Saturday 30 November 2013



RECENTLY the Minister for Petroleum Resources, Mrs Diezani Allison Madueke raised an alarm over the Rising level of Oil Theft especially in the Niger Delta region. Statistically, a total of 350,000 barrels per day (bpd) were lost to illegal bunkering in 2012, and the trend continued in 2013 with even more Alarming figures. No wonder the Minister described it as “another face of Terrorism” capable of worsening the country's economic problems.

Within the past 16 months Men of the Bayelsa State's Operation Doo-Akpor outfit, (which is a special police security outfit that is funded by the Government of Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson) has added the fight against oil theft and illegal bunkering to their lengthy list of state security operations.

During a visit to the operation Doo Akpor camp base located along Imiringi road in Yenagoa yesterday, we could not help but notice the numerous barrels of illegal crude oil products recovered by the outfit.  

However what was more interesting was the presence of; approximately a 50ft wide Dangote truck loaded with Bags of what looks like flour from a distance. But in a discussion with the Operation Doo akpor policemen, it was revealed that each bag of the supposed golden penny flour was as a matter of fact loaded with over 50 litters of illegally bunkered diesel products.

According to them, the Dangote truck with registration number YKS 190 KA JIGAWA,(ICT-5E-034)  was said to have been intercepted by the men of operation Doo- Akpor  team along the ox bow lake road of the State’s capital  Yenagoa.  During a Random search, it was discovered that the Dangote truck was carrying over 75 bags of illegally bunkered diesel products. The driver of the truck absconded leaving his conductor and another passenger, who are now in police custody.

The big questions now:

1. How large is the syndicate of oil theft and illegal bunkering in the Niger Delta?  

2. Are our security Outfits capable of deciphering the new and criminally genius ways these oil thieves are concealing products and carrying out their operations?  

By Matilda Barakemi
For Inside Bayelsa Online
30th Nov,2013


  1. This is the tragedy of the compromised security outfits at the various checkpoints and the environmental sanitation agency under Ebifemowei Abel. Many of his staff are busy harrasing citizens who bring in goods into the state instead of making sure our environment is not abused.

  2. I don't think this should be pinned on sanitation, those folks have no right to search vehicles or harass incoming or outgoing traders. This should be pinned on our joint taskforce at the To-gate who lets in and lets out criminals at will. It seems that becos Dangote is a respectable name they just let the trucks pass. Or is it that the truck drivers pay them? I wish the operation Doo Akpor men will give us more on this story
