Wednesday 17 October 2012

BAYELSA FLOOD: Day2 with the Displaced Children

The entire Government house press crew made up camera men, News men and women, photographers, office assistants, and few Appointees headed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor,Mr Daniel Markson Iworisoh; having visited a number of Camps for victims of the ravaging floods decided to put together relief packages such as food items, drinks, snacks etc. for children living in such camps in a bid to put a little smile on their faces.

The crew started from the largest camp in The state located at Bishop Dimieri Grammar School, Where they were greeted by hundreds of Excited children and their Families,  then proceeded on the 2day of their visits to smaller camps located in Yenagoa. Some of the camps they visited are; the town hall at ovom, the incomplete silverbed galleria building located at ox bow lake and the etegue primary school compound.

Some of the press crew members who are victims of the flood aswell, shared stories about the floods and encouraged the children and their families. The crew also called on well meaning Bayelsans to reach out to these people, stating that in disasters like this nothing is too small to give.

1 comment:

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