Thursday 20 February 2014




Bayelsa State Government on Wednesday doled out N312 Million for the payment of this year’s WAEC and NECO fees for students sitting for both examinations in the State.

Presenting the financial instrument to the Commissioner for Education, Chief Salo Adikumo during the State Executive Council meeting at Government House, Yenagoa, Governor Seriake Dickson said the gesture was in pursuance of his administration’s free and compulsory education policy.

Governor Dickson, who disclosed that about N10 billion has so far been expended to execute the policy and various scholarship schemes, warned principals and teachers to shun extortion of any kind, as government would not hesitate to deal decisively with those who flout its orders.

“Let me warn all headmasters and principals that if we receive any complaint that (with all these) you are still asking parents or guardians to contribute money in whatever form or guise in connection with NECO and WAEC payment, we will consider that as extortion and will deal with it appropriately.

“Let me also remind the schools board of their responsibility to monitor principals and headmasters because this is a State where we are providing everything for our pupils and students. We even spend money for the printing of certificates. Before, parents were paying money for certificates but now we approve money to enable the ministry print certificates,” he said.

According to the Governor, about N5 billion was spent on scholarship programmes for students studying within and outside the country while expenditure for procurement of free textbooks gulped N1.3 billion.

He said N610 million had so far been spent on the payment of WAEC and NECO fees, including the procurement of science equipment for both examinations.

He explained that, N500 million have been spent on the provision of free school uniforms, N24 million for exercise books while N22 million was used to procure dual sitting desks.

Hon. Dickson reminded Bayelsans of the need to contribute towards the development of the State by performing their civic responsibilities such as payment of taxes as and when due.

His words, “I can’t remember any State Government that has spent this amount of money on education. That is why we want our people to heed our call for understanding and support to fulfil their own part of the bargain by paying their taxes as and when due in all forms. We have done our own bit and that is why we are calling on them to do theirs. But this is a State where people judge performance of a Government by how much money officials of Government give out to them. It doesn’t matter to them whether you have taken all their children out and they are now in London and the US studying”.

Giving a run-down of the agenda for the meeting, the Governor who asked heads of ministerial departments and agencies to brief council on their activities, said his administration would pay the desired attention to economic empowerment of the people in the current fiscal year.

“In the past two years, you know we’ve been addressing infrastructural deficit. But from this year forward we are going to also look at empowerment of our people; how we can involve them more in the economy and create a more robust and participatory economy. And these are the State agencies that are involved in that aspect. So, I thought we should interact with them briefly and let them tell us what they understand of their mandate and what support they need from us”.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Tuesday 18 February 2014



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry seriake Dickson says, his administration settled for the Shehu of Borno, Alhaji Abubarkar Ibn Umar Garbai El-Kanemi as chancellor of the State owned Niger Delta University, because of his long and impressive academic, moral and political profiles as well as the need to build bridges of unity among the different sections of the country.

Governor Dickson, who stated this, while presenting the letter of appointment to the Shehu of Borno at a brief ceremony in Abuja, urged some sections of the country and some highly placed politicians fanning the embers of ethnic and religious disunity to retrace their steps and do things that would foster unity.

Represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Edmond Allison-Oguru, the Bayelsa State Governor traced the history of the alliance between the north and the south to the first republic and how the people of Bayelsa have always built bridges instead of walls in a bid to foster the unity of the nation and integration. He also brought to the fore, the fact that the alliance is not just an act of coincidence as the Niger Delta region produced the first Chancellor of University of Maiduguri, Late Prof. Essien Udom The Governor stated that, it was only natural for both regions to continue their symbiotic political relationship, which has been mutually beneficial to all.

He however noted with regret that, but for the security situation in the north-east, the ceremony would have held in the comfort of the Shehu's palace.

The Bayelsa State Chief Executive used the occasion to task political and religious leaders in the north on the need to address the security problems in the zone.

In his acceptance speech, the Shehu thanked the Governor for the honour, describing the Niger Delta University as the university of the future, adding that, he will strive to justify the confidence reposed in him by the Government and people of Bayelsa State in particular and the South-South region in general.

He emphasized his vision for the growth and development of the NDU to a world class university as he canvassed the cooperation and support of all stakeholders.

