Friday 31 August 2012


 The new Bayelsa State transport scheme, tagged, “Restoration Cab” has been launched by Governor Seriake Dickson. 
The launch of the scheme came on the heels of the ban on commercial motorcycles, popularly known as Okada in the state capital, Yenagoa.
 Speaking at the launch of the taxi cabs and tri-wheel vehicles, Governor Dickson said the vehicles were procured for the initial take off of the scheme. The Governor noted that just as his administration was working hard to develop the basic infrastructure of the state, it was imperative to provide world class transport system alongside the proposed deep sea ports and airports. 
The state Chief Executive who described the new transport system as a pilot scheme, disclosed that government spent over 600 million naira including insurance and warned beneficiaries not to convert the vehicles for private use. 
According to Governor Dickson, the cabs are intended to serve as a source of empowerment for the people as well as expand the economy of the state. He announced that buses would soon be procured to add to the fleet of the scheme, and remarked that in the course of expanding the major roads, provision for bus stops would be made. He urged beneficiaries of the scheme to be worthy ambassadors of the state as they are likely to be the first point of contact for visitors to the state as well as assist in the maintenance of security by alerting the security agents on any suspicious movements. 
The Governor also appealed to commuters to exercise some patience considering the fact that they may experience some inconvenience as the new transport system comes on board, noting that the development was in their own interest. 
In her address, the commissioner for Transport, Mrs. Marie Ebikake, explained that government has procured 100 tri-wheel vehicles and 200 air-conditioned vehicles for the first phase of the scheme. Mrs. Ebikake noted that the taxi cabs have been allocated to well trained drivers in line with the guidelines of the ministry whose identities were guaranteed by credible politicians, civil servants and traditional rulers. She said government was negotiating with reputable companies for the purchase of buses to further ease road transportation in the state.
   Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor

Thursday 30 August 2012


Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has expressed serious concern over the increasing level of illegal logging and exploitation of forest reserves across the state.
Governor Dickson, who stated this while exchanging views with Government House correspondents in Yenagoa, noted that illegal logging and other activities that have greatly depleted forest reserves across the state have gone unchecked over the years, stressing that steps will be taken toput as top to such activities.
He described the forest and its many resources as potential sources of revenue for the state that must be protected at all times,especially at a time when government is trying to harness the tourism potentials of the state to attract tourists from within and outside the country.
To this end, the state Governor disclosed that about 200 Youths will be engaged and empowered to check the illegal exploitation and depletion of the rich forest reserves of the state.
According to him, as a government with a clear visionto restore the lost glory of the state, it will also initiate a legislation to make unauthorized exploitation and logging activities in forests across the state illegal and punishable by law.Hon. Dickson noted that, the forest has become a major foreign exchange earner for many countries in East Africa, Asia and Latin America, adding that the forests in Bayelsa have similar characteristics with the ones in these other parts of the world and it is totally the responsibility every Bayelsan to make them attractive and viable.
He warned those who are involved in the unwholesome act to desist forthwith or be treated as economic saboteurs and criminals.
Governor Dickson also called on traditional rulers, community leaders and youth bodies across the state to educate their people on the need to protect and preserve the forest, stressing that it could become a major source of income to the state if properly harnessed. 
Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary
to the Governor of Bayelsa State.


Bayelsa State Government has presented a cheque worth N2 Billion to Anyiam-Osigwe Group Limited for the completion of a three-star hotel project in the State Capital, Yenagoa.
Contract for the project, which is sited at the Ox-Bow Lake area, was awarded by the Dr.Goodluck Jonathan administration when he was Governor of the State. 
Presenting the cheque on behalf of Governor Seriake Dickson at Government House, Yenagoa, the Chief of Staff, Government House, Chief Dikivie Ikiogha noted that though the project was abandoned for sometime, the present administration decided to commence the process of its completion in order to boost the tourism potentials of the state. 
According to Chief Ikiogha, Government entered into negotiations with the contractor and agreed mutually beneficial terms before approving the funds. The Chief of Staff explained that, with the presentation of the cheque, a wing of the hotel is expected to be completed within a period of six months, while the entire project is to be delivered in 12 months. 
Emphasizing the need for a befitting hotel to address the accommodation problems of investors who are eager to do business in the state, Chief Ikiogha urged the contracting firm to expedite work on the project and ensure its completion on schedule. 
Responding, the Chairman of Ayiam Osigwe Group Limited, Chief Anyiam-Osigwe George expressed gratitude to the Hon. Dickson-led government for keeping faith with its contractual obligations.
 Chief Anyiam-Osigwe, who pledged to complete the project on schedule, noted that when completed, the hotel will not only add to the beauty of Yenagoa, but also enhance investment in the state.
 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary
to the Governor Of Bayelsa State


 Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has called on youths in the state to channel their energies to sporting activities and eschew negative tendencies associated with cultism and hard drugs.
 Governor Dickson made call while speaking shortly after participating in the third edition of the State Monthly Jogging exercise at the Samson Siasia stadium in Yenagoa.
 To this end, the Ministry of Sports has been directed to set up sports development committees in all the Local Government Areas to scout for budding talents who will be groomed to stardom. 
According to Hon. Dickson, the major focus will be in sporting events where the State has comparative advantage such as swimming, football, wrestling and other combat sports to enable them win laurels for the state and country in future.
As part of measuresto harness the sporting potentials of the young ones towards making positive contributions in sports, the Governor also announced the appointment of Mr.Friday Bayelayefa as Senior Special Assistant on Sports Development.
 He stated that contracts have been awarded for the Sports Academy which would be completed soon and would commence the selection of youths who will make a career out of sports adding that contract has also been awarded for the maintenance of sporting facilities at the Samson Siasia Stadium.
Commenting on the jogging exercise, the Governor urged all to take advantage of the exercise,noting that the event was not meant for public officers alone and should be a daily activity for the citizenry to maintain healthy lifestyles.
In an address, the Commissioner for Sports, Chief Mitema Obodor, said, the jogging exercise was geared towards keeping the people fit for the task of developing the state.
 Enumerating the benefits derivable from physical exercise, Chief Obodor urged the people toengage in regular exercise as it increases moral and productive workforce.
 The jogging exercise also featured demonstration performances in Kung fu and football joggling.
Physically challenged persons also took time out to participate in the exercise which started at about 7 O'clock in the morning.
Chief PressSecretary
to the Governorof Bayelsa State.

Sunday 26 August 2012

The Jonathan "They" don't Know

They” in this piece refers to all the cynics, the pestle-wielding critics, the unrelenting, self-appointed activists, the idle and idling, twittering, collective children of anger, the distracted crowd of Facebook addicts, the BBM-pinging soap opera gossips of Nigeria, who seem to be in competition among themselves to pull down President Goodluck Jonathan.

This army of sponsored and self-appointed anarchists is so diverse; many of them don’t even know why or how they should attack the President.

The clear danger to public affairs commentary is that we have a lot of unintelligent people repeating stupid clichés and too many intelligent persons wasting their talents lending relevance to thoughtless conclusions. Hold on. I don’t want to be misunderstood. I am not saying nobody should criticize the Nigerian President. I spent some time learning that legal maxim: “volenti non fit injuria”. Public position comes with its own share of risks and exposure. But the twittering, pinging, Facebook crowd of the new age must be guided by facts.

Hold your stone. Don’t haul it yet. Shhh. Wait, Mr. Alaseju! I have spent the last fourteen months working with President Jonathan. I have followed him everywhere. I can write a whole book on his Presidency so far, but you won’t get to read that until much later. I have heard that some people are protesting that they will not buy the book if it gets written. Well, your choice. What I can report, for now is, that he is a grossly misunderstood President. Too many people are unfair to him. They criticize him out of ignorance. They abuse him out of mischief. And the opposition doesn’t make things easy at all. Can we look at a number of issues?

You say he is a clueless President. You are wrong. He is not clueless. Nobody is more committed to the Nigerian Project than President Jonathan. In spite of unforeseen challenges which his administration has had to contend with, President Jonathan is doing his utmost best to positively transform Nigeria. Ordinary Nigerians know and appreciate this. Those parading themselves as leaders of the opposition who claim that the President has lost the support of Nigerians represent only themselves and their selfish interests.

