Saturday 30 November 2013



RECENTLY the Minister for Petroleum Resources, Mrs Diezani Allison Madueke raised an alarm over the Rising level of Oil Theft especially in the Niger Delta region. Statistically, a total of 350,000 barrels per day (bpd) were lost to illegal bunkering in 2012, and the trend continued in 2013 with even more Alarming figures. No wonder the Minister described it as “another face of Terrorism” capable of worsening the country's economic problems.

Within the past 16 months Men of the Bayelsa State's Operation Doo-Akpor outfit, (which is a special police security outfit that is funded by the Government of Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson) has added the fight against oil theft and illegal bunkering to their lengthy list of state security operations.

During a visit to the operation Doo Akpor camp base located along Imiringi road in Yenagoa yesterday, we could not help but notice the numerous barrels of illegal crude oil products recovered by the outfit.  

However what was more interesting was the presence of; approximately a 50ft wide Dangote truck loaded with Bags of what looks like flour from a distance. But in a discussion with the Operation Doo akpor policemen, it was revealed that each bag of the supposed golden penny flour was as a matter of fact loaded with over 50 litters of illegally bunkered diesel products.

According to them, the Dangote truck with registration number YKS 190 KA JIGAWA,(ICT-5E-034)  was said to have been intercepted by the men of operation Doo- Akpor  team along the ox bow lake road of the State’s capital  Yenagoa.  During a Random search, it was discovered that the Dangote truck was carrying over 75 bags of illegally bunkered diesel products. The driver of the truck absconded leaving his conductor and another passenger, who are now in police custody.

The big questions now:

1. How large is the syndicate of oil theft and illegal bunkering in the Niger Delta?  

2. Are our security Outfits capable of deciphering the new and criminally genius ways these oil thieves are concealing products and carrying out their operations?  

By Matilda Barakemi
For Inside Bayelsa Online
30th Nov,2013

Friday 29 November 2013



Bayelsa State Government has approved an intervention fund of N3bn for the completion of the Ogbia/Nembe road which is expected to be completed by 2015. The State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson during his Thank You tour to Nembe local government area of the state on Tuesday assured the people that the road would be completed by 2015, noting his economic relevance to the growth of the State.

Briefing the newsmen at the end of the 30 th Executive Council meeting on Thursday, the State Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Deacon Markson Fefegha flanked by his works counterpart, Mr. Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo and the Special Adviser on Political Matters, Chief Fred Agbedi said the construction of the road would reduce sea piracy on the waterways as well as boost commerce in the area. The commissioner stated that the decision to seek for the intervention fund was in line with the promise made by the Governor during his Thank You tour to the area.

Speaking in the same vein, the State Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Mr. Ewhrudjakpo said the road was jointly awarded by the Niger Delta Development Commission, (NDDC) and Shell Petroleum Development Company in 2004 to SETRACO Plc, adding that the Government would hold discussions with the two organizations to ensure that the contractor is mobilized back to site. The Commissioner noted that the present administration’s plan of constructing a road from Nembe to Brass would not be achieved without the completion of Ogbia/Nembe road.

He submitted, “ordinarily, we wouldn’t have been bothering ourselves with Ogbia-Nembe road but we have to do it for three reasons; the Ogbia-Nembe road, if not completed, our dream of hitting the Atlantic through the Eastern flank, which the Governor promised, and to connect Brass will not be achieved because there is no reason constructing a road between Nembe and Brass when you don’t have a road between Ogbia and Nembe. It will be foolhardy. “Secondly, that road has become a necessity because of the need to reduce piracy and open up that area for development. Quite a good number of communities are on that alignment, and not only that; we also feel bad about the delay that road has suffered. That road was awarded in 2003/2004 and there has been variation upon variation and so we are worried. Aside the completion of Nembe/Ogbia road, the Council, according to the Commissioner has approved the award of contract for the repair of Otuasega/Ogbia bridge and construction of internal roads in Ogbia Town.

In a related development, Government has approved the sum of N1.2bn for the payment of compensation to property owners around the Etegwe area for the construction of the second flyover in the State capital. The compensation as disclosed by the Commissioner would be paid in phases. His words, ‘we want to use this opportunity to reassure property owners around that area that has been marked for the construction of flyover in Etegwe that in the next one or two weeks, we will start payment of compensation and we will pay it in phases.

‘We, therefore, call for understanding from the affected property owners, so that they don’t feel as if government is not living up to its obligations. We will definitely complete the payment but you know the figure for the compensation is about N1.2 billion and you know what that means, especially since it was not planned or budgeted for. We have to handle it in such a way that we don’t distort the budget and also breach the appropriation laws.” Also speaking, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Political Matters, Chief Fred Agbedi said the Council acknowledged the warm reception that was accorded the Governor and his entourage during the Thank You tour of the Eastern Senatorial district, comprising Brass, Nembe and Ogbia Local Government Areas of the State. The tour, according to the Chief Agbedi, was broken into phases to enable the governor attend to other pressing matters.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Thursday 28 November 2013



250 youths from Bayelsa State are to undergo vocational training in automobile technology, cinematography, photography, fashion designing and ICT at the Amachree Royal Academy in Benin Republic.

This was in addition to the 200 youths that recently completed their 6 months training in the Agricultural programme at the Songhai Integrated System in the same Country.

Speaking at the reception of the graduands of the agricultural programme and send forth of the 250 youths for the training programme in Yenagoa, Governor Seriake Dickson emphasized that agriculture remained the major employer of labour.

The Governor, who was represented by his Deputy, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah (Rtd), noted that Government’s vision of ensuring food production would be realized when the youths are engaged in massive aqua-culture and cassava production in collaboration with the private sector.

“We have said severally that agriculture is the main employer of labour. We have the Burma farm and similar ones that we are trying to resuscitate. There is also the scheme of cassava farms in collaboration with foreign companies.”

According to the Governor, it is only a private- driven economy that can provide employment for the people while it behooves on Government to create the enabling environment for wealth creation and job opportunities.

He disclosed that the different forms of training in both agriculture and technical skills would go a long way in providing empowerment and self-reliance for the teeming youths in the State.

Expressing concern over the absence of indigenes in automobile technology and other technical skills in the State, Chief Dickson said the situation was compounded by the lack of industries in the State and stressed Government’s determination to address such deficiencies.

Addressing the 250 trainees expected to undergo vocational training at the Amachree Royal Academy, the Governor charged them to take the training seriously, noting that upon the completion of the training it would not only enable them become self-reliant but and also create jobs for others.

In his remarks, the Commissioner of Agriculture, Dr. Thomas Commander, congratulated the graduates for the successful completion of the programme in spite of some challenges.

He expressed Government’s desire to engage some of the graduates, while others intend to be self-reliant..

Also speaking, the Commissioner for Science and Technology, Mr. Parkinson Macmanuel said the 250 trainees would depart the State for Benin Republic on the 1 ST of next month.

In his remarks, one of the beneficiaries, Mr. Neinein Ekpebu thanked the State Government for finding them worthy for the training programme, adding that they have been empowered to be more productive to themselves and to the larger society.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has ordered immediate release of Pa Nelson Tempurah, father of the State Commissioner for Tourism Development, Mr. Nelson Belief and Mrs Gbalipre Turner abducted few days ago by suspected kidnappers, submitting that the act is aimed at giving the international community wrong impression about the security situation at the home base of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Speaking at a civic reception organised in his honour by the people of Ogbia Local Government Area during his thank you tour to the area, the Governor warned the people against being used by criminal elements within and outside the State.

Calling on the people of the State to be watchful, especially as the nation is warming up for the conduct of the 2015 general election, Hon. Dickson said some criminal elements are looking for means of breaching the security situation in the state.

He disclosed that necessary security measures are being put in place to checkmate the activities of the miscreants and make the State an investment haven.

His words, ‘some of those people who are working hard to destabilize our State and discredit the home base of the President may not be even too far. Very few of them are even among us working in collaboration with the people outside to destabilize Bayelsa. But, I know that they will not succeed.