Also speaking, a former Director-General of the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Prof. Muhammed Nur Alkali noted that universities were passing through very difficult times, adding that, ongoing reforms in the educational sector would help universities play bigger roles in nation building.

"Our universities must play greater roles in building bridges. This is a major role we all have to pursue. It is important we stand in solidarity for the success of the university system," said Alkali.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson has given automatic employment to six casual veterinary doctors of the Bayelsa State Veterinary Clinic at Edepie in the State capital. Governor Dickson, who announced this, while commissioning the Ultra modern veterinary clinic at the school to land premises along Imiringi road, Edepie, Yenagoa, stated that, Government would continue to invest in agriculture until the State becomes number in the sector.

He stated that, concerted efforts were being made to put a standard abattoir in place, stressing that, when it is completed along with other facilities, no animal will be allowed into the State without being properly examined before it is slaughtered for consumption. Governor Dickson described agriculture as the tripod of his administration, adding that it will create employment and provide food for the teeming population of Bayelsans.

According to him, it will also increase the Gross Domestic product of the state and improve its internally generated revenue profile as well. The Governor, who expressed satisfaction with the rice mill and other facilities already installed at the farm, promised to visit the farm site on a more regular basis and ensure that boys and girls of the state are meaningfully engaged. He disclosed that the school of agriculture that is underway is to provide manpower for the various agriculture projects and facilities being put in place at the school to land farm.

In his remarks, the Commissioner for agriculture, Dr. Thomas Commander disclosed that the Veterinary Clinic is the first to be built in the state, noting that the facility and the equipment are of high standard. The Governor was also conducted round the different sections of the clinic which include Vet shop/Vet Pharmacy, examination room and laboratory. He also inspected the poultry farm with 15,000 broilers and directed that the capacity be increased to 30,000, promising to make N60 million available for the completion of the project.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has charged the Ministry of Sports Development to commence the process of admitting the first batch of students in readiness for the take off of the State Sports Academy at Asoama in Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area.

He also directed the ministry to source for experts that would train the students in areas where the State have comparative advantage such as swimming, wrestling and other combat sports as well as coach them on the academic aspects of sports development.

Governor Dickson, who gave the charge shortly after participating in the Monthly Jogging Exercise at the Peace Park Yenagoa, gave Mutari Abdullahi, from Sokoto State, a wushe Kunfu practitioner, automatic admission into the academy.

The Governor said he was hopeful that the academy would be commissioned by April this year and expressed delight over the pace of work at the project site, stating that in no distant time the state would begin to produce champions that would win laurels for the State and country as a whole.

“The Sports Commissioner will set up a committee within one month to scout for young people that are good in swimming, wrestling and other aspects of sports and get experts to coach them.

“We want them to get the best of academics and also exposure to competitive sports and beyond the physical training, we want them to study and understand the academic aspect of sports development. We do not want to produce sports champions who are ignorant of the principles and rules, because that academy project is very dear to our heart.”

He therefore urged the youths not to be distracted but avail themselves of Government’s programmes for the betterment of their lives and promote healthy living.

Speaking, the Commissioner for Sports Development, Chief Mitema Obodor, said Government has addressed two major challenges in the sports sector, which are the resuscitation of about 25 sporting associations and provision of facilities.

He noted that Governor Dickson has approved rehabilitation of facilities and change of the turf at the Samson Siasia Sports Stadium to enable the State host premiership and continental matches.

Chief Obodor also intimated the Governor of the qualification of the State owned Football Club, Bayelsa United for the 2014 CAF confederations cup competition.

Assuring the Governor that the State’s athletes would excel at this year’s National sports festival in Calabar, Cross Rivers State, he stressed the need for the construction of a standard stadium, as 75 hectares of land was already available for the project.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Sunday 16 February 2014


As the Restoration Government marks its mid-term anniversary, Governor Seriake Dickson has been receiving accolades from eminent personalities both within and outside the country, including the former Governor of kano State, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau.

Assessing the 2 years score card of Governor Dickson in the state, Mallam Shekarau scored the administration high based on the United Nations and World Bank’s 6 characteristics of development.

According to the former governor, Governor Dickson has excelled in all the criteria, which are, accountability, political stability, effectiveness of government, regulatory control, rule of law and control of corruption.

