Sunday 16 February 2014



Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has said he would continue to run an open and all inclusive Government to attract greater stability and development to the State.

Hon. Dickson who spoke at a special thanksgiving service to round off his administration’s mid-term anniversary at the King of Glory Chapel, Government House in Yenagoa, expressed gratitude to God and Bayelsans for the progress made so far. He reiterated his belief in the supremacy of God in the affairs of men and attributed the administration’s achievements in the last two years to Divine grace and effective cooperation between the Government and people of the state.

While, thanking the Church and Bayelsans for their support, Governor Dickson urged them not to relent in their prayers for the State and President Goodluck Jonathan. He pledged that Government on its part would make concerted efforts to continue to speed up development in the State and expressed his willingness to work with all well-meaning individuals and organisations. According to the Governor, “this is a time that God has set all the parameters and indices right for us to make giant strides that we need to make, and by the grace of God we are doing that. “There is unprecedented harmony, cooperation, synergy and inclusiveness in the way we now conduct the politics of our State.

Yes, there will be differences in opinion and perspectives; we can’t rule that out. But, so far I want to commend the political elite of this State for the understanding and cooperation they have always shown and extended. I assured them as usual that because we are in Government to serve, it is not difficult bringing everybody together. It is when you are in Government to either witch-hunt people or pursue one selfish agenda or the other that you are scared of people. “In our new Bayelsa, we are looking for all good hands. We don’t even have enough good hands so we are still looking for them.

Whoever has any role to play or good idea to bring to the table to serve the people of our dear State is welcome because the cardinal principle of our Government flowing from my personal conviction about public service is that ‘He serveth God well by serving men well”. Earlier in a sermon the Bishop of Ogbia Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Rt. Reverend James Aye-Oruwori admonished Bayelsans to put their total trust in God from whom alone enduring socio-economic and political success flows.

Bishop Oruwori commended the Governor for creating the existing partnership between Government and Church and urged Christians to rise above fear and always speak the truth. The only lesson of the service which featured special choral renditions and prayers for the State and country in general was read by Governor Seriake Dickson.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

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