President Jonathan is a clever, methodical and intelligent man, who is very adept at wrong footing all the persons who make an effort to second-guess or under-estimate him. He understands the complexity of Nigeria. He is acutely conscious of the historicity of his emergence as Nigeria’s No. 1. He knows that he is here as the leader of all Nigerians. He knows that he is a representative of all common persons, particularly the children of all blue collar workers who never wore shoes or got a chance to eat three-square meals, and whose mothers and aunties could never be part of policy-making processes.

When he spoke about not wearing shoes as a child, he meant that as a metaphor for the disparities in the Nigerian system, and the urgent need to redress inequalities. But I have heard some persons responding literally that Nigerians should never vote for a man who never wore shoes. How simplistic. Attention needs to be drawn to the fact that a rooted, people-sourced President who seeks to transform Nigeria, and who campaigns on a platform of transformation, will necessarily be opposed by those who consider themselves the children of Empire builders, those who think that their ancestors built Nigeria. Wrong.

The Ijaws, the fourth largest ethnic nationality in Nigeria, have as much right to have their son as President as every other Nigerian group. But Jonathan doesn’t even dwell on this. I have never heard him utter an ethnic statement. He sees himself as the President of all Nigerians. He is at home with every group. He is focused on the challenges of nation-building. He wants to transform Nigeria. He wants to unite the country. He is determined to promote the country. And he is doing so already. He knows Nigerians want regular power supply. He is working at it. That is why we have crossed 4, 400 MW.

He knows Nigerians want infrastructure. That is why he is telling Bi-Courtney to fix Lagos-Ibadan Expressway or get out. That is why he is telling a particular Minister to fix the East-West road and get it fixed quickly. That is why he has directed the relevant agencies to get corrupt persons to answer for their misdeeds. That is why he is strengthening Nigeria’s foreign relations. That is why he is transforming the agriculture sector, from a contract-awarding, fertilizer distribution enterprise into big business. And more… The reason President Jonathan does not go into a song and dance routine is because he knows that true rebranding of a nation is a projection of positive things that are already happening.

They say he is “tribalistic”. Not true. How many Ijaws are in President Jonathan’s inner circle? Very few, I can tell you. There are of course, all kinds of persons who go about telling people that they have the President’s ears and eyes. They would even tell you that they think for the President! I used to have nightmares whenever I heard that, but it no longer bothers me. I have since learnt that some Nigerians consider it fashionable to wear false garments.

The Presidency qua Presidency is staffed by key officials from all parts of the country. The Secretary to the Government of the Federation is from Ebonyi State. The Chief of Staff and the Head of the President’s Secretariat are both from Edo, the Protocol Liaison Officer and Principal Private Secretary are from Adamawa, the Chief Detail is from Borno, the Aide De Camp (ADC) is from Kogi, the Perm Sec, State House is from Benue, the State Chief of Protocol is from Kwara, the Special Adviser, Media and Publicity is from Ogun, the Chief Physician to the President is from Rivers. Only the Chief Security Officer, the Special Assistant, Domestic and the Special Adviser, Research and Strategy are from Bayelsa.

When he is in the office, and he gets there early every day, and works till very late, he is exposed to all categories of Nigerians. He runs a modern and open Presidency. He is on Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS, BB, and he reads. And he writes. This is not a provincial President. The intelligentsia, his immediate community, should support him to do his work.

President Jonathan was the first Nigerian leader to appoint a woman as his Chief Economic Adviser as well as the Nigerian leader who opened up the Nigerian Defence Academy to women. And he took affirmative action in political appointments to a higher level by reserving 35% of all appointive positions in government for our women folk.

The facts in this regard are incontrovertible. Under President Jonathan, women occupy very strategic positions (Petroleum Resources, Education, Co-ordinating Minister/Minister of Finance, Water Resources, Minister of State, FCT, Minister of State, Defence, Minister of State, Foreign Affairs 1, Minister of State, Niger Delta) and the headship of many of the MDAs. The President’s commitment to Nigeria is total. All his children school in Nigeria. Even his dress code promotes Nigeria.

They say Mr. President drinks. My friend and colleague, Etim Etim, called the other day to say that whatever may be the challenges on this job, he could affirm that I am at least enjoying. “What with all the choice drinks on every trip,” he said. I told him, “No, we don’t drink.” He protested. He thought I was lying. He had heard that kain-kain is a staple fare on presidential flights. I told him No. We are not allowed to touch alcohol. Alcohol is not served during official duties. Yes, when there is an international function, wine is served, but nobody gets drunk around here. That will amount to an act of indiscipline. The President himself does not allow alcohol to be served at his table. But when you go to social media they tell you something else. Lies. Lies. Lies.

