Friday 5 October 2012



The Heart Always Betrays

I woke up at 4am today, feeling quite nauseous.. My stomach hurts and my head was banging so much... I tried to recall what happened before I slept and then it all came back to me... Now I have to really puke!..
You see, last night was my brothers birthday and we've only just started getting along, so in good faith I attended with a bunch of girlfriends. It was supposed to be a simple plan.. We go there, have a couple of margaritas and leave. But then I got the news that he was there with the cutest girl and the plans changed..So many of us have been in this situation, a cheating lover or an ex-lover, the stories are always thesame, there are so many movies or books on how to handle that situation..
But do they actually help? Honestly Nothing quite prepares you for such situations..therefor its truly up to you. You might take some actions that humiliates you, or be the looser that walks away or show that 2 can play that game.. But nothing you do at that point will be enough to erase the pain.. The same way you can't force love is the same way you can't force hatred.. Because you are one person and your heart is another.. And the heart does whatever it wants despite what your body is showing..
We can say "NO" 250 times but when the heart says yes it louder.. The body cares what people will say but heart truly dos'nt care. The body bears shame when the heart holds Pride.. The body knows Sadness when the heart holds Joy. And in a game of love the heart always wins.So no matter how much we fight it or try to conceal our love the heart gives us away, no matter how many times I say "I love you" my heart says "No". If you ever read this please know I tried.. But like I said in the game of Love the heart always WINS.
Re-posted 19th May by Matilda Ivanka Angaye

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