Tuesday 25 March 2014




Ijebu Ode, Ogun State at the weekend went agog as the Bayelsa State Governor; Hon. Seriake Dickson re-connected with his kith and kin in Fidipote ruling house and expressed his readiness to strengthening the bond of relationship between the two states.

Accompanied by members of immediate family and top government functionaries, the Governor during his historic visit to the Awujale and Paramount ruler of Ijebu land, Oba (Dr.) Sikiru Kayode Adetona assured the people that, his administration would work with them to promote unity, peace and harmony, not only in the Niger Delta area, but also the country as a whole.

The Governor stated that the people of Ijebu land and Bayelsa state have many things in common, especially in the areas of commerce and hospitality, adding that these two areas would be explored to strengthen this bond of relationship.

In his words: “it is our desire to continue to associate with you and with this land. It is our desire to connect properly in every way possible with our kith and kin here in Ijebu Ode and contribute our bit to the development of this great and blessed land and also to work with you to promote and deepen the bond of fraternity in this country and build upon the unity of our people.

“As our case and several other cases clearly illustrates, we are indeed one people united by history, culture and by blood as my case demonstrates.

“We have come all the way from the creeks of the Niger Delta to the heartland of the Yoruba nation in Ijebu land here; we are indeed one people. It is our intention to continue to work and partner with you and others to see how we can work to make not only the Niger Delta, but Nigeria as a whole to be one place where people live in unity, peace and harmony”

Describing the visit as a historic one for him and his family members, the Governor expressed his desire to re-connect with his kith and kin with a view to retracing his lineage and strengthen family ties in Ijebu land.

The Governor, who expressed appreciation to Oba Adetona and the people of Ijebu land for the warm reception accorded him and his entourage, congratulated the Oba on his 80 th birthday

Governor Dickson also acknowledged the significant contributions of Oba Adetona to Ijebu land and the Country at large, noting that the monarch has conducted himself as a man of honour and promoted the customs and traditions of the kingdom.

In his remarks, the Awujale and Paramount ruler of Ijebu land, Oba Sikiru Adetona expressed delight over the visit of Governor Dickson describing it as a homecoming.

According to Oba Adetona, the maternity of a child is never contestable, which demonstrates Governor Dickson’s visit to Ijebu land to fraternize with his kith and kin.

He also likened the Governor’s visit to the prodigal son in the scriptures, assuring that they would continue to pray for him to succeed in al his endeavours.

“I can assure you of the very best of our cooperation. It is our pleasure to have you in our midst here. It is an occasion that we have been looking forward to, to receive back home as one of our illustrious sons.”

Oba Adetona, who lauded the Governor as an illustrious son, remarked that success was one of the attributes of the Ijebu people, stating that Governor Dickson has demonstrated that trait as a true Ijebu man and they would support him in prayers to attain higher positions.

Highpoint of the occasion was Governor Dickson’s visit to his homestead in Ijebu Ode, where special prayers were offered for him and his family members.

Also Oba Adetona donated a piece of land to Governor Dickson to develop to further establish his relationship with his roots.

The Governor on his part promised to name the building after his great grand mother, Princess Adebukola Fidipote, whom he described as a selfless and hardworking woman.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State




The Bayelsa State Government has released the sum of N300 million for payment of gratuity to retirees, which will commence next week.

The Head of Service, Sir Fraser Okuoru announced this shortly after the 37 th session of the State Executive Council on Thursday, in Yenagoa.

Sir Fraser, who recalled that the government had previously paid N1.5 billion to pensioners said the recent release of funds had brought the total amount to N1.8 billion.

He appealed to pensioners in the state, especially the junior cadre to exercise some patience, noting that in due course they would be paid their entitlements.

The Commissioner for Education, Chief Salo Adikumo, also disclosed that, the sum of N55 million had been disbursed for the procurement of practical science materials for both Junior and senior Secondary Schools for the forthcoming WAEC and NECO examinations in April this year.

