Thursday 12 June 2014

DSS Summons NUJ Leadership, Journalists Over Bomb Threats On Schools, Markets In Bayelsa

Authorities of the Department of State Services (DSS) yesterday summoned the leadership of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and journalists in Bayelsa State over an alleged plot by some unknown persons to attack schools and markets in the state with bombs.
According to the DSS, though the convened meeting between the NUJ members and the Service wass an interactive one meant to create a new partnership towards overcoming the rising security challenges in the state, the service had commenced security survey of schools to prevent the alleged report of planned bomb attacks in the state.
In his opening remark, the state director of the DSS, Mr Everest Dawa said the meeting with media practitioners in the state was called to create a needed partnership to counter threats of insecurity.
Dawa told the media practitioners, led by the NUJ chairman, Comrade Tare Akono and the chairman of the Federated Correspondents’ Chapel, Comrade Samuel Ese of BusinessDay, that the journalists in the state should assist in information sharing and fact presentation to the public.
In his remark, the deputy director of DSS, Security, Mr Brown Ekwoaba, said the meeting was to create awareness on the disturbing trend in the security of the state.
“Security report is unsettling in the state. The trend is becoming injurious to people and business activities. Some have rumoured that Boko Haram or some aggrieved militants are planning to bomb markets on market days to embarrass the president.”
“As we are talking with you,we have entered discussion with schools and market women to raise consciousness.If we don’t create the awareness ,these rumors will create untold hatred among ethnic groups in the state.We have embarked on security survey in schools to assist the State Government in the area of security.
The State Chairman of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ),Comrade Tare Akono,said though earlier positions by the NUJ have accused the military and other security personnel of involvement in oil theft,the issue of security should be reviewed and beefed up in the state.

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