Thursday 10 July 2014

Assembly Rejects Bayelsa Commissioner-Nominee

Bayelsa State House of Assembly refused to clear the State Judicial Service commissioner -nominee, Mr Akiemo Moses who was to replace the late Gen Frederick Enai to serve in the State Judicial Service Commission. 

Mr Moses was invited on Tuesday by the House for screening and confirmation, but the lawmakers found him unqualified for the position, being unable to present any academic credentials. 

Fielding questions from the state lawmakers on the office, the nominee, Mr Akiemo Moses confessed not being conversant with the position. Meanwhile, the State Assembly has unanimously approved the request of the State Governor, Seriake Dickson to enable the Bayelsa Airline Company limited obtain a N40billion loan for the construction of an international cargo airport. 

The approval was granted following clarifications made on the floor of the House by the state Commissioner for Finance, Justice and Attorney-General, Accountant General, and Managing Director of Bayelsa Airline Company limited.

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