Commenting on the transparency initiative of the State Government, Alhaji Shekarau said, “ I honestly do not have enough words to say how happy I am to congratulate the Governor, his deputy and other members of his team for institutionalizing this culture of speaking out how much money comes in and how it is spent.

“I am impressed and I want to join all other well wishers of Bayelsa to thank God and pray hard for many more Dicksons to come.

Also appraising the Governor, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri representing Bayelsa West Senatorial District and who spoke on behalf of the Bayelsa Caucus in the National Assembly, noted that Governor Dickson’s stint in the National assembly has sharpened his leadership skills and enhanced his revolutionary achievements within the short period and has equally proved skeptics wrong.

Senator Lokpobiri was of the view that given Governor Dickson’s developmental strides in just 2 years and what he stands to achieve in the remaining part of his present tenure would serve as his campaign weapon. “I want to congratulate you for what you are doing here in the state. And I believe that even your worst enemy will agree that you are doing excellently well.

“We have always had abiding confidence in you as members of the National Assembly, we decided to agree that you should come back home so that Nigerians will get to appreciate what the National Assembly can make of anybody. You were there for 5 years and that has improved your mental and leadership capacity which you are exhibiting.”

Applauding the Governor’s leadership style of inclusiveness, he called for synergy between the State Government and members of the National Assembly from the state to make appropriations that would attract development from the Federal Government as well as avoid duplication in project execution.

Senator Lokpobiri therefore urged the people of the state to support the present administration to record what he described as ‘more success stories’ rather than distracting him.

Highpoint of the occasion was the unveiling of the Mid-Term Report tagged, “Two Years of Restorative Governance” by Governor Dickson after a brief preview of the publication by the Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Edmund Alison-Oguru.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State on Saturday, offered automatic employment to best graduating students of the Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science, (BYCAS), Elebele.

The students excelled in various areas of ICT such as computer hardware maintenance, electrical installation, computer application as well as database management and administration.

The Governor made the offer to 10 of the best graduating students while commissioning the College, which coincided with its maiden Graduation and Matriculation ceremony.

Governor Dickson who was impressed with the students’ outstanding performance directed that 6 of the best graduating students be deployed to Government House, Yenagoa to demonstrate their skills in Information and Communication Technology.

He also directed the Ministry of Education to ensure immediate absorption of the graduates to teach in schools, as there were job openings for teachers in all primary and secondary schools in the state.

Congratulating the 250 graduating students, Governor Dickson urged the Rector of BYCAS, Dr. Jeremiah Yabefa to raise the standard of education higher in conduct, values and academics, underscoring the importance of ICT in today’s knowledge driven and competitive economy.

The Governor said it was heartwarming to note that the implementation of his administration’s educational policy in the re-establishment of the college had yielded positive results 5 years after the scrapping of the institution.

He took an inspection tour of the Computer Application and Network Engineering Laboratories.

Governor Dickson who was accompanied by the Rwandan High Commissioner to Nigeria, Ambassador Joseph Habineza and Minister of Culture and Tourism, Chief Edem Duke was received at the College by his deputy, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, Speaker of the State Assembly, Rt. Hon. Benson Konbowei, Commissioner of Education, Mr. Salo Adikumo and other top government officials.

The Governor also inspected the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, one of the projects earmarked, where he expressed satisfaction with the facilities on ground.

He directed the Commissioner for Tourism Development, Mr. Nelson Belief and the authorities of the Institution to urgently work out modalities for the take off of the school within the first half this year.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Land and property owners in Bayelsa State would soon pay appropriate levies in line with the administration’s tax policies geared towards improving the revenue base of the state.

Governor Seriake Dickson announced this while signing 3 bills into law at a special edition of the administration’s monthly Transparency Briefing marking the second anniversary of the government.

The new laws are, Bayelsa State Investment Promotion, Bureau for Development Cooperative and Bayelsa Anti Corruption Amendment, which brings the total number of laws to 37 aimed at creating institutions for effective governance of progress of the state.

Tax Identification Numbers (TIN), were also issued to Governor Dickson and his deputy, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah.

On the Property Tax, Governor Dickson explained that the essence of Government’s tax policies was to create wealth and a sustainable economy that is not dependent on revenue from oil and gas.

He expressed Government’s determination to make Bayelsa self-sustaining particularly in the payment of salaries without relying on proceeds from the Federal Allocation, stressing that in due course the people would stand to benefit from Government’s diversification programme.