‘If anything bad happens here, it gives our detractors happiness. So, I want to use this opportunity to condemn the recent acts of kidnapping that are particularly targeted at Ogbia area to discredit us and create a feeling of insecurity in this Local Government Area.

Anything they do to Bayelsa is hot news that makes front page of newspapers. So, you need to caution yourselves. My message to them (kidnappers) is that the people being held captive, particularly the innocent wife of ours should be released without further delay.

‘For those who are thinking of that as a lifestyle, we call on you to desist because it is in your interest to do so’

While expressing appreciation to the people for their support during and after his election as Governor, Hon. Dickson acknowledged the contributions of the wife of the President, Dame Patience Jonathan and traditional rulers of the area including the Paramount ruler of Opume community, King Amalate Turner in moving the State forward.

Hon. Dickson who was conferred with the Chieftancy title of ‘Edi 1’ of Ogbia kingdom meaning ‘Pillar of support’ promised the people of a better deal in the present administration’s scheme of things.

Responding to requests made by the people, Chief Dickson sympathised with them on the hardship they are currently facing due to the breakdown of the Imiringi Gas Turbine and one of the bridges linking the area to the State capital, assuring that Government was taking actions to address the problems.

According to him, the power outage in the area will be fixed before Christmas even as he pledged to build a befitting Governor’s lodge in Ogbia town in line with his policy of decentralizing development.

In their separate addresses, the Chairman of Ogbia Local Government, Mr. Enaye Abah and representative of the Obhanoban of Ogbia kingdom, Chief A.M. Aduba commended the Governor for living up to his electioneering promises to the people of the State.

While thanking Governor Dickson for locating some people oriented projects and appointing indigenes into political offices, they called for more Government presence in the area with critical infrastructure such as roads.

In a goodwill message, a chieftain of the PDP, King Amalate Turner described Governor Dickson as a man of impeccable character, commending him for his efforts at restoring the glory of the State.

Also, the State PDP chairman, Colonel Sam Inokoba and his Ogbia Local Government counterpart, Hon. Budget Isaiah were among dignitaries that presented goodwill messages at the event.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Wednesday 27 November 2013


The Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson Arriving Brass Island on the Day 1 Of the THANK YOU TOUR to Brass LGA
Gov. Henry Seriake Dickson being welcomed by Chiefs from Brass kingdom on arrival at the Palace of the King of Twon Brass, HRM. King Alfred Diete Spiff.
Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson (right) exchanging pleasantries with the Amayanabo of Twon Brass, His Majesty, King Alfred Diete Spiff shortly on his arrival to pay a courtesy call on the king during a thank you tour to Brass Local Government Area at Twon Brass in Bayelsa State.
The Amayanabo of Twon Brass, His Majesty, King Alfred Diete Spiff (right) conferring a chieftaincy tille; Twon-Ibe Tolomobor; on the Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Seriake Dickson (right) during a courtesy call at the king’s palace
Gov. Henry Seriake Dickson waving at the crowd of supporters gathered at the Brass field to welcome him and his entourage
Gov. Henry Seriake Dickson in his Chiefs Attire, stepping to the podium to address the people of Brass LGA
The SME group presenting cheques of 45million naira to the women of Brass LGA as part of Gov. Henry Seriake Dickson's women empowerment programme
Gov. Henry Seriake Dickson addressing the people of Brass LGA, ensuring them of his administration support towards the LNG project, and youths empowerment in the local government area



In its bid to open up the hinterlands for investment, tourism and other socio-economic activities, Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson disclosed on Wednesday that the Ogbia-Nembe road would be completed in 2015.

Making this known during his ‘Thank You’ tour to Nembe Local Government Area of the State, the Governor at a civic reception organized in his honour at Ogbolomabiri, said the road when completed, will aside from boosting the economic profile of the State would address security challenges being faced by the people of the area.

The Governor was received by a pack of notable personalities such as, his second in command, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, (rtd), former Military Administrator of Ebonyi and Delta States, Navy Captain Walter Feghabo-Amain (rtd), Senator Nimi Barigha-Amange and top Government functionaries from the area.

He praised the people for preserving their rich cultural heritage and announced a donation of N10m for the promotion of culture in the area.

His words, “What I’ve seen today reminded me of how much we as a Government even needs to do in terms of working closely to preserve, propagate and even export and expose this very beautiful aspect of our lives that very often we don’t show enough. I want to commend you all and also assure you that in this business of preserving culture, you have me as an active partner.

‘Let me also use this opportunity to thank His Eminence, the Amanyanabo and his council of chiefs for inducting me into your very respected Sekiapu cultural group. I am in support of any aspect of our culture that does not infringe on God’s sovereignty over His creation.

“A short while ago I had announced a regime of support for the preservation of the cultural heritage and monuments in Nembe Local Government Area. And I have directed the Chairman of Council to liaise with the Commissioner for Culture and Ijaw National Affairs to see to it that all those aspects are supported and preserved and even documented for posterity. I will even do so in Brass to preserve the White Man’s Grave and other relics that we have there.”

Earlier, at separate meetings with the Ogbolomabiri and Bassambiri Councils of Chiefs, Governor Dickson restated his administration’s commitment towards strengthening security in the State and implored the people to cooperate with Government in that regard.

On infrastructural development and other concerns raised, he said, “ we are doing a few things in Nembe as you all know but there are several things coming that you do not know which you will know very soon because when we say something, we do it. We don’t say things that we are not ready to do like others do just to play to the gallery. A number of things are on the pipeline; we have started implementing some and in no distant time, most of the concerns raised will become things of the past”.

In their separate remarks, the Amanyanabo of Nembe, King Edmund Daukoru and the Secretary of Nembe-Bassambiri Council of Chiefs, Chief Ayebaesin Edeoghotu-Omo commended the Governor for the visit and stressed the need for more concerted security efforts on the waterways particularly in the Oluasiri area.

Describing the issue of illegal bunkering and sea-piracy as disturbing, King Daukoru said the kingdom has been battling the menace through communal efforts.

He said, ‘we are ready to partner with you even in the area of security. The youths have apprehended people in the past but when they are handed over for investigation and prosecution, very little happens.

Speaking in the same vein, Chief Edeoghotu-Omo submitted, ” we reiterate that the bravado which is being displayed by the marauders along the creeks becomes more worrisome as they are often assisted by the JTF to perpetrate their nefarious activities unperturbed.

In a welcome address, the Chairman of Nembe Local Government Council, Hon. Eminah Bioghoemi Benneth lauded the Governor for his development strides in the area including the release of funds for the completion of the Unity Bridge linking Ogbolomabiri and Bassambiri communities.

Some of the achievements of the council as disclosed by the Chairman include; reconstruction of staff quarters in Nembe city, construction of auditorium at Emina-ama and access road to the council secretariat in Bassambiri and completion of primary health centre at Okipiri.

Among other pressing demands, he called on the Governor to prevail on Niger Delta Development Commission to complete the Nembe shore protection and sand filling projects in Ogbolomabiri and Bassambiri communities.

Highlight of the thank you tour was the commissioning of Governor’s lodge and access road to the police station as well as inspection of general hospital and on-going mini-sport complex at Ogbolomabiri.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Twon-Brass, headquarters of Brass Local Government Area was agog with people from all walks of life as Governor Seriake Dickson embarked on his thank you tour to the area.

Addressing the mammoth crowd at the reception ground of the event, an elated Governor Dickson appreciated the people for supporting the Peoples Democratic Party overwhelmingly in all elections ranging from ward to presidential polls, noting that the party would not have recorded much success without their inputs.

The Governor particularly thanked them for cooperating with his Restoration Government and standing by President Goodluck Jonathan as well as maintaining the peace since the inception of the present administration, which he noted has continued to attract unfettered progress to the area.

Hon. Dickson, who was bestowed with the chieftaincy title of Twon-Ibe Tolomobor, meaning the restorer of the glory of Twon Kingdom during the visit, also saluted the Council of Chiefs for the honour done him.

