are very worried with the weather forecast this year.”In their separate remarks, the Chairmen of the two affected committees, Engr. Charles Dorgu and Chief Francis Doukpola said the committees embarked on extensive tour of 95% of communities across the state, noting that both public and private properties were destroyed by the flood.

According to Chief Doukpola, a minimum of 20 billion naira is required to solve flooding problems in the state and stressed the need for government to supply more relief materials such as food and cement to affected communities, adding that all mud houses were destroyed.Engr. Dorgu who urged contractors currently handling road expansion jobs in the state capital to open up the water courses, also recommended that dykes be built to protect the roads from flooding. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State 



The Bayelsa State Government has earmarked the sum of 500 hundred million Naira to kick-start a health insurance scheme in the State. Disclosing this while receiving the report of the State Health Committee on Wednesday in Government House, Yenagoa, Governor Seriake Dickson said the scheme would cover all civil servants. According to him, “this is a project that we are very passionate about and that is the state health insurance policy.

I have been informed you have talked about it.” “I hope that your recommendations and findings in that regard are exhaustive but we intend in no distant time to set up a technical committee to undertake the drafting of the legislation that will support the health insurance scheme.”  “We feel that we should not allow our people to bear the brunt of healthcare.
It is never done in any decent society. Our people in this state deserve the support of government in terms of health care provisions and particularly they need to know that if they fall ill and do not have money, their government has a programme that will come to their aid.” The Governor noted that some members of the technical committee will be drawn from the health committee due to their experience and expertise in the health sector as well as be involved in the implementation of government programme on health. He said all civil servants are expected to key into the proposed scheme and pay only a token assuring that government’s contribution towards the insurance scheme will go a long way in ensuring its future sustainability as opposed to previous schemes in the state. 

Acknowledging the fact that government did not declare a state of emergency in the health sub-sector, Governor Dickson pointed out that government has invested massively in health with the upgrading of various health facilities across the state as well as the construction of standard general hospitals in all the 8 local government areas. He also expressed government’s desire to ensure the early completion of the 350 bed Melford Okilo General Hospital, Yenagoa, construction of the Diagnostic Centre, upgrading of Diete Koki Memorial Hospital and Government House Clinic to places of excellence. 

The Governor charged the committee to embark on the second phase of the assignment by touring all the communities to ascertain the capacity of Health centres and make appropriate recommendations on the way forward. ‘Government is desirous of providing functional health facilities in every community in the state, including living quarters for community health workers that will be posted to the areas’ Hon Dickson also called on the committee to make available raw data that will help government plan for the future in the health sector. 

Earlier, the Chairman of the Health Committee and Commissioner for Health, Dr. Anapurere Michael Awoli had recommended the declaration of a State of Emergence in the Health sector due to its numerous challenges. He said there was need for human capacity training, the development of  a Cardiology Department and financing of the sector through the proposed State Health Insurance scheme.

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State     

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Governor Seriake Dickson has reassured Bayelsans of his resolve to aggressively pursue the overall development of the state in spite of the rumours and propaganda being peddled by detractors of the present administration.

The Governor stated this during his monthly interactive session with Ward, Local Government and state Executive members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the state secretariat of the party in Yenagoa.

According to Hon. Dickson, those peddling the rumours are envious of the progress his administration has recorded in one year despite the daunting challenges that confronted it during the period.

He maintained that the antics of mischief-makers would not deter him from executing his restoration agenda in a way that will impact positively on the people of the State.

“My faith and confidence in you, the good people of Bayelsa has never shaken and will not shake. You deserve the best we can offer and let me assure you that the best is yet to come”

While acknowledging the contributions of wards and local government executives as critical structures of the party, Governor Dickson urged PDP members to remain steadfast in their support and show more interest in the affairs of government.

“When you have challenges, present them to the constituted authority at your level. If you are at the ward level, talk to your local government chairman. If you are at the working committee, raise all the concerns to the state chairman and working committee. Any day I come here I want to listen to all the complaints from the grassroots; how are the people faring? What are their priorities? What do they think of what we are doing in government? Because it is your government, if the government fails it is we all that have failed, it is the PDP that would have failed.”

He specifically enjoined ward leaders of the party to continually enlighten the grassroots people on the policies and programmes of government.

The Governor stressed the need for them to be on their guard at all times while calling on them to work in peace and harmony so as to ensure peace in the state.

He equally informed them that his itinerary ‘thank you’ tour would soon commence and would use it as an avenue for the party to present its candidates for the forthcoming local government polls in the state.

Hon. Dickson commended the state chairman for his commitment to duty as well as those of the state working committee while also thanking the entire PDP family in the state for their continuous prayers and support to government.

Earlier in his welcome address, the State PDP Chairman, Col. Sam Inokoba (rtd) poured encomiums on Governor Seriake Dickson over his giant strides in all the sectors of the state’s economy.

Recalling the sad occurrences in the state last year with the flood and the loss of great sons of the state, the State PDP Chairman predicted a blissful year for the party and the state in general.

