Friday 9 May 2014


By Admin


Different Conspiracy Theories..

Yesterday The Ex- MEND Boss Muhajid Asari Dokubo published a short sentence that destabilized the media and a lot of people called for his head.. He wrote " PASS THE MESSAGE...No Girls are Missing.. CHIBOK Is a SCAM".  His message reminded me of a story I read on premium times some months ago where A former governor of Borno State, Ali Modu Sheriff, who also came under similar attack when he said the bomb blast in Maiduguri, the State Capital of Borno State, by a suicide bomber in a pick-up van was not carried out by the outlawed Boko Haram Sect. He categorically said the Sect was not responsible for the blast. Mr. Sheriff blamed Borno State government officials and members of his All Progressives Congress ( APC) for the blast that killed at least 31 people( human beings not cattles) and left a dozens more injured. As if that was not enough Dr Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo  an international investigative Journalist for HNN AFRICA after visiting CHIBOK released a 3 minutes Video Saying CHIBOK Is a Scam.

Today my Brother has Come up with his own conspiracy Theory that We (Nigerians) are still being played by "Oyibo people" and a political party.
he wrote;

"Please I want us to ponder on this...... It just crossed my mind and I have been left believing strongly that the disintegration of Nigerian seems so imminentLike we all know, Nigeria has been predicted to undergo disintegration in 2015 by the western world.

The play was all but written and the influence of the "oyinbo's" have made sure that we acted according to the written script.

President Goodluck lately made what I would term the worst decision of this tenure by accepting foreign military aid which indirectly sends us back to colonization. The US marines coming into Nigeria is based on what agreement? When would they leave? The other countries they have claimed to help, how long have they been helping them?

Since the national confab started and a microscopic number of northern elders decided against resource control, even going as far as making statements towards disintegration I had the feeling that the script written by the "oyinbos" has started on as an african stage play. Little did I know that it would soon rapidly turn out to be an American film.

President Goodluck lost the media and with it he lost one of the pillars of our country. The oyinbo's with the help of the purported opposition party have actually played it to the best of their ability.

On the issue of the chibok girls, it is now more emotional that factual. We don't really want to know any facts, all we want is ‪#‎bringbackourgirls‬ because our emotions are driving us.The same people that used the media to say that the mother of the nation (1st lady) is doing nothing concerning the girls that are missing are the same people taunting her and asking what right she has to summon (whereas she actually "invited") public officials.

Now I just want us to ponder on a little question "What if these girls are truly not missing" do you think the oyinbo military would leave Nigeria without finding the "not-missing" girls??? Mind you, the US marines or CIA are nothing compared to the British SAS special forces and if the information reaching us is correct, the British military personnel at the British high commission in Nigeria is actually working together with our Nigerian military personnel.

It took me quite a while to put a few pieces together but when I discovered APC hired someone who worked on Obama's campaign to be their chief media strategist and considering the fact that majority of the Niger delta freedom fighters had their affiliations to both Germany and Russia, "I think" our beloved country is being played on a chess board.

It might seem like nothing to us and I might be wrong as this is just mere perception, but if the puzzle completes and we let our fate be decided on a chess board just like during the colonial era, we might just be on the verge of total collapse as a sovereign nation.

At the end, this is just a feeling of one individual, but like in the old testament, I believe I have seen the handwriting on the wall but my sincere prayer is that I am wrong.

Kenigbolo Meya Stephen
Senate President NANS-GH"


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