His words, “Today is a day of saying thank you to you all. We are not here for campaigns. We recall that we came to this hallowed ground some months back to preach the gospel of restoration and you all turned out en masse including the Amayanabo and his Council of Chiefs to receive and show us solidarity and support on that occasion. Thereafter we went into election and the results show that you all turned out and voted massively for the only Ijaw party, the Peoples Democratic Party. And so, we started the restoration government and what has happened between the time and now is very well known to you.

“We are not here to tell you what we have done. I will be more interested to hear things we ought to do that we have not done. I want to thank His majesty, the Amayanabo and his Council of Chiefs for conferring on me the coveted title of someone who restores the glory of Twon. We feel challenged by this additional honour; It is actually a call to duty.”

While assuring the people of Brass of more Government presence especially in the area of infrastructural development, the Governor pledged to speedily construct a befitting civic centre in Twon-Brass.

Consequently, he directed the Commissioner for Sports Development to consult with leaders of the community to get an appropriate site and conclude feasibility studies for the project within the next two weeks.

In his welcome address, the Chairman of Brass Local Government Council, Hon. Andi Obed described the impressive turn-out of the people at the event as a clear indication of the level of acceptance and support the Governor commands in the area.

According to the Chairman, “Our people are happy about what is happening in the State as there is peace everywhere and development is going on in all sectors. The education policy of the State Government need to be commended and the huge infrastructural development going on cannot be compared to what happened in the past six years before this Government came into office.”

Giving a scorecard of performance, Hon. Obed said his administration has completed some unfinished projects that were bequeathed by his predecessor, which include the rehabilitation of the main landing jetty, a link bridge between Shidi-ama and Kemmer-ama all in Twon-Brass and the fencing of a women development centre at Ewoama.

In their separate speeches, the State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Col. Sam Inokoba Rtd and the Deputy Speaker of the Bayelsa House of Assembly, Chief Sam Ateki also lauded the people for supporting the PDP-led government and assured them of more dividends of democracy.

Highpoint of the occasion was the presentation of cheques worth N15million each to the chairmen of the three Rural Development Areas (RDAs) in Brass by the Acting Director-General of the Bayelsa State Micro-Finance and Enterprise Development Agency, Mr Ifiemi Ikpaikpai for onward delivery to women cooperative groups in their areas as part of the Governor’s empowerment programme.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon Seriake Dickson on Monday assured the people of Brass local Government Area of his administration’s readiness to partner with the Federal Government and other investors to ensure the actualization of the Brass liquefied Natural Gas (BLNG) project.

Describing the project as very key to the economic development plans of the restoration agenda, Hon Dickson said the State Government was interfacing seriously with other critical stakeholders to ensure the commencement of the Brass Fertilizer project.

Governor Dickson who spoke when he paid a courtesy call on the Amayanabo of Twon-Brass, King Alfred Diete-Spiff as part of activities of his thank you tour to Brass Local Government Area, underscored the importance of the projects, noting that their successful take-off would go a long way in boosting the State’s economy.

He commended the people of Brass for their support during and after his election as Governor, stressing that the people’s peaceful disposition has enabled Government to embark on some impactful projects such as general hospital and a world-class model secondary school in the area.

According to the Governor, the present administration has awarded contracts for the construction of a modern landing jetty and water reticulation projects among others in the area.

Earlier,in a welcome address, the Amayanabo of Twon-Brass, King Alfred Diete-Spiff expressed delight over the visit and lauded the Governor for his development strides in the area and other parts of the State.

Delivering the address on behalf of the Amayanabo, the Amadabo of Ada-ama Community, Chief Serena Dokubo-Spiff particularly highlighted the Governor’s achievements in the areas of security, appointment of Brass indigenes into positions of trust and infrastructural development.

It reads in part, ‘Though His Excellency’s visit is a thank you visit, it has to be stressed that you rather deserve our gratitude for your outstanding performance so far in the development of our kingdom. Your activities in the kingdom are visible for appreciation.

‘The peace and security prevailing in our community is easily traceable to you. This is very reassuring in that we have a leadership in the State that is truly committed to the aspirations and yearnings of the people’,

King Diete-Spiff used the opportunity to solicit Government’s assistance in the construction of the Yenagoa-Brass Road and the reinstatement of Brass as the headquarters of the Central Naval Command.

Highpoint of the visit was the conferment of a chieftaincy title of Twon Ibe Tolomobor, meaning the Restorer of the glory of Twon Kingdon on Governor Dickson by the Twon-Brass Council of Chiefs.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has expressed gratitude to the Alei of Aleibiri, His Royal Highness, Chief Simon Ebebi, the Chiefs and people of Aleibiri Community in Ekeremor Local Government Area for the warm reception planned for him and his entourage during the funeral rites of Late Oyarede Selekere, father of the Hon. Commissioner for Housing and Urban Development, Mr. Ball Oyarede.

Even though, he could not make the trip due to some unforeseen circumstances that, urgently needed his attention, Governor Dickson commended the Aleibiri people for their show of solidarity and support for the programmes and policies of the Restoration Government in the State.

The Bayelsa State Chief Executive, who expressed regret over the last minute cancellation of the trip, assured the Chiefs of his plans to visit the community and express his appreciation at a date to be announced soon.

He used the opportunity to thank them for their warm disposition and conferring on him the coveted title of ‘Tari-kekere-owei” of Aleibiri, meaning ‘The Man Who Adores and Nurtures Love’ as a mark of honour for his support over the years.

He assured them that, to demonstrate his appreciation for their continued love, he will visit the community during his proposed thank you tour to Ekeremor Local Government Area, early next month.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson


Monday 18 November 2013



The Bayelsa State Government says it is set to launch the first phase of its Women Empowerment Programme to various cooperative groups next week.

Governor Seriake Dickson announced this when the Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment, Dr. Olusegun Aganga paid him a courtesy visit in his office in Government House, Yenagoa.

According to the Governor, about N500 Million will be disbursed to the women cooperative groups during his ‘thank you’ tour to the eight local government areas of the State, which is expected to kick off next week.

Governor Dickson, who expressed delight at the visit of the Minister, explained that Government decided to test-run the programme with women in view of the critical role they play in their families and society in general.

While commending the Minister for his efforts in promoting the growth of business and investment in the country, the Governor noted that his administration had since keyed into the Federal Government development programmes for small and medium enterprises.

He restated the State Government’s commitment to diversifying its economy from oil and gas with a view to generating employment and creating wealth through industrialization.

His words, “This was where oil and gas started but we don’t have the big oil companies located here. In this State, it is only the Government that employs people, and that has to change. So, I am actively promoting the policy of expanding the economy of this State beyond oil and gas. We are doing a lot in agriculture and tourism. That is why we have invested so much in security and the infrastructure that can bring about industrialization. And that is why we are talking to people and building partnerships within Nigeria and even outside because we want people to come in here to invest and create jobs and generate wealth.

Earlier, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment, Dr. Olusegun Aganga said he was in Bayelsa to inaugurate the State council on Small and Medium Enterprises as well as launch the National Enterprise Development Programme (NEDEP).

Describing the small and medium enterprises sub-sector as the greatest employer of labour in the country, Dr. Aganga quoted a survey conducted by SMEDAN as revealing that, “about 17.25 million micro, small and medium enterprises exist in this country employing closed to 32 million people.”

The Minister who announced the sitting of the headquarters of the South – South Office of SMEDAN in Bayelsa, added that NEDEP which is aimed at addressing the needs of SMES in the country has so far been launched in six States.

To make the agency more result-oriented, Dr. Aganga explained that, SMEDAN has not only been restructured but now has its presence in all the States of the federation following the directives of President Goodluck Jonathan.

“In the past we coordinated it from the National Council in Abuja. It doesn’t work that way. You need to have State councils because they are the first point of contact dealing with local issues and problems. So, we changed that structure to make sure that we now have SME Councils at the State level that will be made of Government, the SMEs themselves and the private sector.

“In terms of funding, we have restructured the Bank of Industry (BOI) to ensure that we have bottom of the pyramid programme, which means that we form them into cooperatives, register them with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) at no cost to them without any legal requirements because we want to bring them from the informal to formal sector.”

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Judges in the country have been urged to perform their professional duties with utmost sense of caution to meet societal expectation as the last hope of the common man.

Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson gave the charge at a special inter-denominational thanksgiving service marking the beginning of the 2013/14 Legal Year in the State at the Banquet Hall, Yenagoa.

Acknowledging the supremacy of God, the Governor who was represented by the State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Chief Francis Egele called on members of the Bar and Bench to apply the fear of God in the discharge of their responsibilities.

As interpreters of the laws of the land, he noted that they play a critical role in promoting the growth and development of the country, pointing out that any failure on the part of the Judiciary, would adversely affect the wellbeing of society.

Governor Dickson, who congratulated the State Judiciary for carrying out its statutory duties with candor, urged them to maintain the gesture to enhance peace and security in the State.

Delivering a sermon titled, “True Worshippers” at the service, the International Director of the Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Apostle Geoffrey Numbere stressed the need for man to serve God in truth.

Apostle Numbere, who was represented by the Rivers State Minister of the church, Pastor Ibim Alabraba, particularly enjoined legal practitioners to uphold the virtue of truthfulness in carrying out their duties.

In her remarks, the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Kate Abiri, said the thanksgiving service was put together to enable the Judicial Arm appreciate God for the achievements it recorded in the out gone year.

Describing God as the only true source of wisdom, the Chief Judge remarked that the service was also targeted at dedicating the new legal year into God’s care.

The service, which was anchored by the Greater Evangelism World Crusade, featured special prayers for the State Judiciary, Governor Dickson and President Goodluck Jonathan.

Governor Dickson read the first lesson while the State Chief Judge read the second one.

The service was well attended by members of the Bar and Bench, top Government functionaries including the Speaker of the State House of assembly, Rt. Hon. Konbowei Benson, traditional rulers, the State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Col. Sam Inokoba (Rtd) and other well wishers of the Judiciary.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State


Bayelsa State Government has reaffirmed its confidence in the private sector as a vehicle to drive the economy of the State away from the monthly federal allocations.

Governor Seriake Dickson, who made this known at the Inauguration of the State Council for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Yenagoa, noted that, the present administration was aware of the crucial role of SMEs and its positive impact on the lives of the people.

Represented at the occasion by the Chief of Staff, Government House, Yenagoa, Dame (Mrs) Didi Walson-Jack, the Governor said it was the realization of the importance SMEs that informed Government’s decision to incorporate it into the Restoration Agenda.

He commended the Hon. Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Olusegun Aganga for his interest in the State and his presence at the event and the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment on the private sector.

According to him, the various entrepreneurial activities going on in the State were indications that the State government did not misplace its priorities.

Aware of the critical issues of funding and other logistic requirements Gov Dickson disclosed that, practical steps have been taken to ensure that SMEs are not relegated to the background for reasons of inadequate funding in the State.

“In addition to this, we are also leveraging on opportunities in the micro- finance derivatives, especially with the commitment of the Bayelsa State Micro-Finance Agency to establish a micro-finance bank for the purpose of giving out loans and credit facilities to our SMEs in the State”.

The Governor stated that a 24-member committee drawn from all the Local Government Areas of the State have been set up for efficient regulatory and supervisory mechanism to manage the derivatives from the partnership and will be charged with the responsibility of formulating relevant policies and effective supervision of the disbursement and utilization of the funds to beneficiaries.

He said the State Government went further to engage the people in the acquisition of business management skills to promote the growth of local businesses and their sustainability in the State, adding that the administration set aside the sum of N480 million for the purpose in the 2013 budget.

Hon. Dickson assured that Government was focused on the stimulation of the economy using SMEs as a veritable tool to achieve the purpose while, the Bayelsa State Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) is a vehicle aimed at making the economy principally private sector driven.

Speaking also, the minister who inaugurated the State council on SMEs and the formal flag-off of the National Enterprise Development Programme (NEDEP) in the State, commended the developmental strides of Governor Seriake Dickson as well as the policy thrust of his administration.

Dr. Aganga, who described Bayelsa as “a small State in size but big in spirit” noted that it is endowed with so many natural resources apart from being the highest producers of oil and gas, adding that, the State is capable of becoming the ‘Dubai’ of Africa a major economic power.

He said the Transformation Agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan through the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment initiated SMEs and the launch of NEDEP to integrate and coordinate the development of SMEs, through the establishment of State SME Councils all over the country.

Expressing the impact of the private sectors towards nation building, the minister said the NEDEP initiative is aimed at generating millions of jobs nationwide within two years.

In his remarks, the Director-General, SMEDAN Alhaji Bature Masari said, in order to solidify its partnership, the Agency will sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the State Government specifying the duties and obligations of both parties and the overall deliverables and timelines, noting that the MOU is expected to be operational within the next few weeks.

The DG commended the State Government for promoting the development of the SMEs sub-sector in the State as well as its provision of a befitting office space for the South – South zonal office and the Business Support Centre (BSC) in Yenagoa, which he said, will ensure that the services of the Agency are effectively delivered to all target groups in the State in partnership with the Advisory Council.

He gave an assurance that SMEDAN will remain a trusted ally in SMEs and entrepreneurship development in Nigeria, stressing that it will continue to support entrepreneurial activities in the State.

In an overview of SMEs activities in the State, the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the State Governor on SMEs, Engr. Ebiekure Eradiri said, the Governor Seriake Dickson led administration had taken concrete steps to develop SMEs through various strategies, collaborations and alliances to achieve its objects.

This, the SSA noted, include confidence rebuilding of SME operators and restoring the hopes of critical mass of entrepreneurs in the State, collating and updating database, holding various entrepreneurial capacity building workshops, the hosting of the 2013 SMEs Summit in Yenagoa and the establishment of N10 billion SMEs Development Trust Fund in partnership with the private sector.

The launch of SMEs Restoration Roadmap, a 12-14 months SMEs policy framework for development of SMEs in the State, An SME Mentorship Scheme in partnership with the private sector, the promotion of made-in-Bayelsa products, the proposed SMEs village in Yenagoa as well as the Integration of Entrepreneurial Training and the infusion Financial Literacy into the educational curriculum in all secondary schools across the State within the shortest possible time are also some of the steps.

According to Engr. Eradiri, all these efforts have started yielding results as the State level, but are now being known and observed by various institutions across the African continent and Europe, while the Bayelsa products such as palm oil, ogbono, plantain, fish/sea foods, Nembe bread are in high demand, and most sought after at Oyingbo market in Lagos with the branded SME products expected to feature on the State stand during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

He disclosed that, in April, last year, the State Government flagged off various SMEs Clusters for which the State has comparative advantage in all the eight Local Government Areas of the State in collaboration with the Bayelsa State Development and Investment Corporation, which is similar to the proposed one Local Government, one product (OLOP) programme initiated by the Federal Government.

The SSA noted that the main policy thrust of the SMEs sector under the Restoration agenda is to optimize the source of economic growth using the SMEs to achieve the objective.

In his welcome address, the Permanent Secretary of the State Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment, Barr. Collins Daniel stated that the ministry has put in place mechanism to encourage the transition of businesses from the informal to the formal sectors of the economy.

According to him, cooperatives and training sessions have been held for them in all the Local Government Areas of the State with impressive delivery rate.

Barr. Daniel, who welcomed the inauguration of the State council, stressing that, it came at a time when Government efforts were beginning to yield results and helping to consolidate on gains already recorded.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has described the decision of the Rwandan Government to collaborate with the State in harnessing its tourism potentials as a big boost to his administration’s plans to diversify the economy.

Governor Dickson stated this, while exchanging ideas with the Rwandan High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr. Joseph Habineza, who visited him at the Bayelsa House, Abuja.

The Governor, who was full gratitude to the Rwandan Government for the interest to collaborate with the State, explained that, Government was already undertaken a number of projects that will support a thriving tourism industry, noting that, Government was ready to develop the State through viable international and local partnerships.

Represented by the Chief of Staff, Bayelsa House, Abuja, Chief Diekivie Ikiogha, he highlighted the proposed deep seaport at Agge in Ekeremor Local Government Area and the airport as projects designed to boost tourism and other business activities in the State.