The Governor, who also commissioned the offices of the State Geographic Information System Agency, explained that, the Bayelsa Geographic Information System, BGIS is a one-stop shop for handling all title matters, which will go a long way in protecting the people’s investments in land and other valuable property, noting that, land is the foundation of all development.

“With the BGIS Law in place, you have to be prepared to pay property tax. BGIS is one stop shop for all title matters. Every land transaction must be consummated within 60 days.

In another development, Governor Dickson launched the registration of Tax Identification Number, (TIN) as part of efforts of government’s revolutionary revenue drive.

Noting that experts were working on the law that would harmonize all revenue legislations in the state, with the aim of ensuring that taxable persons were captured both in the formal and informal sectors.

Acknowledging the challenges in the informal sector, the Governor directed that inter-ministerial teams work together to ensure that all taxable adults in the state were captured for tax purposes to aid development.

“Our teams are working on the law that will harmonize all revenue legislations in the state with the intention of ensuring that every person that is taxable in this state is captured. For the formal sector, we have done a lot but for the informal sector, we know that the challenges are there”

He therefore solicited the cooperation of all as the success of the administration depended largely on the support from the people.

Giving some insight into the tax identification number, Executive Chairman of the state Internal Revenue Board, Mr. Godson Torukuru said the scheme was a collaborative effort between the state and federal governments to shore up the Internally Generated Revenue, IGR.

He also highlighted the benefits accruable from the tax identification initiative which include, access to free medical services for some categories of persons, obtaining Government contracts, driving license, international passports and will aid the processing of land documents among others.

In his contribution, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Treasury and Accounts, Mr. Timipre Seipulo, said the total IGR has improved as it increased from N4 billion to N10 billion within last year.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Government says the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, C of O, will go a long way in resolving land disputes as well as engender wealth creation for land owners with the establishment of the Bayelsa Geographical Information System, (BGIS).

Governor Seriake Dickson gave the indication while signing some C of Os at the monthly transparency briefing to mark his mid-term anniversary in office.

According to the Governor, as part of activities to celebrate the second year of the Restoration Government, he decided to put in place a mechanism for the verification of land titles to enable the people become major players in the economy as landed property would become marketable.

“I also signed in your presence, certificates of occupancy pursuant to the law that we proposed to the Bayelsa State House of Assembly with the promulgation of the Bayelsa Geographical Information System Law.

“Among the factors of production, land is probably the foundation of all development. If we free up most of the titles we have and give verifiable and reliable certification of those titles, that by itself is empowerment because we would have made it possible for persons to trade with their titles.”

He noted that, one of the challenges that had bedeviled the State was the classification of wealth in view of the absence of reliable certification to land, stressing the need for Government to take pragmatic steps to create wealth and a sustainable economy as land was the foundation of all development. That is one of the reasons why we are not as involved as we ought to be in our local economy.

“That is why you cannot have small and medium scale businessmen and women because you cannot transact with your titles; meanwhile if you go to our communities, or even in Yenagoa almost everybody has land but they can not trade with it since there is no proof of ownership.”

Consequently, Governor Dickson said investment teams have been directed to work out the details with which he would interact with financial institutions to streamline the empowerment programme Government intends to run.

He also urged the teams to liaise with its counterparts at the federal level with the aim of keying into the recently launched Federal Government’s mortgage re-finance initiative as well as look into the possibility of establishing a mortgage institution in the State.

In his remarks, the Commissioner for Lands and Survey, Mr Furoebi Akene highlighted some of the features of the new C of O which he noted, is electronically produced and the issuance of the C of O from the date of application, if all the requirements are met, is within 2 weeks.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has said he would continue to run an open and all inclusive Government to attract greater stability and development to the State.

Hon. Dickson who spoke at a special thanksgiving service to round off his administration’s mid-term anniversary at the King of Glory Chapel, Government House in Yenagoa, expressed gratitude to God and Bayelsans for the progress made so far. He reiterated his belief in the supremacy of God in the affairs of men and attributed the administration’s achievements in the last two years to Divine grace and effective cooperation between the Government and people of the state.

