Tuesday 16 September 2014

Nigeria Bar Association, Councillors' Forum Bestow Awards on Governor Dickson

The transparent and accountable leadership style of the Bayelsa State Governor, Hon Seriake Dickson has continued to earn him awards from reputable organisations and individuals both within and outside the country.
The latest came from the National body of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), which members unanimously conferred on the governor an award of excellence in recognition of his developmental strides in Bayelsa and services to humanity in general.
Presenting the award to Governor Dickson at the 44th Session of the state executive council meeting in Government House, Yenagoa, the State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Barr. Kemasuode Wodu, who received it on behalf of the governor, said the conferment was made at the just-concluded NBA conference at Owerri in Imo State.
Barr Wodu, who handed over two awards to the governor, explained that the Association of lawyers of the old Eastern Region comprising nine states, including Bayelsa had earlier conferred a similar award on Hon. Dickson in one of their conferences about two months ago.
According to him, " At the just concluded conference in Owerri, Imo State, the NBA acknowledged and recognised the selfless service you have been rendering to the state, to humanity, your developmental strides and even your accountability to the people you govern. Your Excellency, the Association in that wise presented an Award of Excellence to you, which I had the opportunity of receiving on your behalf. I have the award here and with your permission, may I present that award to you, Sir.
"Similarly, the association of lawyers of the old Eastern Region including Bayelsa, which I had the privilege of serving as its chairman before handing over some three years ago. The NBA is now based on regions informally. So, that is one of the regions and in one of their conferences, two months ago an award was presented in recognition of your contributions to the development of Bayelsa State and humanity", he said.
In the same vein, the National Councillors Forum of Nigeria at its sixth national convention in Minna, the Niger State capital identified itself with the achievements of the Dickson-led administration, bestowing on him, the awarding of the Best Governor in Grassroots Development and Truthful Leadership.
Handing over the award to Governor Dickson in Government House, the Chairman of the Bayelsa State chapter of the Forum, Mr Tonkumo Igoniwari, described the governor as focused, prudent and purposeful in piloting the affairs of the state for the period he has been in the saddle of leadership.
Responding, Governor Dickson expressed gratitude to the organisations for honouring him, and dedicated the awards to the members of the Restoration team and the good people of the state.
Earlier, declaring open the expanded executive council meeting, which had permanent secretaries of the various ministries in attendance, Hon Dickson urged them to work in harmony with their respective commissioners in the formulation and implementation of government's policies and programmes.
His words: " This is an enlarged executive council meeting for a specific purpose. Most of you, who have not been part of Exco, do not know how we go about the business of managing public expenditures in this government. Last two months I made a statement that, I thought the time has come for us to have in audience our permanent secretaries, who are the heads of the bureaucracies.
" I wanted them to be with us and have a feel of what we go through month after month as we try to appropriate scarce resources, so that you do not misunderstand your commissioners and all of you also do not misunderstand the state leadership."
- See more at: http://bayelsa.gov.ng/portal/media-centre/news-events/950-nigeria-bar-association-councillors-forum-bestow-awards-on-governor-dickson#sthash.qtCvVfXs.dpuf- See more at: http://bayelsa.gov.ng/portal/media-centre/news-events/950-nigeria-bar-association-councillors-forum-bestow-awards-on-governor-dickson#sthash.qtCvVfXs.dpuf

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