Tuesday 2 July 2013


Cardinal Resources has inked a 65 million Dollars deal with the Government of Bayelsa State to supply solar powered water Filtration system.

The 65 million Dollars deal will supply cardinals Red bird system to Bayelsa State for the provision of portable drinking water for 1.7million residents according to the details of the deal.

A statement Signed by the CEO Mr. Kevin Jones stated "Although working in West Africa presents some unique challenges, we believe that its absolutely critical to address the need for clean water in this part of the world, and to do so using sustainable solutions like our Red Bird system".

Bayelsa State Governor Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson yesterday presented a bank draft  of  200million naira to the CEO of cardinal Resources Mr. Kevin Jones. The state Governor did the presentation during the MOU signing  in Government house with cardinal Resources for the provision of portable drinking water within the state.

See pictures from the MOU signing below;

Pic 1.

Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson (left) presenting a bank draft for the sum of two hundrend million naira (N200.000.000.00) to the President of Cardinal Resources  Mr. Kevin Jones (centre) shortly after signing an MOU with the company for the provision of portable drinking water within the state at Government House in Yenagoa, while the the MD, Numerix Development, Mr. Babatunde Aina (right) looks on.                         

Pic 2

Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson (left) explaining a point  during the signing of MOU  with Cardinal Resources for the provision of potable drinking water within the State at Government House in Yenagoa, while the President, Cardinal Resources, Mr. Kevin Jones (centre) and the MD, Numerix Development, Mr. Babatunde Aina (right) look on.

Pic 3

Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson (left) presenting a bank draft for the sum of two hundrend million naira (N200.000.000.00)  to the MD, Cardinal Resources, Mr. Kevin Jones (right) shortly after signing an  MOU with the company for the provision of portable drinking water within the state at Government House in Yenagoa. Photo by Lucky Francis

Matilda Angaye
Lucky Francis
pittsburgh business times.

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