While, thanking the Church and Bayelsans for their support, Governor Dickson urged them not to relent in their prayers for the State and President Goodluck Jonathan. He pledged that Government on its part would make concerted efforts to continue to speed up development in the State and expressed his willingness to work with all well-meaning individuals and organisations. According to the Governor, “this is a time that God has set all the parameters and indices right for us to make giant strides that we need to make, and by the grace of God we are doing that. “There is unprecedented harmony, cooperation, synergy and inclusiveness in the way we now conduct the politics of our State.

Yes, there will be differences in opinion and perspectives; we can’t rule that out. But, so far I want to commend the political elite of this State for the understanding and cooperation they have always shown and extended. I assured them as usual that because we are in Government to serve, it is not difficult bringing everybody together. It is when you are in Government to either witch-hunt people or pursue one selfish agenda or the other that you are scared of people. “In our new Bayelsa, we are looking for all good hands. We don’t even have enough good hands so we are still looking for them.

Whoever has any role to play or good idea to bring to the table to serve the people of our dear State is welcome because the cardinal principle of our Government flowing from my personal conviction about public service is that ‘He serveth God well by serving men well”. Earlier in a sermon the Bishop of Ogbia Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Rt. Reverend James Aye-Oruwori admonished Bayelsans to put their total trust in God from whom alone enduring socio-economic and political success flows.

Bishop Oruwori commended the Governor for creating the existing partnership between Government and Church and urged Christians to rise above fear and always speak the truth. The only lesson of the service which featured special choral renditions and prayers for the State and country in general was read by Governor Seriake Dickson.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has urged the political class in the country to make service their watchword with a view to making a positive impact in the lives of those they govern.

He also charged the citizenry to contribute meaningfully to the nation’s growth and development by living up to their civic responsibilities, stressing that responsible citizenship carries with it certain obligations.

The Governor was speaking at a dinner/command performance marking his administration’s second anniversary at the banquet hall, Government House in Yenagoa.

The ceremony also featured presentation of productivity merit award to over thirty public sector workers and organizations with the Rwandan High Commissioner to Nigeria, Amb Joseph Habineza in attendance.

Other notable personalities at the occasion include the immediate past Chief of Staff to the President, Chief Mike Ogiadhome, former Governor of Kano State, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, wife of the Bayelsa State Governor Rachel, his deputy Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah (Rtd), foremost poet, Dr Gabriel Okara, former and serving National Assembly members from the state as well as traditional rulers.

According to Hon Dickson, Nigeria will develop faster if leaders and citizens alike appreciate its diversity as an asset and make collective efforts at fighting against the challenges confronting the country.

While, underscoring the importance of national unity, the Governor took a swipe on politicians and political parties that are fanning the embers of strife and disintegration.

He noted that despite the premeditated attacks on the Peoples Democratic Party-led federal government by forces who do not mean well for the country, the party remains resolute in its determination to move the nation forward and promote national integration and stability.

Alluding to the current spate of defections in the nation’s polity, the Bayelsa State Governor said, “The other party inherited some toxic assets but our party, Africa’s largest and the only truly national party in Nigeria stands for national integration and stability of our dear country.

“The people that have come to join us are true assets. People like Their Excellencies Ibrahim shekarau, Atahiru Bafarawa, my good friend Dele Belgore and other well-meaning Nigerians who have come to join us in the PDP. We believe that our platform is not built on the faultlines of our country. Whether those faultlines are ethnicity, religion or class, our platform is for all Nigerians. And I want to thank all other worthy leaders who have taken the right step.

Continuing, he maintained that, “responsible citizenship carries with it an obligation to contribute to the general wellbeing. I also believe that those of us who have an opportunity to serve truly have the opportunity to serve not just man but God Himself from whom authority over human beings flows. We must not fail to remember that we are in service to make a difference.”

On his performance, the Governor noted that the present administration has made appreciable progress in critical sectors of education, infrastructure and security in the last two years even as he identified human capacity development as the greatest challenge of the state.

He however stated that, appropriate measures were being put in place to address the problem as no society, according to him, can have a sustainable future that is not anchored on human capital.

Governor Dickson said it was in realization of this fact that his administration swiftly embarked on the building of educational institutions including the schools of agriculture and tourism as well as initiated various scholarship schemes for Bayelsans to study within and outside the country.