I have even heard that the President spends billions on feeding. Well, I have enjoyed the privilege of eating at the President’s table. What does he eat? Fish pepper soup. Cassava Bread. Slices of yam. Rice. Boiled plantain. Fruits and vegetables. He fasts when he chooses, and fasts all month during Ramadan and Lent. And because he takes his exercises and keep fit regime seriously, he eats very little. Okay, he drinks coffee. And yet there are people out there who keep claiming that there is a feast in the Villa every day. They say at every meal, the table is decorated with roasted turkey, and every delicacy under the sun. Lies. Lies. This President is not a glutton. We have a disciplined, hardworking president who enjoys his privacy, and the company of intelligent people.

Here is a man who is an epitome of loyalty and simplicity. The thing about the President’s critics is that they just cannot accept that someone with his simplicity can be their President. This is the Saul Complex. Saul could not accept the fact that somebody as simple as David could be favoured by God. And just like Saul threw the spear at David out of uncontrollable jealousy, these critics are out to throw any kind of spear to see which hits the target, hence all their lies about the President.

Let me end by saying that the President is a simple man but simplicity is not naivety. If simplicity were to be naivety then the world would not be where it is today because it is simple men like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Kwame Nkrumah, who have shaped the world that we live in by simplifying what others have complicated.

Reuben Abati is Special Adviser (Media and Publicity) to President Jonathan



 Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State says his administration will continue to make massive investment in the educational sector as a means of tackling the myriad developmental challenges confronting the State. 
Hon. Dickson stated this when the Governing Council of the University of Port-Harcourt led by its Pro- Chancellor and chairman of council, Reverend(Dr.) Walter Eneji paid him a courtesy call at Government House in Yenagoa.
 The Governor, who identified the development of the human resource as the most compelling need of the country in contemporary times, noted that his administration will continue to review various policies and programmes with the aim of turning around the sector. According to Governor Dickson, adequate investment in education will not only serve as a veritable means to secure the future but also create sustainable prosperity in the country.Expressing gratitude to the Governing Council for the visit, Hon. Dickson lauded the University for the Pivotal Role it is playing in the development of the much needed manpower for the state and country at large. Governor Dickson, who described Rivers and Bayelsa States as Siamese twins, pledged his administration’s readiness to support the University of Port Harcourt with a view to achieving not only academic excellence but also grow to become one of the best institutions of higher learning in the world. Accordingly, the Governor directed the State commissioner for education, Chief Salo Adikumo, to liaise with the Governing Council to enable government meet the requests made by the University. Speaking earlier, Chairman of the Governing Council, Rev. (Dr.) Walter Eneji commended Hon. Dickson for the bold steps he has taken so far to reposition the State for rapid development I all sectors of the economy. Rev. (Dr.) Eneji, who is also the Pro-Chancellor of the University particularly, thanked the Governor for his educational policies and key appointments such as the Chief Historian and Archivist, which he noted will help to chronicle the activities of government for posterity.
 The Chairman expressed delight at the establishment of the Federal University of Otuoke, and assured the Governor of his institution’s preparedness to collaborate with government to foster growth and development in the State. The University solicited government’s assistance in some of its ongoing projects which include the Dame Patience Jonathan Centre, sand-filling of the Centre for Continuing Education and School of Graduate Studies which currently has an outstanding financial commitment of about N300 million. Appreciating King Amalate Turner for endowing a Chair in honour of Professor Ebiegberi Alagoa in the History Department of the University, Rev. (Dr.) Eneji also called on other well-placed alumni to emulate his (Turner’s) kind gesture. 
Dignitaries who accompanied the Chairman on the visit include the Vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, Professor Joseph Ajienka, Deputy Vice Chancellors Administration and that of Research and Development, Professor Ethelbert Nduka and Professor (Mrs) Bene Willie Abbey, amongst others.  
Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa state