He also used the opportunity to enumerate some of the tourism potentials of the State to include the rich culture of the people, the Whiteman’s Grave, United African Company’s edifice at Akassa and the sea at Brass with natural waterfalls and waves which empty into the Atlantic Ocean as well as other rivers, creeks, beaches and mangrove forest spread around the State.

Also in attendance was the SSA to the Governor on National Assembly Liaison, Mr. Preye Dressman. The Rwanda Government has asked the Bayelsa State Government to explore its potentials in other sectors of the economy, while also commending the efforts of Hon. Seriake Dickson at repositioning the State’s economy through diversification from oil and gas.

Giving the advice during a visit to the Bayelsa House, Abuja, the Rwandan High Commissioner, Mr. Joseph Habineza stated that unlike Nigeria, Rwanda has no crude oil and gas resources, but depends basically on tourism to power its economy.

He noted that despite the existence of the black gold, Bayelsa State and indeed Nigeria should explore their potentials in other alternative sectors.

According to him, the policy focus of Governor Henry Seriake Dickson in the non-oil and gas sectors is laudable, and could further be boosted by more international collaborations to achieve targets.

Mr. Habineza expressed the Rwandan Government’s readiness to have bilateral arrangements with the Bayelsa State Government, especially in the tourism sector in which the State has comparative advantage.

He urged Governor Dickson to keep faith with the administration’s programmes intended to diversify the State’s economy, noting that it was a viable strategy to develop the State and its people.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Friday 15 November 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has described the award of Best Security Governor in West Africa conferred on him by Security Watch Africa in South Africa, as a call to boost security efforts in the State.

Governor Dickson made the remark when the Special Adviser on Security, Colonel Bernard Kenebai (rtd) who received the award on his behalf in South Africa presented award to him at Government House, Yenagoa.

Hon. Dickson dedicated the award to the people of the State for their peaceful disposition and cooperation with security agencies and the selflessness on the part of the various security agencies, stressing that, the award was made possible largely by the existing cooperation between them and assured that no effort would be spared in his drive to continue to improve on security.

According to him, the award given to Operation Doo Akpor is heartwarming as it was as a result of their diligence and support for Government’s policy on zero tolerance to crime and violence as well as dedication and gallant efforts that have always paid off and received accolades from outside the shores of the country.

Calling on various security agencies in the State to redouble their efforts in sustaining the prevailing peace and stability in the State, he noted that it has become imperative to beef up security as the yuletide approaches and increased political activities.

Governor Dickson, who expressed appreciation to the organizers of the award for the honour accorded him and the State, assured that no effort would be spared in his drive to continue to improve security.

In his remarks, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Security, Colonel Bernard Kenebai (rtd), said Bayelsa was high on the mark of activities this year of the Security Watch Africa Lecture and Award Series.

Colonel Kenebai who led a team of security personnel and officials of the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), attributed the awards of Best Crime Busting Squad in West Africa for Operation Doo Akpor and Best Security Governor in West Africa for Governor Dickson to the recognition of the present administration’s huge investment in security.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Thursday 14 November 2013



Bayelsa State Government in partnership with the Organized Private Sector, (OPS) is set to create at least 30,000 jobs in Oil and gas and other sectors of the economy.

In line with its Restoration Agenda, Government has stressed the need for a private sector driven economy and this has led to the proposed establishment of a Fertilizer Plant, the Maritime Academy and Brass LNG at Brass Island, Airport, pharmaceutical products and many others in the State.

This development will provide a platform for youths to acquire training and become employable in various aspects of the economy.

To further achieve this goal, Government has entered into a bilateral agreement with a United Kingdom based Oil Company, Heritage Oil Plc and other major companies and institutions to broaden the base of the economy, generate employment and create high level skills in the State.

In view of the fore-going, Governor Seriake Dickson has expressed optimism that with the enforcement of the Federal Government’s Local Content Development Policy, the problem of unemployment would be minimized and a an enduring peace and stability will be enthroned in the State and the Niger Delta region.

Speaking during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in Yenagoa, Governor Seriake Dickson said the Bayelsa State is ready for active participation in the oil and gas industry.

Under the agreement, Heritage Oil Plc, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, has an equity share of 45 per cent while Bayelsa Oil Company would take charge of 55 per cent in the joint venture, named Petrobay.

He noted that the headquarters of Petrobay would be situated in Yenagoa and will have the capacity to compete favourably with other stakeholders both in the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil industry.

Consequently, Governor Dickson urged youths of the State to take advantage of the opportunities that these major companies would offer in the nearest future to better their lot.

In his remarks, the Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Oil Company, Mr. Tony Buckingham, pointed out that the partnership, which will run into hundreds of millions of dollars is targeted at developing the resources of the State as well as facilitate its economic wellbeing.

Mr. Buckingham lauded the efforts of Governor Dickson in expanding the frontiers of opportunities in the oil industry for the benefit of Bayelsans and indicated his company’s readiness to provide the requisite funding and expertise.

“The natural resources of Bayelsa and indeed Nigeria belong to the Nigerian and Bayelsa people. These resources are to be used for the betterment of the people. They are to be used for education, healthcare and for the everyday man, woman and child in the street who had suffered and who have not had what they actually deserve. But I think the Governor has a passion and the desire to enable everybody within Bayelsa and also Nigeria to reap the just reward of the country’s oil reserve.”

Also speaking, the Managing Director of Bayelsa Oil Company, King Amalate Turner expressed delight at the signing of the MoU, which he noted was the fallout of fruitful interactions between the State and its partner that earlier held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

Describing the agreement as a big leap in the development strides of the present administration, King Turner Stated that the partnership would benefit the State tremendously, in the area of job creation and boosting the internally generated revenue.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has directed the State Pensions and Gratuities Committee headed by the Head of Service, Sir Fraser Okuoru to expedite action on the payment of the next batch of retirees and pensioners in the State. He has also urged the committee to be fair and fast in the disbursement of the already released N500, 000,000 (Five Hundred Million Naira) to alleviate the hardship being experienced by pensioners and retirees in the State.

According to the Governor, even though the heavy backlog of unpaid pensions and gratuities were inherited by the present administration, it will not relent in its efforts at ensuring that every genuine retiree is paid his or her benefits to the fullest. While, appealing to retirees and pensioners to cooperate and appreciate the current efforts of Government, he reaffirmed the resolve of his administration to settle all outstanding gratuities and pensions in batches until the backlog owed is cleared.

Hon. Dickson, who thanked pensioners and retirees for their show of maturity, discipline and understanding, especially with the committee, advised them to exercise patience, and not allow themselves to be used by mischief makers to fan the embers of discord.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Wednesday 13 November 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has received a 16 man delegation from Houston, Texas led by Mr. Val Thompson, President Houston International Trade and Development Council.

The delegation, which is in the country to explore trade and investment opportunities, was accompanied by the Consul General of Nigeria in Atlanta, Ambassador Geoffrey Teneilabe.

Ambassador Geoffrey, commended Governor Seriake Dickson for the practical steps taken to develop the Agricultural, Infrastructural as well as oil and gas sectors and pledged his commitment to fast-tracking investments in those sectors.

Describing Bayelsa State as the biggest producer of oil and gas both in the upstream and downstream sectors in the country, he posited that several aspects of the State needs to be developed.

According to him, Bayelsa like other States in the country requires massive foreign investment in Agriculture, Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure to enable it compete favourably at the global arena.

The Consular General, who was full of gratitude for Governor Dickson for the reception accorded the delegation, promised to lead a trade delegation to Yenagoa soon.

In his remarks, Governor Seriake Dickson noted that, the visit was an opportunity to further strengthen the excellent bilateral relation between Nigeria and the United States, stressing that Bayelsa State was looking forward to promoting a robust exchange of ideas that will bring about wealth creation and promote enterprise.

He also highlighted some similarities between Houston and Bayelsa, who are both oil and gas capitals of their respective countries,adding that, Bayelsa State is making efforts to aggressively expand the base of its economy beyond oil and gas by promoting Industry, Agriculture and Tourism.

