Saturday 7 December 2013


A couple of days ago, during a visit to the operation Doo Akpor camp base along Imiringi road, yenagoa, We were taken aback by the presence of a Dangote Truck Caught While Bunkering stolen diesel products. What was so peculiar about this particular oil theft story was the Involvement of a Dangote Truck and driver. Dangote  is a respected brand name in Africa, The Dangote Group is the largest industrial conglomerate in West Africa and one of the largest in Africa. It generated revenue in excess of US$2 billion in 2011.

The group which is one of the leading diversified business conglomerates in Africa is associated with a chain of businesses ranging from production of cements, flours, Rice, Pasta, Sacks, sugar, etc but not yet with oil. Perhaps this was the reason why it was surprising to the men of operation Doo Akpor patrol team when during a random search discovered oil stocked in sack bags meant for flour, cement and rice.

When that story broke out, a lot of mixed reactions followed, Some shared the opinion that it was just one corrupt Dangote Truck driver, Another opinion was for the security Agencies to be vigilant as there has been some speculations about a syndicate of oil thiefs and Dangote trucks as the perfect Bunkering vehicles.

The later might not be far from the truth because only yesterday another Dangote truck with the registration number YKS 114 XA, Jigawa (ICT 4A 008) was busted with stolen diesel products by the men of operation Doo Akpor. Like the previous one, the diesel was concealed in what looks like bags of Flour from a distance, but actually contained over 50 litters of nylon sealed diesel products.

The Driver of The truck, his conductor and one Mr.Ibrahim who during an interview with our press crew confessed on camera that the products belonged to him, and he has been running illegal oil Bunkering operations from Bayelsa for sometime. When questioned on how he has been able to carry out his illegal trade successfully in a town filled with different security outfits he had this to say.  " Na settlements. I dey settle police, but when this Doo Akpor men catch us, I try to settle them, them no gree" In his words.

No meaningful information was gotten from the truck driver or his conductor who only spoke Hausa. The three (3) men were being held at the camp cell in the Doo Akpor base waiting to be transferred to the state command of The Nigerian police. All efforts to reach the police command prooved abortive as at the time of filling this report.

Matilda Angaye

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