Tuesday 23 July 2013



We will not join issues with a drowning man.Governor Dickson’s competence is very much evident for all to see. The good people of Bayelsa State can tell the difference between night and day.

The decision of the State government to set up a judicial panel of enquiry to probe the backlog of unpaid pensions and gratuities is premised on the need to address the deep seated rot and systematic failure perpetrated by some disgruntled civil servants with the active collaboration of some political leaders.These persons working as syndicates have over the years siphoned N5billion meant for the payment of pensioners in the State.

Concerned about the plight of these pensioners, Governor Henry Seriake Dickson since coming into office has paid N1billion to the Pensioners in his efforts to clear the backlog.While, we are working hard to clear the backlog, the same syndicates, instead of hiding their faces in shame, have chosen to embark on a campaign of calumny and propaganda against the Government by inciting some of the pensioners to embark on street protest.

To this end, government decided to set up the Judicial Commission of Inquiry to ascertain why pensioners were owed pension and gratuities for the past five years and the public servants that have subjected our senior citizens to untold hardship.

It is equally laughable that some people who may have perpetrated the scam are questioning why Governor Dickson limited the period of the investigation to five years.

Those who were responsible for the payment of pension and gratuities during the period should be ready to provide answers as to why civil servants/ public servants who are supposed to be enjoying their retirement with full benefits are being subjected to untold misery by fellow human beings.

The truth is that Governor Dickson decided to limit the commission to the last five years because civil servants have never had it so bad before this period. We want to assure Bayelsans and Nigerians as a whole that the commission is not on a witch haunting mission but on a fact finding one.  

Government wishes to use this opportunity to call on all and sundry to be weary of the antics of mischief makers and failed politicians, who would want to use them to derail the existing peace and tranquility in the State just to achieve their selfish motives. 

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

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