Tuesday 23 October 2012


The new head of service Sir. Frazier Okuoru has been formally sworn in by the state Governor Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson. The ceremony which took place at the executive chambers, Government house Yenagoa had in attendance the representative of the chief Judge of the state, top political appointees including the Secretary to State Government, permanent secretaries and senior civil servants.

Sir Okuoru who has been a permanent secretary since 1998 took the oath of office at noon today and was congratulated by the Governor who described his appointment as well deserved stating that he was not just the highest ranking permanent secretary but also the most experienced bureaucrat who has grown through the ranks of civil service.

The Governor advised the new head of service to drive the civil service in the direction of efficiency, proficiency, respecting the cardinal rules of hierarchy in the civil service. He directed him to put the civil service in order and take it back to the days of diligence and service to the state and its people.

The Governor also called on Sir Okuoru and all civil servants to be apolitcal and shun payroll fraud as public servants are the one of the constants in the society saying that Governments will come and go but civil service will still remain.

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