Col. Inokoba said the recent rumours were intended to distract government from its good works and called on Bayelsans to desist from peddling unfounded rumours.

He also stressed the need for party members not sell their conscience and remain focused at all times.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Monday 4 March 2013



Governor Seriake Dickson has underscored the need to encourage the Nigeria Police to continuously discover and groom more sporting talents that will represent the country at various levels of International competitions.

It is believed that, such efforts will go a long way assisting the Police Force maintain its legacy of churning out world- class athletes who have won several laurels for the country in the past.

Governor Dickson made the call in an interview with newsmen at the opening ceremony of the 10 th Biennial Nigeria Police Games in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Reacting to a question on the deplorable state of the Police College, Governor Dickson noted that the entire Police force needed to be adequately funded and equipped to enable it perform its statutory duties.

According to him, his administration is doing its best to provide support to the Nigeria Police just like most of his counterparts, noting that security remains the collective responsibility of all.

Governor Dickson also urged Nigerians to genuinely work to promote peace and unity since the country stands to benefit as one indivisible people endowed with vast natural and human resources.

Speaking at the event, President Goodluck Jonathan described the Nigeria Police as a foremost institution in the development and promotion of sporting activities in the country.

Declaring open the 10 TH Biennial Nigeria Police Games in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, President Jonathan said this was evident in the number of Sports men and women produced over the years by the force that have made their mark at both national and international levels.

Represented by the Minister of Sports and Chairman of the National Sports Commission, Mallam Bolaji Abdulahi, the President cited the likes of Olympic Gold medalist, Chioma Ajunwa, Sunday Bada and former World Heavy Weight Boxing champion, Samuel Peters who have made the country proud at different times.

President Jonathan hailed the Inspector General of Police, Muhammed Abubakar and his team for their efforts at organizing the event in spite of prevailing challenges.

In his remarks, the Inspector General of Police, Muhammed Abubakar, enjoined the participants to put in their best and expressed the hope that more talents would emerge from Games to represent the nation at the international level.

Recalling how the Nigeria Police has moulded sporting talents in the country, Mr. Abubakar also urged officials to be fair to all and thanked all those who made it possible for the games to hold in Port Harcourt.

The opening ceremony of the games featured displays by the Mobile Police, calisthenics, Wushu Kunfu demonstrations and tug of war between the Nigeria Air Force and Nigeria Navy as well as wives of Police officers.

Host Governor, Mr. Chibuike Amaechi, Deputy Governors of Rivers and Gombe states, Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika, Speaker of the Bayelsa state House of Assembly, Mr. Konbowei Benson, Minister of Police Affairs, Retired Navy Capt. Caleb Olubolade, former Inspector Generals of Police among others graced the occasion.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Government has directed the acquisition of 100 hectares of land for the construction of low cost houses for civil servants as part of their welfare package.

Governor Seriake Dickson announced this while declaring open a 3-day retreat on Strategic Management for Permanent Secretaries in the State civil service organized by the state government in collaboration with the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria, (ASCON) in Yenagoa.

The Governor said the foundation stone for the structures would be laid in the next two months at Agbura while that of the top cadre of the civil service would be located opposite the 5-star hotel both in Yenagoa, the state capital.

In addition to the existing fleet of 6 vehicles, government has promised to acquire 4 more buses for its mass transit transportation system, which is expected to take off at the end of this month.

The new mass transit transport system, he explained will greatly alleviate the plight of workers in the state.

According to Governor Dickson, “the reforms being undertaken in the civil service were geared towards enhancing the productivity and professionalism of the workforce as the civil service is the instrumentality through which government policies and programmes are implemented”.

The governor also condemned the situation whereby some personnel without any medical qualification benefit from the Medical and Health Workers Salary Scale, describing the act as not only wrong but also criminal.

Consequently, he has directed the Ministry of Finance working in conjunction with the Head of Service and Treasury Department to expunge the names of such medical workers from the special salary scale with effect from this month.

In his words, “there is an unhealthy practice in this state. There are people who are not entitled to earn the Medical and Health Workers allowance. Entitlement depends on qualification and not membership of a union. We are working together to lay a foundation of a new Bayelsa State and if we do not do so, Bayelsa will self-destruct. We must not allow this illegality and impunity to continue.”

On the need for workers to pay appropriate taxes in conformity with the Personal Income Tax Act (PITA), of the Federal Government, Governor Dickson said soon government would evolve a tax policy for the private sector in the state to enable all have a stake in the development of the state.

He explained “our government is only seeking the implementation of the PITA which is done everywhere and Bayelsa cannot be an exception. We are by so doing, taking responsibility for our development. Soon government will perfect a tax drag net that will be spread out so that everybody will have a stake in the development of the state”.

The Governor, who charged participants at the retreat to take advantage of the training to improve their service delivery, enjoined the Permnanent Secretaries to check the excesses of workers and urged them not to be deterred in the discharge of their duties.

Speaking, the state Head of Service, Sir Frazer Okuoru, said the essence of the retreat was to enhance the managerial skills of the Permanent Secretaries. Sir Frazer also expressed gratitude to Governor Dickson for the measures put in place for the welfare of workers as well as the approval to organize the retreat for Permanent Secretaries.

