Friday 5 October 2012

Let Thy Wish be Done

THY WISHLIST.There are so many things I wished for, I prayed hard about it, but they Never came to pass, probably because God loved me too much and look beyond my foolishness. If I had gotten them then I'm sure I would have been miserable now..
Like When I was 10 two kids in my class wore medicated glasses, and since they were both Extremely brilliant.. it Had to be the glasses. My teacher will not allow me wear the glasses I stole from my cousin David, so I wished God will give me Bad sight. Mehn did I pray hard! if only God could take away my perfect sight for glasses so I could be very brilliant. Just how stupid was I ?
I can't forget how long I cried, Wished and pray my Mom will disappear, "God but you know she is wicked, always beating me. Please God replace her with Cynthia's mom who gives her chocolate and dosn't yell". Now I can't go a day without knowing she is fine.
God you remember when I wished I was as big as Aunt seiyefa so that I will not wash plates or fetch water any more? Now I buy all the anti-aging  creams because I Don't wanna grow old.
 Lord You will also remember how long I prayed and Wished he would just marry me because God you know he is perfect.. But now I look at him with just one thought " how did I manage that ?".
I know I Wished to work in a bank, all those long hours what was I thinking...but Lord you knew I would've been bored right?.
At a point all I could wish for was to be in the military.. "I want to slap and drill people especially the police on the road" God thank you for saving me from that too, Maybe I would have been in Iraq.
My wish list goes on and on, some I'm too ashamed to write down, but I thank you Lord for knowing me more than I knew myself.. For giving me exactly what I needed not what I wanted.. And for loving me enough not to give me something that will cause me pain. I guess what I'm trying to say here is be careful with thy wishes..
Posted 30th April Matilda Ivanka Angaye

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