Wednesday 7 November 2012



 The World Bank is to invest a total of 57.74 million US Dollars for a period of 5 years under the Steering Committee of the World Bank Assisted State Employment and Expenditure for Result (SEEFOR) Project. Giving a breakdown of this figure at the inauguration of the 21-member committee at the Executive Council Chambers of Government House, Yenagoa, Governor Seriake Dickson explained that the World Bank is expected to assist the state to the tune of 37.74 million US Dollars as well as an additional financing of 20 million US Dollars as grant from the European Union.

 Governor Dickson who said government has made an approval of  N150 million  as its counterpart funding to the project for the 2012 Fiscal Year, said the amount was government’s demonstration of its resolve to collaborate with the World Bank on the project. The preparedness of the World Bank to assist the state, according to the Governor is an attestation of the confidence the restoration agenda of his administration is building in foreign investors and international donors. Governor Dickson said the SEEFOR Project Committee has the responsibility of overseeing the implementation of the state empowerment and expenditure for Results Projects financed by the World Bank.

Describing the steering committee as the highest policy making body for the project in the state, he noted that SEETOR projects would provide oversight functions in the state.The committee, which is headed by the state Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah (Rtd), is expected to convene every quarter to undertake a number of functions. The governor said the committee has the mandate to review the implementation of the components of the projects and forward its analysis and conclusions to the national project coordinating unit as well as approve the annual work plans, budget and procurement plans for the state project.

While also charging the committee to address critical issues that could hinder the implementation of projects in the state, the Governor urged them to ensure the successful implementation of the World Bank Assisted Project.Secretary to the State Government, Professor Edmund Allison Oguru is to serve as Vice Chairman of the committee while the project coordinator,(SEEFOR), MR. Anyens Adogu, is the secretary. 

Other members are, Commissioners for Finance, Mr. Duate Iyabi,  Education, Chief Salo Adikumo, Works and Infrastructure, Lawrence Ewrudjakpor, Environment, Sylvanus Abila, Sports and Youth Development, Chief Mitema Obodor,  Budget and Economic Planning, Ambrose Alfred, Local Government and Community Development, James Dugo.The rest are, Commissioner for Capital City Development Authority, CCDA, Zuwa Konugha, Science and Technology and Manpower Dvelopment, Mrs. Didi Walson Jack, Agriculture, Dr. Thomas Commander, state Accountant-General Aseimor Tarimo , Auditor-General, Aaron Azikiwe Assayomo, Director-General Due Process, Ongore Ebikake Joseph, two members of the State House of Assembly to be nominated by the house, Chairman Internal Revenue Board, with Phillip Slaboh and Iwowari Ikuli to represent Civil Society groups.

Responding, Chairman of the committee and Deputy Governor of the state,Rtd Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah assured that they would do their best to deliver on the assignment.       

 Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

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