In his address, the representative of the Director General of the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria, (ASCON), Mr. Matthew Adebola, described the retreat as relevant considering the calibre of participants to enable them tackle the increasing complexity of policy making and provision of quality service which require them to be engaged in the more effective styles of resolving crisis in the work place.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State




Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has described Nigeria’s second republic President, Alhaji Shehu Shagari as a symbol of a democratic, united and an egalitarian Nigeria. Governor Dickson, who stated this in a congratulatory message to the elder statesman on his 88 th birthday anniversary, expressed appreciation with fatherly, patriotic and nationalistic dispositions of Alhaji Shagari, adding that as a detribalized leader, he has consistently rendered selfless services to the nation. “You are indeed a symbol of a democratic, united and egalitarian Nigeria in whom we are all well pleased.” The Bayelsa State Governor also noted with satisfaction, the former President’s humility, sincerity of purpose and transparent lifestyle as qualities that have endeared him to all and sundry. The statement equally commended him for his continued efforts at promoting inter ethnic and religious harmony as well as national unity and understanding among various sections of the Nigerian society. According to Governor Dickson, Shehu Shagari’s life history, especially in the public service has remarkably touched and transformed millions of Nigerians and called on the younger generation of Nigerians to emulate him. “Your life history has remarkably touched and transformed millions of Nigerians in the course of your public service to the nation.” The Bayelsa State Chief Executive prayed God to grant the elder statesman and nationalist excellent health and strength to continously render purposeful counsel and support to nation building. “God grant you excellent health and strength as you continue to provide purposeful counsel and support to our great Nation.”

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State




Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Tuesday congratulated the former Minister of Works, Chief Tony Anenih over his elevation to the Chairmanship, Board of Trustees of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and tasked him to bring into fore his wealth of experience in repositioning the Party as well as take it to enviable heights. Describing his elevation as well deserved, the Governor said it has further confirmed the confidence that members of the Party reposed in his leadership qualities and fatherly disposition. The statement reads in part, ‘your elevation has once again brought to the fore, your enviable qualities as a Good Father, a Bridge Builder, a Dependable Leader, an Accomplished Strategist, a reputable Mobilizer and Goal-Getter of our time with a track record of achievements. ‘It is our belief that, you will bring your wealth of experience to bear in your new position by giving quality leadership as well as take our great party to even much greater heights in all spheres of our political life. ‘We say welcome on board and may God in His infinite mercy always guide, direct and bestow on you, the wisdom of King Solomon as you take up this responsibility with renewed vigour, confidence and hope’.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has identified manpower and infrastructural development as major challenges facing the Ijaw Nation.

Governor Dickson, who stated this at this year’s Ijaw Day Celebration at the Ijaw House in Yenagoa, noted that it was in realization of this need that his administration has made huge investments in the education sector.

According to Hon. Dickson, Government has awarded 140 Doctorate Degree, 400 masters degree scholarships as well as 300 at the post primary level in choice schools both within and outside the country in the last one year of his Restoration administration.

He urged Ijaw people especially those in positions of authority to encourage excellence among the young ones and uphold the time tested values of hard work, truthfulness and selflessness.

Describing the Ijaws as a resilient people who have conquered their environment, the Governor also enjoined them to continue to speak with one voice to promote the unity and cohesion of the Ijaw Nation.

While commending the Acting President of the Ijaw National Congress Chief Joshua Benamaisia and other members of the congress, he called on the various aspirants and their supporters to ensure hitch-free INC elections.

Hon. Dickson who also reaffirmed his commitment to protect the collective interest of the Ijaw Nation called for continued prayers and support for President Goodluck Jonathan and the present administration to succeed at State and national levels.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has commended his Enugu State Counterpart, Dr. Sullivan Chime for his pragmatic efforts, which have clearly transformed the landscape of Enugu, the State capital.

Governor Dickson made the commendation when he paid a solidarity visit to Goveror Chime at Government House, Enugu.
The Bayelsa State Governor stated that, his visit was to give fraternal support and solidarity to Governor Chime for overcoming his challenges, adding that the people of Bayelsa State will join the good people of Enugu State to offer support and prayers for him to succeed. “I have come to give fraternal support and solidarity to you overcoming the various challenges that confronted you. The people of Bayelsa State wil join the good people of Enugu State to offer support and prayers for you to succeed.” Governor Dickson expressed the appreciation of the Government and good people of Bayelsa State for his hardwork and God”s benevolence in his life and pledged to identify with the Governor Chime in his march to develop Enugu State. In his response, Governor Chime thanked Governor Dickson and his entourage for identifying with him during his travail and prayed for God's wisdom to guide and direct him in the task of developing Bayelsa State to an enviable level.

He restated his commitment to continue with his developmental programmes for the State, noting that the visit has further invigorated and rekindled his resolve to serve the people more diligently.

The Enugu State Governor said he will remain focused in his task to transform Enugu State.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State