Monday 17 March 2014



The programme started at 4:30 sharp with the arrival of President Goddluck Jonathan.

A minute silence in Honour of the departed souls who died during the last Saturdays immigration job interview was held.

According to a President Jonathan the Presidential Advisory Committee found that there is the need to hold a National discussion on the future of the country. This discussion is already going on in our mass media especially in our social media.

He said that Inspite of the fact that there is a legitimate government in place there is a need to carry along the majority who are not in the parliament. There is thus the need to seek a way to talk amongst ourself as sovereignty belongs to the people.

President Goodluck further stated that Critics have complained about the present constitution because it was written by the military but starts with WE the people. He believes that inspite of the fact that we have held several conferences there is still the need to talk because the challenges of 1956 is different from that of today.

He said the conference is an opportunity to prove critics wrong about the fact that we cannot go forward without ethnic cleavages and tribal sentiments.

The outcome of this conference is an attempt to relaunch our country to be at par with the countries that stood side by side in development index in the 60s. There must only be one winner in the confer Ede and that winner must be Nigeria.

He emphasized that "Yesterday s prejudices should die with yesterday. Today is a new day and a New era."

The President concluded by saying that he appreciates the National Assembly for putting referendum in the constitutional review and hopes they passes the amendment soon so if there is need for a referendum after the conference the results of the conference can be put to vote. He said "GOODLUCK JONATHAN HAS NO PERSONAL AGENDA" .

Onoride K. Akpe
SSA E- media to the Bayelsa state Governor

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