Thursday 19 June 2014

90-year-old Bayelsa woman leads protest against abandoned road

A 90-year-old woman, Omiekuma Numo, of Okoroba community in Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, on Wednesday led hundreds of community members to protest against the Federal Government for abandoning the Opume-Okoroba road project.

In spite of her age, the placard-bearing nonagenarian marched on deep water covering some sections of the road and asked the contractor to return to site.
The Niger Delta Development Commission had in 2011 awarded the road and bridge projects to a firm, Mangrove Tech, which now bears Kakata Ce.

The project was allegedly abandoned over issues relating to compensation and unavailability of sand.
While lauding the Federal Government and President Goodluck Jonathan for awarding the project to a local contractor, the protesters accused the owner of the firm, Mr. Robert Azibola of alleged incompetence and fraud.
The protesters carried placards with inscriptions,  “EFFC: probe payment of compensation,” “NDDC save our souls”, “We say no to delay”, “enough is enough, give us back our road” and “Sand is not an excuse”.
Numo said, “The people of my community are suffering and my children have abandoned me in the village due to the bad road.

“I am hungry and I woke up since 5am to join the three-hour protest march through the muddy water on the abandoned road to show you how serious and pained we are as a people.”
A community leader, Chief Morris Igaki, who spoke on behalf of the community said that lack of road had triggered a series of attacks  on their people by pirates.

He said non-availability of road was the reason behind the 2012 helicopter crash that killed a former  Governor of Kaduna, Patrick Yakowa and former National Security Adviser, Gen. Owoeye Azazi.
Igaki said pirates had also been attacking nurses and doctors posted to the community’s cottage hospital.
Igaki said, “We are angry that the contractor has abandoned us to the ugly fate of rising armed attacks on the sea.

“Maybe the President is not aware that the road is abandoned. We want him to act and ask the contractor to come back to site.
“Okoroba is in danger.”


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