Wednesday 27 November 2013



Twon-Brass, headquarters of Brass Local Government Area was agog with people from all walks of life as Governor Seriake Dickson embarked on his thank you tour to the area.

Addressing the mammoth crowd at the reception ground of the event, an elated Governor Dickson appreciated the people for supporting the Peoples Democratic Party overwhelmingly in all elections ranging from ward to presidential polls, noting that the party would not have recorded much success without their inputs.

The Governor particularly thanked them for cooperating with his Restoration Government and standing by President Goodluck Jonathan as well as maintaining the peace since the inception of the present administration, which he noted has continued to attract unfettered progress to the area.

Hon. Dickson, who was bestowed with the chieftaincy title of Twon-Ibe Tolomobor, meaning the restorer of the glory of Twon Kingdom during the visit, also saluted the Council of Chiefs for the honour done him.

His words, “Today is a day of saying thank you to you all. We are not here for campaigns. We recall that we came to this hallowed ground some months back to preach the gospel of restoration and you all turned out en masse including the Amayanabo and his Council of Chiefs to receive and show us solidarity and support on that occasion. Thereafter we went into election and the results show that you all turned out and voted massively for the only Ijaw party, the Peoples Democratic Party. And so, we started the restoration government and what has happened between the time and now is very well known to you.

“We are not here to tell you what we have done. I will be more interested to hear things we ought to do that we have not done. I want to thank His majesty, the Amayanabo and his Council of Chiefs for conferring on me the coveted title of someone who restores the glory of Twon. We feel challenged by this additional honour; It is actually a call to duty.”

While assuring the people of Brass of more Government presence especially in the area of infrastructural development, the Governor pledged to speedily construct a befitting civic centre in Twon-Brass.

Consequently, he directed the Commissioner for Sports Development to consult with leaders of the community to get an appropriate site and conclude feasibility studies for the project within the next two weeks.

In his welcome address, the Chairman of Brass Local Government Council, Hon. Andi Obed described the impressive turn-out of the people at the event as a clear indication of the level of acceptance and support the Governor commands in the area.

According to the Chairman, “Our people are happy about what is happening in the State as there is peace everywhere and development is going on in all sectors. The education policy of the State Government need to be commended and the huge infrastructural development going on cannot be compared to what happened in the past six years before this Government came into office.”

Giving a scorecard of performance, Hon. Obed said his administration has completed some unfinished projects that were bequeathed by his predecessor, which include the rehabilitation of the main landing jetty, a link bridge between Shidi-ama and Kemmer-ama all in Twon-Brass and the fencing of a women development centre at Ewoama.

In their separate speeches, the State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Col. Sam Inokoba Rtd and the Deputy Speaker of the Bayelsa House of Assembly, Chief Sam Ateki also lauded the people for supporting the PDP-led government and assured them of more dividends of democracy.

Highpoint of the occasion was the presentation of cheques worth N15million each to the chairmen of the three Rural Development Areas (RDAs) in Brass by the Acting Director-General of the Bayelsa State Micro-Finance and Enterprise Development Agency, Mr Ifiemi Ikpaikpai for onward delivery to women cooperative groups in their areas as part of the Governor’s empowerment programme.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

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