Tuesday 17 December 2013



The Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson on Tuesday reiterated his administration’s commitment to zero tolerance for crime and criminality, warning the few criminal elements including cultists, armed robbers, kidnappers and perpetrators of other related vices in the State to desist from such acts or incur the wrath of the law.

Condemning the resurgence of kidnapping in the Eastern senatorial district of the State during his ‘Thank You’ tour visit to the Yenagoa Local Government area of the State, Hon. Dickson said the State is no longer a haven of criminals.

Describing a crime free society as panacea to economic growth, Hon. Dickson bemoaned the security situation in the State prior to his assumption of office barely two years ago.

According to him, “investors were being scared of investing in the State as a result of the alarming crime rate then but today people can sleep with their two eyes closed as necessary security measures are being put in place by the present administration.

“Bayelsa is being adjudged as one of the most peaceful States in the country. Local and foreign investors have expressed willingness to partner with the State at ensuring rapid development of our Local economy.

The State is not ready to be drawn back by criminal elements, that is why I am calling on the landlords to work closely with the security agencies in fishing out the few criminal elements left in the State.

We want to attract people to the State. We want them to come and do business with us and the only way this can be done is through the creation of enabling environment.

We have a robust security agenda as you all know. So continue to talk your friends, brothers and sisters and all those you have as tenants. The few cultists and criminals that are left, warn them that Yenagoa will no longer be haven for criminals.

If you are a cultist and you don’t want to repent, leave Yenagoa. If you are an armed robber, kidnapper or a criminal of any description, Bayelsa is not a place for you to be.”

On infrastructural development, the Governor said his administration would consolidate on the gains of 2013 by constructing additional 15 internal roads in 2014.

However, he called for the understanding of the people as more structures would be pulled down in order to pave way for a befitting State capital.

He said necessary arrangements have been put in place at ensuring prompt payment of compensation to owners of the affected structures, warning the people against playing politics with the ongoing developmental strides in the State.

Governor Dickson, who decried comments being made concerning demolition of structures cautioned people not to politicize Government’s developmental efforts pointing out that his personal residence was one of the first properties pulled down in the State capital.

In a welcome address, the Chairman of Yenagoa Local Government, Hon. Chubby Ben-Walson praised Governor Dickson for transforming the State capital and carrying the people of the area along in the scheme of things.

Consequently, he announced the decision of stakeholders of the area endorsing the Governor for a second term in office and highlighted some of the achievements of the council to include award of projects in fifteen wards with contractors fully mobilized to sites.

Governor Dickson, who decried comments being made concerning demolition of structures cautioned people not to politicize government’s developmental efforts as his personal residence was one of the first properties pulled down in the state capital.

At the event, N45 million was disbursed for the three Rural Development Areas in Yenagoa Local Government while N370 million Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was provided for women empowerment as grant.

In attendance were; the Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, (retd), members of the National and State Assemblies, top government functionaries, captains of industry, renowned poet, Dr Gabriel Okara and host of others.

Daniel Iworiso-Markson

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Bayelsa State


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