His words, “Our investments are not just limited to the roads that you see or the schools that we are building all over. In every Local Government Area, you can count about 25 projects ranging from schools to hospitals not to talk of the major infrastructural turnaround that is evident in the state capital. As we speak, we have over 150 PhD scholars spread across the length and breadth of the world; over 400 are also on scholarship for masters’ degree programmes. In fact, next week the team going to Lincoln University will leave for the United States of America because we have paid all their fees up to date.

He thanked Bayelsans and all friends of the State for their support and assured them of his administration’s commitment to consolidating on the achievements recorded so far, expressing hope that the foundations laid in the past two years would achieve more aggressive sustainable development for the state.

Highpoint of the occasion was the cutting of the anniversary cake and presentations by various artistes and cultural troupes including the state council for arts and culture, and UMOZA from Johannesburg, South Africa.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



“No problem is insurmountable. With a little courage, teamwork and determination a person can overcome anything." B. Dodge.

February 14, 2012 is a date that would remain indelible in the minds of Bayelsans and Nigerians at large. It is a date that is globally acclaimed to be the day for lovers, Saint Valentines day, but to the people of Bayelsa State in South-South Nigeria it marked a watershed in the history of Bayelsa State, which was then barely 15 years old. It was the day Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson was sworn in as the fourth civilian governor of the state.

In the course of his campaigns prior to the elections that brought him into office, he had traversed the length and breadth of the state promising change and the restoration of the lost glory of the state. Having won the elections decisively, the inauguration ceremony was more or less a symbolic event which accorded him an opportunity to appreciate the people for their support and the mandate they had freely given to him to serve. He also used the opportunity elaborate on the cardinal points of his manifesto christened the ‘Restoration Agenda’. In the two years of his assumption of office, the Dickson administration has addressed head on the litanny of problems it inherited. As a result of his far-reaching programmes and policies, which have endeared him to the people, he now goes by several appellations such as ‘contriman governor’, ‘restoration governor’, ‘talknado governor’ and the like. Hon. Dickson has come to be regarded widely as the architect of the new era and has without doubt established a paradigm shift in the culture of governance and with great emphasis on transformation and sacrifice. He stepped into the seat of Government in Creek Haven with a determined zeal, creative ingenuity and a courage to dare. He has by dint of hard work and strength of character led by example, affirming his credibility as a visionary leader. He has succeeded in proving doubting Thomas’s wrong, giving hope to the people of Bayelsa State that tomorrow will certainly be better.

The march towards restoration as severally emphasized by Governor Henry Seriake Dickson, is no doubt one that can only be achieved by uncommon imagination and commitment. Drawing on the exertion of the state’s founding fathers and some of his predecessors, Governor Dickson has thrust the state into the frontlines of national development and remarkable events.

First and foremost he has been able to successfully promote a new ethos of governance where transparency and accountability has been assured by open governance as exemplified with the publication of the state’s income and expenditure profile on a monthly basis. The practice has been made statutory through the Bayelsa Income and Transparency Bill 2012. Unlike the locust years, savings have been made mandatory through the multi-billion Naira Bayelsa Strategic Reserve and Savings Account. These initiatives, products of visionary leadership will serve to protect the interest of the people now and in the future.

In realization of the fact that there can be no meaningful development without security and given the precarious security situation his administration met on ground, Governor Dickson a former law enforcement officer and one time Attorney General, fully appreciated the challenges and immediately set out to put counter measures in place. These include the constitution of a security team with an exceptional track record and ability to run the security apparatus in the state. From their efforts emerged the Bayelsa State Integrated Security Strategy (BISS), a formidable strategy which sought to engineer security by emphasizingintelligence based policing with massive community participation and large scale infusion of modern security technology. Having set the stage for the people to truly reap the dividends of democracy, Governor Dickson proceeded swiftly to deliver on his promises to the people. The state has become, in what is now popular parlance, a huge construction site, fielding reputable international contractors that have all been engaged in the construction of major road projects which have further opened up the state to further growth and development. Education has long been recognized as a central element of development. The Dickson Administration in line with this accorded the sector premium attention in the new scheme of state building by declaring a state of emergency during his swearing in ceremony. Hon Henry Seriake Dickson, has reduced the economic burden of child education in Bayelsa State, while ushering thousands of youths onto new vista of self-development and empowerment. Education at primary and post primary school levels is now free and compulsory and Model Secondary Schools are being constructed in all local government areas in the state.

