Monday 30 September 2013



As Bayelsans join the rest of the country to celebrate Nigeria’s 53 rd independence and 17th anniversary of the creation of Bayelsa State, they have been urged to think, speak and act positively to attract peace, development and progress to all nooks and crannies of the State.

This was the message delivered by the state Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson at a special thanksgiving service organized by the State Government at the King of Glory Chapel in Government House, Yenagoa.

Represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Edmund Allison Oguru, Governor Dickson noted that the period offers all an opportunity to reflect on their past and envision the future.

According to the Governor, no society rises above the level of its citizens as negative thoughts and actions are detrimental to the peace and progress of any people and nation.

Consequently, Governor Dickson enjoined men and women of goodwill to pray ceaselessly for the corporate existence of the country.

He said” given the times that we are in, we should make better use of our thoughts and words because thoughts are important. We should therefore think, speak and act positively. Whatever that has happened to us as a nation is part and parcel of the process of nation building. There is a great future for us in this country and all we can ask is continued prayers that we are headed towards a vision where there will be genuine peace, progress and development that would be beneficial to everybody irrespective of ethnicity, religion and social status.

The Governor, who read the only lesson at the service from the book of Psalm, chapter 95, verse 1 to 11, said his administration has been able to record some achievements in line with its restoration agenda, noting however that, there is still room for improvement.

Delivering the sermon, the Bishop of Bomadi Vicarate of the Catholic Church, Most Reverend Hyacinth Egbebo, called on Nigerians to learn to be more patriotic in all their dealings.

Most Reverend Egbebo decried the manner in which the people enslave themselves by craving for foreign lifestyles and perpetrating acts such as human trafficking and child abuse at the expense of their customs and traditions.

He cited some instances where majority of Nigerians have now turned to be fanatics for foreign club sides rather than supporting their local leagues and advised such people to have a rethink.

The Bishop particularly berated those who look down on locally made products, stating that the trend would adversely affect the growth of our local technologies and the country’s economy.

Commenting on the concept of freedom, Most Reverend Egbebo posited that political freedom is meaningless unless the people are spiritually free, stressing that true freedom lies in the ability to utilize the resources to improve human conditions.

He also commended Governor Dickson for his efforts at transforming the landscape of the state, especially in the provision of infrastructure and urged him not to relent.

Intercessory prayers were offered for the State and Country, peace and unity, the President and his team, the Governor and his team and the Legislature and Judiciary.

The service, which was well attended featured praise and worship.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

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