Saturday 25 August 2012



President Goodluck Jonathan has urged government functionaries and other influential personalities not to interfere with the process of selecting future beneficiaries of the "The Bayelsa Restoration Scholarship Scheme"
Speaking at an interactive forum with 100 graduands who benefited from the scheme and their parents at the Banquet Hall in Government House, Yenagoa, President Jonathan noted that non-interference in the selection process would help to ensure that only deserving students irrespective of their backgrounds get enlisted in the programme.
According to the President, the Scheme which he started in 2006 as the then Governor of BayelsaState, was designed to send brilliant but less privileged students to some of the prestigious schools with a view to providing them with the best secondary education available in the country.
 President Jonathan further stated that the programme was also intended to develop the human capacity base of Bayelsa students in order to make them more competitive and dynamic in their search for top quality jobs in the oil and gas industry as well as other sectors of the economy.
 Dr. Jonathan who said he visited some of the schools where the students were placed shortly before his elevation as Vice-President, advised Governor Dickson to shop for the best schools to enable beneficiaries of the scheme compete favourably with their peers.
The President observed that every child has the opportunity to excel and therefore should be encouraged to harness his or her God-given potentials.Pointing out that the programme suffered set backs in the hands of the previous administration in the state, Dr. Jonathan expressed appreciation to Governor Seriake Dickson for reviving the scheme, adding that the state will benefit maximally from it in the future.
He also acknowledged the vision and contributions of former Governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha and a business consultant, Sullivan Akachukwu, for providing the platform for the effective take-off of the programme.
 To promote research and knowledge in the country's universities, Dr. Jonathan said his administration will continue to encourage lecturers to study and acquire PhD in their various fields of study.
 Earlier in his remarks, the Bayelsa state Commissioner for Education, Chief Salo Adikumo stated that the Dickson-led government is determined to revamp the educationalsystem in the state.
Chief Adikumo said the present administration has since keyed into the vision Dr. Jonathan had for the state, noting that another batch of 200 students will soon be dispatched to schools in Bayelsa and Rivers States.
The Commissioner noted that the process for the placement of those students, which includes an orientation programme had been planned and the process will be inclusive as the 200 will meet with the earlier 100, who had completed their programmes to exchange ideas.
Chief Adikumo who thanked the President for instituting the programme, urged the beneficiaries to prove their worth to justify government's investment in them.
Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa StateGovernor, Hon. Seriake Dickson says government will support graduands of the Secondary School Scholarship programme in their university education.
The ScholarshipScheme was instituted in 2006 by one time Governor of the state and now President of the country, Dr. Goodluck.
 Speaking in Yenagoa at an interactive session with graduands of the scholarship programme, Governor Dickson directed the State Ministry of Education to work out modalities to further assist those who have already gained admission to study in universities both within and outside the country.
 The number of beneficiaries per school are, Bowen College, Lekki Phase 2, 26 students, The Bells Comprehensive Secondary School, Ota, Ogun State, 30, Nigerian TurkishI International College, Abuja, 8 and the Vale College, Ibadan, 26.
Governor Dicksonwho described the graduands as the future of the State and country, expressed governments commitment to equip the young ones with the requisite skills and values to enable them compete effectively with their contemporaries in anincreasingly competitive global economy.
 The Governor promised to consolidate on the worthy educational legacies left behind by President Jonathan, and christened the programme The Bayelsa Restoration Scholarship Scheme which he noted has already started the selection process for the next batchof 200 students.
 According to him, the selection process of the scheme will be an annual event, while the process will be made competitive and fair with a view to ensuring that only the best pupils emerge as beneficiaries.
 Hon. Dickson also admonished the graduands to continue to see themselves as role models for the younger generation and commended the President Jonathan and formerGovernor ofthe State, Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha for their vision in the education sector.
 During the interactive session, the graduands spoke of their experiences.
  Mr. Daniel Koroye,who is one of the graduands of the Nigerian Turkish International College, said the major challenge was the language barrier as they studied French, Turkish and Yoruba,while Mr. Timipre Shuaibu, an Assistant Head Boy in Bowen College, explained that apart from academics, the school also focused on practical and moral education.
Mr. Lucky Azibanengi, who was made a Senior Prefect in his school, noted that they were able to surmount their challenges through hard work and obedience and thanked the President for the opportunity given to them.
 In their separate speeches, parents of the graduands, Mrs. Cecelia Ogbara and Mr. Bright Yougha,said there has been a great improvement in the quality of education attained by their children.
According to them,the children were exposed to high quality education and it is obvious that when the youths are given the opportunity they will prove their mettle.
They expressed gratitude to President Jonathan for the scholarship and urged Governor Dickson to sustain the programme.
 A total of one hundred students benefited from the scholarship scheme.
Chief Press Secretary
to the Governor of Bayelsa state