Governor Dickson has succeeded in positioning education as a major tool for development in the state through massive investments in education, which is destined to transform the state in a few years time. By its conscious provision of health infrastructure across the state, the Dickson Administration has indeed given further coloration to its restoration drive. The state government has constructed and is still building modern referral health institutions in all local government areas of the state.

On assumption of duty, the present administration was confronted with transportation problems in the state capital especially the menace of Okada riders leading to avoidable deaths and degree of injuries due to the serious effects of accidents they were exposed to on the roads. With a clear idea of the situation and what was needed to restore order,safety and decency in the state capital, the state government decided to modernize commercial transportation in Yenagoa. Effectively, government banned the operation of motorcycles commonly known as Okada and launched the state transport scheme with the provision of 200 Taxi Cabs and 12 Restoration Buses as well. A driving school was also established with driving stimulators and to be manned by ten engineers trained in the USA. The promotion of tourism in Bayelsa State is based on the premise that when fully developed, tourism which is the world’s fastest growing industry, has the potential of providing jobs for thousands of Bayelsans. For Bayelsa State therefore, tourism is the future. With the establishment of the Bayelsa State Tourism Board (BSTB) and the Bayelsa State Institute of Tourism, Catering and Hotel Management, the Dickson Administration is well on its way to fulfilling its promise of providing alternative income for the state beyond oil. In 2013 alone, the state successfully hosted the Most Beautiful Girl Pageant in Yenagoa, the United Nations Conference on Under Water Cultural Heritage and Imaging, the Caribbean African American Music Awards, an International Jazz Festival, the Centenary Pageant and the Africa Movie Academy Awards all of which captured global attention.

In expanding the scope of tourism in the state, the Dickson Administration has commenced work on the proposed Yenagoa Tourism Island; an international Golf course and estate, which will feature luxury hotels, a polo club and other recreational facilities. To support the growing tourism industry a School of Tourism , Catering and Hospitality Management has been set up for the development of necessary manpower to make the sector thrive.

There is no doubt that Bayelsa State is gradually emerging as a vibrant entertainment spot for the convergence of global stars, which is a deliberate action of government aimed at ultimately making the state a preferred destination for investors and tourists in the nearest future. The Dickson Administration has exhibited great concern over the state of electricity supply that was inherited from the previous administration; in spite of the billions of naira that was invested in the sector by the previous administration, electricity supply dwindled with an adverse effect on productivity in the state across board.

To achieve better power supply and engender the growth of industrialization in the state, the Dickson-led Restoration Government has signed a memorandum of understanding with the IPP Energy Limited, leasing partners, for the development of 100 megawatts gas turbine power station for the state. This is coming on the heels of the overhauling of the existing gas turbine plant by its manufacturers in order to make it functional again.

Bayelsa lies in a riverine environment with mangrove and tropical rain forest climates that support round the year farming of both aquaculture and agricultural products. Governor Dickson has consistently indicated his desire to provide an enabling platform for Bayelsa State’s continued growth even without its present economic mainstay – oil. To the Governor, agriculture has the potential to provide thousands of jobs, feed the population and ultimately create opportunities for export. With this in mind he has keenly pursued an agenda, which will transform agriculture from its present rudimentary level to one, which is fully mechanized. This is the basis for training five hundred youths in modern agricultural practices and methods at Songhai farms in Benin Republic. This and other such worthy initiatives centered on the agricultural sector will undoubtedly develop the sector and earn the state impressive revenue in the nearest future.

Women and youth development is an aspect of interest in Bayelsa State which Governor Dickson has held close to his heart. Only recently, a total of about five hundred million naira was disbursed to various women cooperative groups across the state as a first phase in the administration’s women empowerment programme. The aim here is to ensure that women, especially those at the grassroots are sufficiently empowered to meet their personal needs.

In the same vein, some two hundred and fifty youth have benefited from the Dickson administration’s large heartedness by obtaining state sponsorship for vocational training in automobile technology, cinematography, photography, fashion designing and information and communication technology at the King Amachree Academy in Benin Republic. Furthermore over 10,000 youths recently denounced cultism and have registered in a biometric registration process in preparation for youth empowerment scheme designed to train and equip young male and female Bayelsans with life skills.