Chief Adikumo, also expressed displeasure over the collection of examination fees by Principals of secondary schools, warning those involved in the practice to desist forthwith or be shown the way out, noting that reports reaching government indicated that some schools in the local government areas still collect WAEC and NECO registration fees.

In his words, “I have heard reports severally that some principals in some of the local government areas still collect WAEC and NECO fees.”

According to him, as a result of the importance government attaches to education, it has paid N312 million for WAEC and NECO fees for Bayelsa State students.

Consequently, the Education boss invited the principals of three Secondary schools to his office tomorrow (Friday) by 10 am.

They are, Community Secondary Schools Opuama, Eniwari and Ekowe, all in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area.

In a related development, The Commissioner for Special Duties, Bayelsa - East Senatorial District, Chief Walter Kuroghefa-Ben-Wari, also noted that the Executive Council resolved and mandated the three senatorial commissioners to investigate cases of illegal collection of examination fees by school principals in the state.

Earlier, the Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Deacon Markson Fefegha, expressed the intention of government to reposition the education sector by overhauling the primary and secondary school systems in the state.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State

Monday 17 March 2014



The programme started at 4:30 sharp with the arrival of President Goddluck Jonathan.

A minute silence in Honour of the departed souls who died during the last Saturdays immigration job interview was held.

According to a President Jonathan the Presidential Advisory Committee found that there is the need to hold a National discussion on the future of the country. This discussion is already going on in our mass media especially in our social media.

He said that Inspite of the fact that there is a legitimate government in place there is a need to carry along the majority who are not in the parliament. There is thus the need to seek a way to talk amongst ourself as sovereignty belongs to the people.

President Goodluck further stated that Critics have complained about the present constitution because it was written by the military but starts with WE the people. He believes that inspite of the fact that we have held several conferences there is still the need to talk because the challenges of 1956 is different from that of today.

He said the conference is an opportunity to prove critics wrong about the fact that we cannot go forward without ethnic cleavages and tribal sentiments.

The outcome of this conference is an attempt to relaunch our country to be at par with the countries that stood side by side in development index in the 60s. There must only be one winner in the confer Ede and that winner must be Nigeria.

He emphasized that "Yesterday s prejudices should die with yesterday. Today is a new day and a New era."

The President concluded by saying that he appreciates the National Assembly for putting referendum in the constitutional review and hopes they passes the amendment soon so if there is need for a referendum after the conference the results of the conference can be put to vote. He said "GOODLUCK JONATHAN HAS NO PERSONAL AGENDA" .

Onoride K. Akpe
SSA E- media to the Bayelsa state Governor

Friday 14 March 2014


Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson at the weekend approved the award of N6.1billion contracts at the State owned Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island and charged the Institution on alternative sources of revenue, noting that it’s over N6billion annual recurrent expenditure is not sustainable.The Governor also disclosed that payment of bursary allowances would commence by June this year, attributing the delay to scholarship awards to post graduate students.

Speaking during his fact finding visit aimed at having first hand information about the challenges and prospects of the institution, the Governor stressed the need for the institution to prioritize its needs.He also tasked the NDU officials to explore the frontiers of knowledge by developing a robust consultancy department as one of the options of revenue generation to make the university financially autonomous.

Describing education, as the “most compelling need of the State, Governor Dickson said the award of N6 billion worth of contracts for the execution of capital projects in the next two months” was to enhance educational advancement of the NDU, describing the contract as “the single most-biggest investment that has been made in so many years.”Underscoring the need for the downward review of the institution’s recurrent expenditure of N500m monthly, the Governor noted that the inspection of projects and facilities at the university has given him an insight into the challenges and prospects of the educational facility.

According to him, “This University is the only state-owned university that has a recurrent expenditure that is higher than any other state university. Available records show that your Government spends close to N500 million every month on payment of salaries and sundry entitlements. Now, I have told your Vice Chancellor and the Governing Council that that is not sustainable.“What is the students population for which the State Government is spending N6 billion every year, that is outside investments on infrastructure.