Tuesday 14 August 2012


In its bid to improve on the standard of teaching in public primary schools across inthe state,the Bayelsa State Government is to organize a one-week intensive training andretraining programme for Headmasters and Teachers in the state.Bayelsa State Governor, Hon.Seriake Dickson who announced this at a meeting with Education stakeholders at Government House, Yenagoa stated that only those who distinguished themselves at the end of the exercise will be allowed to remain in the school system.
According to him,the exercise is part of Governments plan to make drastic changes in the education sector in line with its free and compulsory education policy,stressing that teachers will henceforth be regularly exposed to the basic rudiments and modern methods of teaching.Governor
Dickson disclosed that a total of 5,119 teachers and 541 headmasters from public primary schools in the state are expected to be trained, retrained and be tested on the skills acquired at the end of the exercise.He remarked that the Ministry of Education has been directed in conjunction with the StateUniversal Basic Education Board, SUBEB to begin the recruitment of three hundred science and ICT teachers to be deployed to all primary and secondary schools in theState.
Commenting on theratio of Non-Academic Staff to Academic Staff in the primary school system,which is 5,119 teachers to 4,287 Non-Academic Staff, the Governor described the situation as worrisome.He therefore directed an immediate downsizing of the non-academic staff so as to free upfunds for other essential needs.According to him,the current steps have became necessary as education occupies a central placein the policy thrust of the present administration coupled wit the need to make a crucial impact in the educational sub-sector in order to secure the future of the state.
The Governor stated that the meeting is an avenue to take a comprehensive review of theeducationalsub-sector with a view to successfully implementing the ambitious programme of turning around the educational infrastructures and procedures in the State.While describing the members of the newly inaugurated State Universal Basic Education Board(SUBEB) as the instrument with which government can achieve its laudable objectives, Governor Dickson said certain decisions need to be taken in thereform process to move the educational sub-sector forward. He used the forumto announce that the Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science (BYCAS) willbegin academic session by September this year.
This, the Governor explained will go a long way in giving those youths who are roaming the streets a second chance to remedy their educational careers.On the role of LocalGovernment Chairmen, who were present at the meeting, Governor Dickson urged them to be alive to their statutory responsibilities as major stakeholders in the successful implementation of government policies in primary education.He noted withdismay, the existing trend, where the State Government has virtually taken over between eighty to ninety percent of the payment of primary school teachers salaries as against the laid down policy with Local Government Councils to to pay atleast Seventy-five percent.Also speaking, the Commissioner for Education, Hon. Salo Adikumo said the meeting was a stepping stone to enable the stakeholders rub minds together on the way forward.
In her contribution,the Chairman of SUBEB, Mrs. Flora Williams Ebi expressed the need for acomprehensive reorganization of the board, noting that a lot of reformsneed tobe carried out. She also describedthe staff strength of the board as over blotted, adding that steps will be taken reposition a sizeable number of the staff to enhance thep roductivity of the board.
Chief PressSecretary

The Nigerian God

Written by Chidi Ugwu

This is an interesting article I came across on pointblank news and its got Me thinking since then. This might be hilarious but its still very true.. Enjoy it.

The Nigerian god is one. It may have many different manifestations, but it is essentially different sides of the same coin. Sometimes, adherents of the different sides may fight and kill each other. But Nigerians essentially follow the Nigerian god.This article is for all those who want to become better worshipers.
If you are a new or prospective convert, God will bless you for choosing the Nigerian god. This is just how you must worship him.First, you must understand that being a worshiper has nothing to do with character, good works or righteousness.
So the fact that you choose to open every meeting with multiple prayers does not mean that you intend to do what is right. The opening prayer is important.Nothing can work without it. If you are gathered to discuss how to inflate contracts, begin with an opening prayer or two. If you are gathered to discuss how to rig elections, begin with a prayer.