These lofty initiatives are clear indications of the fact that the Restoration Government has a human face and is one that is poised to ensure that the dividends of democracy trickle down to even the most vulnerable groups in society. For an independent judiciary in the state, Governor Dickson had the Bayelsa State Financial Autonomy Bill introduced in the State House of Assembly and passed into law in October 2012. It was a first in the legislative history of Nigeria and bore testimony to the Governor’s unwavering commitment to good governance. The Government of Bayelsa State is diversifying the economic base of the state so that other sectors can contribute to the GDP of the state. Steps have been taken to ensure the success of diversification by establishing enabling laws and appropriate bodies such as the Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC), Bayelsa Investments Promotion Agency (BIPA), to drive the diversification and deliver on the mandate. The agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, power and marine sectors will be the central focus in this drive to ensure that Bayelsa State continues to be relevant nationally and globally even without oil.

In view of the overwhelming activities of the Dickson Administration in just two years, there is no denying the fact the foundation for a new Bayelsa State has been laid. The years 2012 to 2014 have been remarkable in many ways hitherto unknown in the political history of the state. At the seat of power is a leader who has continued to prove his mettle as a visionary and rare breed politician. He brought with him a new philosophy of governance and a passion that is assuredly redemptive. Indeed he had the courage to dare.

The citizen-centered policies of Governor Henry Seriake Dickson have ushered in an era of hope and progress in Bayelsa State. In the two years left in his first tenure, there is no doubt that Bayelsans will witness more of the Dickson magic to warrant a second tenure for the contriman governor as he strives to turn the glory of all lands into the ‘Dubai of Africa”.

Onoriode Akpe, is the Senior Special Assistant to the Bayelsa State Governor on Electronic Media and Head Media, Bayelsa House, Abuja.

Thursday 13 February 2014




Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Wednesday flagged off his administration’s Mid Term anniversary with the commissioning of the Yenagoa gateway security posts aimed at complementing the integrated security command and control system of the State Government.

Also, to build the capacity of teachers in the state, the Governor announced that the Teachers Training Institute at Bulou Orua would be affiliated to the department of continuing education of the state-owned Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro College of Education, Sagbama.

Commenting on the gateway infrastructure which comprises a water fountain and other structures, Governor Dickson explained that the facility would not always be accessible to members of the public as they would be essentially used for security purposes.

The Governor noted that the project would add to the aesthetics of the capital city and the state in general, stating that more of such infrastructure would be provided as part of government’s urban renewal drive.

In his words: “the water fountain and the associated structures here are essentially security buildings; they are not buildings that members of the public will have access to at least not on a regular basis. They are to complement our Integrated Command and Control System.

“And this being an entry and exit point, these buildings are going to be very useful. The fountain itself is very wonderful and it is going to add to the aesthetics of our state capital and the state generally. And, I know we are going to have such fountains.

In an interview with newsmen, Governor Dickson expressed satisfaction with the level of work done and commended the people, particularly the youths for their peaceful disposition, noting that peace was an essential ingredient in the development and growth of the state.

According to him, majority of the already completed projects will be commissioned by President Goodluck Jonathan during his planned working visit to the State at a date to be announced soon.

Earlier, Governor Dickson had commissioned some people-oriented projects in Sagbama and Kolokuma Opokuma local government areas of the state as part of activities marking his administration’s 2 years anniversary.

Accompanied by his Deputy, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Edmond Alison-Oguru, other members of the state Executive Council, the Governor inaugurated a rural electrification project and a 2.5km internal road at Toru Orua.

He also inspected some on-going projects including the Sagbama-Ekeremor and Toru Orua-Angalabiri roads as well as Model Secondary School, Sagbama, Teachers Training Institute, Bolou Orua.

Others were the Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro College of Education, Sagbama, Bayelsa State Sports Academy, Asoama and the permanent NYSC Orientation Camp, Kaiama, headquarters of Kolokuma/Opokuma local government area.

Fielding questions from journalists, the Paramount Ruler of Bolou Orua community, Chief Felagha Tounarigha expressed satisfaction with the massive transformation of infrastructure taking place in the community and the State generally.

While calling on the people to jealously guard the various projects already put in place, he also commended Governor Dickson for his visionary leadership and prayed God to continue protect and direct him.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State