Governor Dickson hinted that Bayelsa has been rated one of the safest in the country in terms of security, a rating that has made it possible for the State to consistently host major international events in the last eight months.

He disclosed that, the State will be hosting the first Caribbean African-American and Nigerian music festival and Awards as well as the International Jazz Festival on the 22nd of this month and the 7th of December, 2013.

The Governor restated his administration’s readiness for the big leap, stating that the present state Government understands the role of the private sector as a veritable means of wealth creation.

“As a Government, we are passionate about promoting the growth and development of the private sector, and urge you delegates to disregard negative reports about the safety of Nigeria. Nigeria is generally safe and Bayelsa State is the safest place to do business”

“The irony of this whole issues that, while foreign embassies are sending out negative advisories, their nationals are in the creeks prospecting for oil without any harm, and yet for whatever reasons the missions are still sending out adverse signals to their nationals”

He implored well meaning Nigerians at home and in the diaspora to work towards the promotion of a more direct people to people economic intercourse.

The Governor, who expressed satisfaction with the positive disposition of the trade delegation, stated that, he was looking forward to receiving the delegation in the State.

Daniel iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Tuesday 12 November 2013



The Bayelsa State Government has affirmed its commitment to make judicious and optimal use of the Underwater Cultural Research and Imaging Centre to be established in Yenagoa, the State capital.

Governor Seriake Dickson, who stated this at the first Africa Regional Meeting on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in Yenagoa, expressed appreciation to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization( UNESCO ) for approving the sitting of the centre in the State, noting that it will not only be beneficial to Bayelsans and Nigerians, but Africans in general.

Represented by the State Commissioner for Culture and Ijaw National Affairs, Dr. Felix Tuodolor, the Governor said the facility, when fully operational, will be the hub of underwater research activities in Africa.

According to him, the centre will equally support the efforts of Governments at building the capacity of youths in rare areas of underwater archeology, research and bio-technology as well as scuba diving and imaging.

He noted with delight that, the Nigerian Navy, construction companies in the Niger Delta, oil exploration companies, the Tourism, Fishing and Maritime Industries among others will all benefit tremendously from the services that the centre will offer through the utilization of the services of youths that are going to benefit from the various training programmes.

“That is why we can safely deduce that, all these efforts will put Bayelsa State in particular and the nation, in a pivotal position, in underwater heritage preservation practice globally, generate employment, create wealth and engender mutual respect among of states and nations”

Gov. Dickson recalled that the State has recently hosted a number of national and international events with the most recent being the World Tourism Day 2013, which he noted was a clear demonstration of the unwavering commitment of the State to promoting culture and tourism related activities globally.

Acknowledging the importance of underwater cultural heritage as an integral part of the cultural heritage of humanity, Hon. Dickson noted that, cooperation among States, international and professional organizations, science based institutions, archeologists, diverse as well as other relevant bodies and groups were essential components for the protection of underwater cultural heritage.

In his keynote address, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, High Chief Edem Duke expressed the need to strengthen the collaboration with UNESCO to foster unity and brotherhood among member countries of the organisation.

While noting that the African continent boasts long standing archeological craft and sites as compared to those of the ancient Greeks and the Romans, the minister said the third oldest water craft in the world and the first in Africa, was discovered in Nigeria in 1987.

Chief Duke called on UNESCO, other relevant agencies, archeologists and experts to ensure the security and proper documentation of such underwater crafts for posterity.

He commended Bayelsa State for its rich coastal ambiance noting that the State’s hosting of the first Africa Regional Meeting on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage and the proposed sitting of the Research and Imaging Centre in the state were steps in the right direction.

The minister called on other member African countries to hasten their commitments by ratifying the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage to boost tourism, stop the plundering and destruction of underwater cultural heritage, create wealth and employment opportunities and research among others.

In a goodwill message, the Director, UNESCO Nigeria Regional Office represented by Mr. Roland Kayanja disclosed that 45 countries have ratified the 2001 convention, while commending Nigeria for being the first African state to sign the agreement.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Monday 11 November 2013


Underwater Cultural heritage encompasses all traces of human existence, that lie or were lying underwater and has a cultural or historic character.
The richness of the worlds Underwater Cultural heritage is often underestimated. While over the last century, archeological sites on land has yielded an abundance of information on the development of civilization, the oceans, which covers the larger part of our planet, still retain any of their secrets. However, they contain a unique testament to the spirits of our ancestors for exploration; and many shipwrecks and ruins of cities lost to the waves are inched better preserved than similar sites found in land. This is why the UNESCO convention for the protection of the underwater Cultural heritage, adopted by the UNESCO general conference in 2001, intends to enable states to better protect their underwater heritage.

UNESCO fosters the preservation, research and protection of this underwater Cultural heritage. Its major tool to do so is the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage. This convention is the leading legal instrument guiding underwater archaeology worldwide, it is designed to strengthen legal protection, research, co-operation, awareness-raising and capacity building. Especially important for the African region are its clear prohibition of the commercial exploitation of sites as well as its guidance in the development of underwater archaeology.

The First African regional meeting of the protection of the underwater cultural heritage, organised by the federal ministry of Tourism, Culture and national orientation in collaboration with the United Nations Education,Scientific and Cultural organization(UNESCO) and the Bayelsa state ministry for Culture and Ijaw affairs was Held in the Ijaw House Yenagoa, Bayelsa state.

The conference which will run through the 10th to 14th November 2013, had in attendance representatives from 16 African nations, Angola, Togo, Guinea, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Comoros, Niger, Republic of Congo, Seychelles, Mauritius, Equatorial Guinea,  Namibia, Tanzania, Gambia, Mali, and South Africa. Representatives from UNESCO, Nigeria's Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National orientation as well as representatives of the Bayelsa state ministry for Culture and Ijaw affairs where also present.

By Matilda Angaye
Coined from fascinating Nigeria programme

Sunday 10 November 2013



On-going power projects across communities in Bayelsa State are to be completed before the end of the first quarter of next year.

Governor Dickson gave the assurance in the maiden edition of a live interview programme, “Hot Seat”, on the State-owned radio station, Glory FM 97.1 in Yenagoa.

The Governor said “already, most communities have been connected to power supply and by early next year when the projects will be commissioned, almost all the communities will enjoy power supply to improve the living conditions of rural dwellers and boost socio-economic activities.

“Government is working on a programme of activities geared towards refurbishing all the gas pipelines to boost the capacity of the turbines.”

Reacting to a question by one of the callers on power outage in the Ogbia axis of the State, he explained that Government had made an approval of almost N150 million to transport the gas turbine to its manufacturers for repairs.

The Governor, who bemoaned the neglect of the gas turbine over the years in spite the huge investment made in the power sector, however assured that electricity supply would be restored in the area before Christmas.

Calling on the people of the State to monitor and safeguard projects in their communities, Hon. Dickson noted that beyond the State Project Monitoring committee, Government had also constituted inter departmental committees and where problems are identified, appropriate action would be taken.

On the new Yenagoa City, Governor Dickson explained that, Government has concluded survey work of an area covering 50,000 hectares from the River Nun to the Ekoli bridge encompassing the Government House Castle, formally designed as the Governor’s residence to be converted to a six star hotel.

He pointed out that in the next couple of weeks, work would be completed on the facility and would accommodate 22 presidential suites stating that other parts of the planned area would include, facilities like Polo Club and a Golf Estate.

Hon. Dickson hinted that a team to be chaired by Chief Timi Alaibe would be inaugurated to vigorously pursue its public private partnership of the proposed new city towards building the Dubai of his dream.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
1 0/11/2013

Saturday 9 November 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson, has finalized arrangements with Independent Power Energy Limited of America and their financiers, Deutsch Bank of Germany to commence work on a new 100 mega watts gas turbine at Imiringi.

Government has equally concluded plans to upgrade the existing gas turbine plant at Imiringi to generate 114-mega watts.

The generated energy from the new gas turbine, to be completed in one year will add to the existing one and bring the totally generated power 214 mega watts to boost electricity supply as well as meet the power needs of the State.

The new power plant project is to be executed under a Private Public Partnership agreement between the American company and the State Government.