The Nigerian god appreciates communication.When you sneak away from your wife to call your girlfriend in the bathroom, and she asks if you will come this weekend, you must say—in addition to “Yes”—“By God’s grace” or “God willing”. It doesn’t matter the language you use. Just add it.The Nigerian god likes to beconsulted before you do anything, including a trip to Obudu to see your lover.

When worshipping the Nigerian god, be loud. No, the Nigerian god is not hard of hearing. It is just that he appreciates your loud fervor, like he appreciates loud raucous music. The Nigerian god doesn’t care if you have neighbors and neither should you. When you areworshipping in your house, make sure the neighbors can’t sleep. Use loud speakers even if you are only two in the building. Anyone who complains must be evil. God will judge such a person.

Attribute everything to the Nigerian god. So, if you diverted funds from public projects and are able to afford that Phantom, when people say you have a nice car, say, “Na God”. If someone asks what the secret of all your wealth is, say, “God has been good to me”. By this you mean the Nigerian god who gave you the uncommon wisdom to re-appropriate public funds.Consult the Nigerian god when you don’t feel like working.

The Nigerian god understands that we live in a harsh climate where it is hard to do any real work. So, if you have no clue how to be in charge and things start collapsing, ask people to pray to God and ask for his intervention.

The Nigerian god loves elections and politics. When you have bribed people to get the Party nomination, used thugs to steal and stuff ballot boxes, intimidated people into either sitting at home or voting for you, lied about everything from your assets to your age, and you eventually, (through God’s grace), win the elections, you must begin by declaring that your success is the wish of God and that the other candidate should accept this will of God.It is not your fault whom the Nigerian god chooses to reward with political success. How can mere mortals complain?

The Nigerian god does not tolerate disrespect. If someone insults your religion, you must look for anyone like them and kill them. Doesn’t matter what you use—sticks, machetes, grenade launchers, IED’s,AK47’s.

The Nigerian god performs signs and wonders. He does everything from cure HIV to High BP. And the Nigerian god is creative: he can teach a person who was born blind the difference between blue and green when the man of god asks, and he can teach a person born deaf instant English. As a worshipper you must let him deliver you because every case of sickness is caused by evil demons and not infections. Every case of barrenness is caused by witches and has no scientific explanation. So instead of hospital, visit agents of the Nigerian god.

But the Nigerian god does not cure corruption. Do not attempt to mock him.If you worship the Nigerian god, you are under no obligation to be nice or kind to people who are not worshipers. They deserve no courtesy.

The Nigerian god is also online. As a worshiper, you are not obliged to be good or decent on Facebook or twitter all week except on Friday and Sunday, both of which the Nigerian god marks as holy. So you may forward obscene photos, insult people, forward lewd jokes on all days except the holy days. On those holy days, whichever applies to you, put up statuses saying how much you are crazy about God.These days, the Nigerian god also permits tweets and Facebook updates like: “Now in Church” or “This guy in front of me needs to stop dozing” when performing acts of worship.In all, the Nigerian god is very kind and accommodating. He gives glory and riches and private jets. And if you worship him well, he will immensely bless your hustle.
Posted by Chidi Ugwu
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology,UNN

Wednesday 8 August 2012


Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has called on the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria to intensify efforts at creating more awareness of its activities among Nigerians. The Governor who made the call when he received the Director – General of the Council, Mrs. Joy Bob-Manuel, and her entourage in Government House, Yenagoa, expressed serious concern over the lack proper awareness of its activities by the people. He therefore encouraged the council to do more to make by having greater presence in other states instead of just a few states and Abuja, the nation’s capital. Dickson also expressed happiness that the amendment bill of the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria was now an act of the National Assembly and pledged his administration’s determination to partner with the council noting that he is familiar with their work as a body. The Governor, who disclosed that there are budgetary provisions made in support of the council in the state’s 2012 Budget, called on them to liaise with government through the office of the Special Adviser on Legal matters. He equally charged them to cover a lot of other areas including provision of services to distressed spouses, conflict resolution among others as part of its duties. On the  prison decongestion programme recently approved for the Council to handle, Hon Dickson was gratified and encouraged the council to build more capacity and also to reach out to those in need, for which the council was set up. Earlier in her remarks, the Director General of the Legal AID Council of Nigeria, Mrs. Joy Bob-Manuel disclosed that President Goodluck Jonathan had signed into law a new Act in 2011 which empowers the council to have more jurisdiction on criminal aspects including cases on Armed Robbery. She noted that recently the senate adopted a recommendation to pass decongestion of prison matters to the council to handle, stressing that the council will not disappoint those who worked hard to support its efforts. Explaining that the acts also allow state governments to render support to its activities, Mrs. Bob-Manuel solicited the support of the State Government on areas of accommodation, project vehicles as well as restore the state grants previously approved for the council. She congratulated the Governor on his victory at the gubernatorial polls stating that the council will partner with the government in areas of national interest. 
Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Senior Special Assistant to the Governor
(Media & Public Affairs)

