Tuesday 17 December 2013



As the nation warms up for the conduct of general elections in 2015, the Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson has warned youths against being used as canon folders to forment trouble by selfish politicians, advising them to take education seriously with a view to increasing their capacities in self development.

Speaking during a state-wide thank you tour to Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area, Hon. Dickson said the era of bloodletting and political brigandage were passed, noting that, the present peaceful atmosphere and various youth empowerment programmes put in place by the present administration are intended to impact positively on them.

Warning the political class against playing politics with the lives of the people, especially youths, Hon. Dickson said, it was high time people learnt to play politics of development and restoration.

According to him,’ any politician who wants to use you to perpetrate political violence and hooliganism because his/her small ambition let him do so by setting you up in businesses, so that you can live a responsible life even after politics’.

He commended the people of the area for their support, especially in cooperating with Government to maintain peace and security and assured them of Government’s assistance in providing more basic amenities to increase the quality of lives in the area.

Presenting a cheque of N30m empowerment fund to the women in the area, the Governor said the gesture is aimed at making the women in the State to be self reliant.

Aside, the N30m revolving loan, the entire women in the State as disclosed by the Governor would benefit from the N370m Millennium Development Goals, (MDGs) grant.

He, therefore, called on the beneficiaries to take advantage of the soft loans provided by the Government, adding that aside making them to be self reliant, it will boost the economic profile of the State.

Hon. Dickson who noted that cooperatives societies would be formed to create skills for the youths, urged them to explore and tap the natural resources as well as other opportunities that abound in the State since Government alone cannot provide employment for all.

Earlier in his remarks, the Chairman of the Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area, Mr. Iselema Gbaranbiri said his council had been complementing the development efforts of the State Government through the provision of an ultra modern market, improved power supply, ICT centre and distribution of education materials.

Commending the Governor for his exemplary leadership, he said the people have seen in him, the fulfillment of the Ijaw struggle given the developmental strides of his administration in less than two years in office.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State


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