When completed, part of the power generated will sold to the national grid and generate income for the State and the investing company for a year after its commissioning.

The project is in line with Governor Dickson’s promise, to develop critical infrastructure that will create the enabling environment for foreign and local investments to thrive in the State.

To honour its part of the agreement, the Independent Power Plant Energy Limited, has assured that, it would deliver the new turbine with the latest technology, within stipulated time.

The president of the company, Ian Duff, gave the assurance in an interview with newsmen shortly after a meeting between top officials of the State Government and the company at Bayelsa House, Abuja.

Mr. Duff who led a high powered delegation to the meeting comprising officials of IPP Energy Ltd and Deutsch Bank of Germany Germeny, said they were encouraged to invest in Bayelsa State because of the favorable reports they had received about ongoing developments in the State in the past couple of years.

He affirmed that standards would not be compromised in the construction of the plant, stressing that the company was ready to build a first class independent gas power plant, which will be comparable to any other one in the world.

Mr. Duff announced plans by the company to employ Nigerians, especially Bayelsans, who would also be trained with the latest technological skills of gas turbine operations and maintenance.

As part of the company’s social responsibility, Duff said, a clinic will also be set up to take care of the health needs of workers and indigenes of the host communities.

Also present at the meeting were Bayelsa State Commissioner for Energy, Hon. Francis Ikio, Commissioner for trade and Investments, Hon. Ayakeme Masa, Commissioner for Special Projects, Hon. Fred Obua, Commissioner for works and infrastructure, Hon. Lawrence Ewhrudiakpo, and Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Investments, Mr. Cyril Akika.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Thursday 7 November 2013


Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has commended the Chiefs and leaders of Oluasiri community in Nembe Local Government Area of the State for the prevailing peace, law and order in the community despite daunting challenges confronting them.

The Governor, who made the commendation when he received the Chairman and members of the Nembe Bassambiri Council of Chiefs in Government House, Yenagoa, expressed satisfaction with their conduct and called on other communities to emulate them.

Hon. Dickson remarked, “For us in Bayelsa, because we value our common fraternity. I know that you have all exercised restraint. I have also a number of times called for restraint in resolving the issues that some people try to raise from time to time. So, I want to commend you all, especially the Nembe people for their restraint and understanding and for being peaceful and law abiding as well as giving Government and its institutions at State and Federal levels an opportunity to ensure an amicable resolution of the issues at stake”.

Describing the Government and the people of the State as law a abiding people, who adhere strictly to court decisions, Hon. Dickson urged all those affected by previous decisions to give peace a chance and continue to use lawful means to resolve disputes.

The Governor, who acknowledged the security situation on the waterways, particularly in the disputed areas, stated that, the present administration in the State is alive to its responsibilities and will take steps to address them. He also called on all agencies statutorily responsible for safeguarding lives and property of the citizenry to redouble their efforts in the face of prevailing security challenges in the area. “ I will order for a detailed enquiry and report on some of the issues and claims you raised in your address, some of which we will explore in greater details as time goes on”, Gov. Dickson added.

Responding to an invitation to visit the affected area, the State Chief Executive said he will give a date and notify the chiefs in due course, while also informing them of his plans to embark on a tour of the State in the company of all other elected officials of his administration to thank the people for maintaining law and order as well as the support given to him and all PDP candidates.

On their demand for land reclamation, provision of portable drinking water, completion of a catering rest house, construction of low cost housing estate and a ring road among others, the Governor assured them that steps would be taken to address them.

Earlier, the Secretary of the council, Chief Ayebaesin Edoghotu-Omoh, said their visit was to thank the Governor for his developmental strides within two years in office and the effective handling of a Supreme Court matter affecting the community. According to Chief Edoghotu-Omoh, the Supreme Court ruling concerning the border between Bayelsa and Rivers States was already creating security challenges, noting that, security personnel posted to the area from Abonnema in Rivers State have made the waterways unsafe for them to navigate.

The chiefs called on the State Government to provide the communities within the Nembe-Bassmbiri Kingdom with social amenities such as portable water, electricity amongst others. Chief Omoh commended Governor Seriake Dickson for appointing some of their sons and daughters into positions of trust in Government and assured him of their continued support and loyalty to his restoration administration.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Dickson’s Handshake across the Atlantic

Dickson signing Memorandum of Understanding during his visit to Lincoln UNIVERSITY..

The recent two-day visit to the historic Lincoln University in the United States of America by the Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson and his appointment into the university’s Board of Visitors opens a new vista for Nigerians, writes Segun James

Education, they say, is power. This is probably why since his inception as governor of Bayelsa State, South-south of Nigeria more than two years ago, Henry Seriake Dickson, has accorded education a pride of place in the running of his administration.

By doing this, the governor, not only aspires to increase the literacy level of his people, but also to build a new crop of well-educated and enlightened citizenry that will contribute meaningfully to the well-being of the populace in particular and the overall development of the state in all facets of human endeavour, in general.

During his recent two-day visit to historic Lincoln University in the United States of America, Dickson’s devotion to creating opportunities for young people in Bayelsa State through provision of quality education was, once more, on display. The visit brought the governor and his entourage, face-to-face with top leaders of the university community.

Located in the state of Pennsylvania, Lincoln University was the first institution in the United States of America and the entire western world which was established for the purpose of providing university degrees to Black people. This was at a time the colour on a man’s skin could mean a whole lot of difference in the perception of the people in that clime where the university was situated. 

Though situated in America, Lincoln University has played a vital role in Africa’s political history and its development. For instance, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, the first president of Nigeria matriculated at the university.So also was Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president and leading pan-Africanist, who, together with other notable black people from all over the world, also studied at this revered institution.Of course, hundreds of other African intellectuals and professionals who have contributed greatly to the growth and development of the continent also trained at Lincoln University. The institution also has played a pivotal role in American civil rights movement. Leading lights such as Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice graduated from this university.

Perhaps, these great accomplishments and many more by this prestigious institution of higher learning, was why Dickson was quite at home walking the same grounds these heroes walked.Interestingly, the governor’s visit to the university a few weeks back coincided with his appointment to the University’s Board of Visitors by its president, Robert Jennings. The Board of Visitors is an influential committee established by President Jennings to help Lincoln University forge working relationships with innovative institutions and organisations throughout America and other parts of the world. So Dickson was invited to join the board because of his reputation for good governance and educational reform, a trait that has endeared his administration to the heart of Bayelsans. Thus, the governor’s visit to the university was a further proof and demonstration that his selection as a member of the esteemed Board of Visitors was a wise choice.

 During his numerous meetings with President Jennings as well as other senior University officials, Governor Dickson showcased firm knowledge of the operations and administrative imperatives of a tertiary educational institution of the 21st century. 

Always forward looking, he did not only show strong grasp of the imperatives of today, he exhibited rare vision for a better tomorrow regarding education sector.With this visit, the governor has achieved a mileage of progress that will benefit his state and Nigeria for generations to come. This is because agreements were reached to established a formal institutional relationship between Bayelsa State and Lincoln University. Pursuant to this agreement, Bayelsa State will establish a fund whereby it shall provide scholarships for eligible, competent students from the oil-rich state to pursue undergraduate degrees at Lincoln University.

  Discussions during the meeting also explored areas of academic and administrative exchange programs to provide capacity-building to staff of the Niger Delta University, NDU, in Bayelsa State. These programmes will include NDU staff visiting Lincoln University with opportunity for Lincoln University staff to be seconded to NDU as well.Another important aspect of the governor’s discussions was the understanding that Lincoln is willing to serve as a formal liaison between Bayelsa State and other historical black colleges and universities (HBCUs)  in America.

Through this understanding, Lincoln will serve as a connection point for Bayelsa State to the large network of HBCUs.  This will allow the state to tap each HBCU in its areas of comparative expertise. For instance, Lincoln University does not have an active programme in agriculture but will begin to open doors for Bayelsa to those schools with agricultural programmes that may benefit Bayelsa State and NDU.