Friday 3 August 2012

Bayelsa State Goverment Unveils Free and Compulsory Education

Bayelsa Govt Unveil Uniforms for Free and Compulsory Education School uniforms are to be distributed to pupils and students in all public primary and secondary schools in Bayelsa state in keeping with the free and compulsory education declared by the state government.
The unveiling and presentation of standard school uniforms for Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary School children was made at the sixth session of the Executive Council meeting in Government House, Yenagoa.
Briefing newsmen on the outcome of the meeting, the Commissioner of Education, Chief Salo Adikumo said contract worth about six hundred million naira has also been awarded for the supply of books as well as provision of free sandals.He said the Executive Council has also taken a decision to expand the site of the College of Education at Sagbama, with the site clearing for the construction of more structures to be completed within the next two weeks.
According to the Commissioner, expansion of the site of the State College of Arts and Science, Elebele will be undertaken to include Information and Communication Technology centre and a standard library.Chief Adikumo noted that council also resolved to construct additional structures within the premises of St Jude’s Girls’ Secondary School, Amarata, Yenagoa, which would cost about a billion naira as government is passionate about the education of the girl-child.Contract is to be awarded for the construction of a ten classroom block equipped with ICT libraries for Primary schools as well as provision of accommodation for youth corps members.

Commissioner Of Education's Visit to public schools in Bayelsa State.

The comissioner of Education Chief Salo Adikumo, his team and the Inside Bayelsa team on a data collection tour on public schools accross Bayelsa State.


27th July 2012, 4;30pm,
The Castle, Government House, Yenegoa.Remarks;

Opened his remarks by acknowledging the historic place of the relationship between Bayelsa State and SA. This is aforerunner for other states and Bayelsa is the pacesetter in this move which has helped the relationship between Nigeria and SA.
The attempt to build synergy between the State and SA is highly commendable and must be sustained.With the 1st Lady of SA having a first hand impression of Bayelsa this should be able to drive and generate healthy business relationship and have a long lasting relationship between the two Countries.


Appreciated the relationship between the two countries and also the growing stature of Bayelsa in Nigeria. He stated that around the world a great deal of activity going on in Bayelsa has created agreat deal of activity between both Countries and Bayelsa as well. The 1st Ladies visit is a eye opern for SA companies to explore and do business with.When the Governor visited SA this has also highlighted the importance of Bayelsa in Nigeria. Thus many business men and companies are gradually becoming more interested in Nigeria. Bayelsa has thus become a focal point for companies coming to Nigeria thus the visit of the first lady for the 1st time to any state in Nigeria.
The SA embassy has also been given clear mandate to build business relationships between SA and BY particularly between businesses in the private sector in areas of technical expertise, Oil and Gas, gas to liquid project. The visit of the Governor to encourage business to come gave the confidence to come over. In the area of social housing which the ANC has done so well can be replicated in BY. 
In SA there are financial institutions that are interested in funding projects in Nigeria and thus BY. PPP has been successful in SA and thus this can be transferred to BY.  
He urged that we should be able to make this relationship work and thus encourage it and see that the President himself can visit BY.


Brings greetings from SA and acknowledges the relationship between the two Countries. The Governors visit in may has helped build relationships between both Countries in areas like engineering, power,telecoms,etc. Her visit is to cement business relationships and partnerships between both States. Would like to acknowledge the support and contribution between both countries during the liberation struggle.


The essence of the partnership. The Governorextended his deep gratitude to the 1st Lady, President of SA and the entire people of SA for meeting him in SA and she hosted the states delegationto a private dinner in the state house in SA. In the course of interactions she promised that during the AFLPM you would visit Bayelsa and thus with this would like to confer on her as a Honourary Citizen of Bayelsa State