I am aware that the responsibility entrusted on me at this point in our history to bring about restoration means that we must take decisions that are right and fair even when they are sometimes unpleasant.“I like to appeal to your sense of commitment and patriotism on this journey. I am charging the university authorities working with our team to re-order your priorities, so that we can have some funds for capital development, because we want this university to be one of the best in Nigeria and the world.”

Soliciting the cooperation of members of the NDU to take the university to the next level, the Governor said education was the topmost priority of his administration beyond infrastructural development as any investment made in manpower development was an enduring one.

On encroachment on the university’s land, he advised private developers to steer clear of the area, noting that those who have already encroached would be evicted.He however directed the university’s officials to liaise with Government’s team to ensure the acquisition of completed structures and compensation paid to the owners.

Also speaking, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Humphrey Ogoni, said the university was embarking on some projects geared towards generating revenue, which include; water project, consultancy services, livestock farming among others.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson
Chief press Secretary to Bayelsa State Governor

Thursday 6 March 2014



Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Wednesday received the newly inaugurated Executive council members of the Ijaw Youth Council, (IYC), and called for collaborative efforts in the fight against kidnapping and other related vices in the area.

Addressing the youth at an occasion which had in attendance, the Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta matters, Hon. Kingsley Kuku, Governor Dickson stressed the need for them to channel their energies to useful ventures that would better their lots and project the interest of the Ijaw nation.

He restated his administration’s commitment to working for the maintenance of security and peace not only in Ijaw land but the entire nation.

His words” let me remind all the youths of this state and Ijaw nation to desist from those kinds of activities, whether it is piracy, kidnapping and oil bunkering that is now destroying our already fragile and compromised environment, because we have a major challenge in the sector.

Condemning acts of thuggery, be it political or otherwise, the Governor warned the youth against any act that is capable of truncating the nation’s hard won democracy.

Making reference to his involvement in politics, the Governor said, ‘I became Governor without buying a single bullet. I didn’t have to set up any killer squad or group of cultists to pursue anybody. And that is the system we are propagating and I will like to solicit your cooperation so that our youths will not be used for political purposes and be dumped after elections”.

Alluding to the forthcoming 2015 general elections, the Bayelsa State Governor urged the Ijaws to step up their efforts at fraternizing with other ethnic groups across the country to actualize their overriding interests.

According to him, “we will continue to use opportunities like this to call on our people to rise to their responsibility of building cohesion, unity and harmony.

“Because if people say we are a small and insignificant group and yet one of us occupies the foremost national position that is buffeted from all corners, then common sense should tell you that, this is the time to unite. And that is why I want to specially commend the understanding and cooperation shown by contestants for the various offices.

“I’ve always said that the INC and IYC will not be allowed to play a political role in Bayelsa State, because it is the home and Jerusalem of the Ijaw nation. Political contest in Bayelsa State will be resolved through other means than resort to these our revered organs because we don’t want to distract them. But we will mobilise them to realize other higher political objectives.

“There is a political imperative now and so the Ijaw nation will mobilise all our resources to protect our vested political interest which for now remains the protection of the presidency”.

While, assuring the new IYC leadership of his support, Governor Dickson pledged to provide operational vehicles and build a befitting secretariat for the youth organisation at Boro town in Kaiama, headquarters of the Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area.

Also speaking, the President of the Ijaw Youth Council, Comrade Udengs Eradiri assured the Governor of the organization’s preparedness to collaborate with Government in tackling the issue of oil theft, not only in Bayelsa state but the entire Niger Delta region.

He noted that “oil bunkering is a global phenomenon, especially in Bayelsa state that is making our resources to dwindle every day, every month. We can’t as a people, be the ones that will be creating the problems that will affect us tomorrow. So, as IYC, we want to ensure that we mobilize our people and educate our communities to let them know that what they are doing is inimical to us as a people.

“We want to also work with Government to fashion out a new way of addressing the oil theft that is going on in our area.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State