It is widely expected that Bayelsa State and NDU will take advantage of this arrangement to help develop actual government projects as well as enhance NDU programmes in  such areas as tourism/hospitality industry, agriculture and aqua-culture, environmental protection and nature conservation, business development, job creation, entrepreneurial development, public education as well as public administration and social service delivery.

Viewed critically, governor Dickson’s maiden visit to Lincoln University was a resounding success. Not only did it rekindle positive memories of the historic relationship between Nigeria and the African-American community, the visit also showed that the relationship is not just a memoir of the past.

This is why immediately on arrival back to Nigeria, the governor has put in place, a committee to screen eligible students of Bayelsa origin for scholarship awards to study in Lincoln. The committee is headed by Prof. Steve Azaiki, author and one time Secretary to the Bayelsa State Government as well as the Co-coordinator of the National Think-Tank.

The first batch of students will leave for the United States in December, this year.To be sure, with vision and purpose, the historic bridge between Nigeria and Africa, on one side and the African-American community on the other, can be remodelled to build an even more constructive relationship that will lead both sides to a more hopeful future.  Perhaps this is why governor Dickson’s visit is an attestation to the rebuilding of the historic bridge with this famous American University.

By Segun James
From Thisday



In its bid to broaden the economy of the State, Governor Seriake Dickson has stressed the need for Government’s active participation in the oil and gas sector of the economy.

To achieve this feat, the Bayelsa State government has signed a partnership agreement with Heritage Oil PLC of London.

Speaking at the signing ceremony in Government House Yenagoa, Hon Dickson noted that effective collaboration between the company and the State would not only engender the creation of employment opportunities but also position the State as one of the active players in the industry.

According to him, the pact will midwife the setting up of a major oil conglomerate in the State and properly place the Bayelsa Oil Company to compete favourably with other stakeholders in both the down and up streams of the industry.

Governor Dickson lamented that, though the State has been known for the production of oil and gas over the years, the area has little or nothing to show for its contributions, partially due to non-participation of its people in the business.

He therefore urged the company to bid for all assets that are currently offered for sale to broaden its asset base and explore the opportunities thrown up by the partnership to actualize the expectations of the State Government and its people.

“You are aware that even at a time that people are divesting from oil assets in this area, no mention is made of our involvement. Today, that era of standing by and non-participation has ended. What we have signed Today is going to blossom and move from strength to strength and be strong enough to compete favourably with other competitors in the upstream and downstream sectors of the industry. My charge to our partner and those of our people who are involved is to see that they work hard so that they actualize the dreams and expectations of our Government and people. It is our expectation that in no distant time, we will have a befitting office of the new conglomerate in Bayelsa that will employ our people and give them an opportunity to develop their skills in this sector. It is also our expectation that this company will bid for assets that are presently offered for sale. And let me announce to all those stake holders in the industry that for once Bayelsa State is ready for active participation in the oil and gas industry.”

In his remarks, the Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Oil Plc, Mr Tony Buckingham, pointed out that the partnership, which will run into hundreds of millions of dollars is targeted at developing the resources of the State to facilitate its economic well-being.

Mr Buckingham lauded the efforts of Governor Dickson in expanding the frontiers of opportunities in the oil industry for the benefit of Bayelsans, and indicated his company’s readiness to provide the requisite funding and expertise.

“The natural resources of Bayelsa and indeed Nigeria belong to the Nigerian and Bayelsa people. These resources are to be used for the betterment of the people. They are to be used for education, healthcare and for the everyday man, woman and child in the street who had suffered and who have not had what they actually deserve. But I think the Governor has a passion and the desire to enable everybody within Bayelsa and also Nigeria to reap the just reward of the country’s oil reserve.”

Also speaking, the Managing Director of Bayelsa Oil Company, King Amalate Turner expressed delight at the signing of the agreement, which he noted was a fallout of fruitful interactions between the State and its partner that earlier held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirate.

Describing the agreement as a leap in the development strides of the present administration, King Turner noted that the partnership would benefit the State hugely in terms of job creation and boosting of internally generated revenue.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State
6 /11/2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson, Tuesday commissioned the Barbie Place Supermarket, a private initiative situated at Ekeki area of the Melford Okilo Expressway, Yenagoa.

In his remarks, Hon. Dickson urged Bayelsans to emulate the owner of the venture by exploring the enabling environment created by Government to contribute their quota to the development of the State by engaging in small and medium scale enterprises.

“This is the kind of things we want to see in Bayelsa. We want our people to show enterprise. We want them to contribute and be part of our economy in this State. We don’t want to be bystanders and onlookers even in our local economy”.

The Governor stated that, his presence at the occasion was to encourage and support the private sector, noting that his administration was in the process of working out ways and means of helping local entrepreneurs to grow their businesses for the overall benefit of all.

He commended the Chief Executive Officer of Barbie Group of Companies, Mrs. Barbie Jitoboh for her unique style of supporting the State’s economy while also lauding her show of industry.

According to Gov Dickson, “ This is what we want to see in the new Bayelsa. We don’t want everybody to depend and look up to Government in this State. There is enough for people to do, to make a living and contribute to the States’ economy, and create wealth as well as employment opportunities for the people.

Governor Seriake Dickson also used the occasion to enjoin women in the State to be prepared to take advantage of Government’s empowerment programmes on small enterprises to improve themselves and their families.

He acknowledged their valuable contributions towards nation building, describing them as hardworking and dedicated mothers.

Earlier, the CEO of Barbie Group had informed Gov. Dickson that her business organization currently has a staff strength of four hundred and ten persons, adding that, the supermarket has variety of products ranging from household and office furniture, party items, dinner wares, boutique, stationery, groceries, cosmetics/jewelry and others items.

The Governor undertook a tour of the supermarket, which occupies the first and second floors of a 2-storey building at Ekeki.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Monday 4 November 2013



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Monday, gave January 2013 as deadline for the ongoing Verification and Biometric Capturing Exercise in the State, warning that any worker not captured would forfeit his or her salary.

The Governor and his Deputy Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah were captured by the team of experts at the Due Process Office, Yenagoa and were issued certificates as well as Automated Verification Cards, with serial numbers.

The exercise when completed and fully operational will also enable public servants use the automated verification cards to have access to their salaries, clock in and out from duty as well as tax payment.

Speaking with newsmen shortly after the exercise, Governor Dickson stressed his administration’s resolve to rid the State Government’s payroll of ghost workers and enable Government plan effectively for its workers.

“As you are all aware, this State is on a new course; this State is on the course of doing things properly. And let me call on the Public Servants of this State to cooperate with the officers conducting this exercise. This exercise means so much to us because we want to, for once and for all, put an end to the syndrome of ghost workers on our payroll.

“We want to be able to identify who our workers are and plan and cater for them. I am happy that the measures that we have put in place since coming on board have yielded some dividends but this appears to be the most scientific way of determining who should be on our payroll. And I want to commend you all. I have heard that you have already verified a few Ministries, Departments and Agencies, so I want to call for cooperation on the part of the Public Servants that will be verified.

The Governor explained that, though the verification process would continue, he called on all Public Servants to participate in the verification, as there would be no sacred cows in the exercise.

“No one will be left out; no one should be left out. Everything that has to be done in the verification process must be done, that is the message my Deputy and I are here to send, that nobody is above verification. No connection will stop you from being verified. No level of seniority will stop you from the verification. And verification officers here have our mandate to do everything you need to do, properly and thoroughly. “

According to him, discussions are on to extend the biometric data capturing exercise to health personnel and teachers especially those in the rural areas as they constitute the bulk of the rot in the public service system.

In his remarks, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Treasury and Accounts, Mr. Timipre Seipulou highlighted the characteristics of the Automated Verification Card and presented the cards to the Governor and his Deputy.

Mr. Seipulou who doubles as Project Director of the Verification and Biometric Data Capturing Committee, noted that the card would capture the physical evidence of the worker, could also grant workers access to certain locations.

Also speaking, Chairman of the State branch of the Nigeria Labour Congress, (NLC), Mrs. Ebiwou Koku Obiyai, identified non-presentation of First School Leaving Certificate by some workers, which she observed could help in verifying the actual age of a worker.

The Governor also undertook a facility tour of the Due Process Office.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State