Tuesday 29 July 2014

Bayelsa set to Renovate Samson Siasia Stadium

Determined to promote sports tourism, the Bayelsa State government has concluded arrangement to release funds for the quick renovation of the Samson Siasia Stadium to encourage sports tourism by playing host to local and international matches in the state.

The government has made recommendation to the FIFA-rated firm handling the contract of laying new organic fibre turf on the pitch and tartan tracks to complete the project as specified within 11  weeks.
The government spoke through the state Commissioner for Sports, Honourable Ebikitin Diongoli, during a call on him by the contractor and Managing Director of MoniMichelle Sports Facilities Construction Company, Mr. Ebi Egbe and the representative of the FIFA rated organic fibre turf company, Limonta Sports in Yenagoa.

Diogoli averred that the Seriake Dickson-led government is working to ensure that the state teams play most of their matches at home; and as such government is irrevocably committed to fund the project.
He also noted that the issue raised on poor drainage system at the exterior part of the stadium complex would be redressed.

Earlier, the Managing Director of the MoniMichelle Sports Facilities Construction Company, Mr Ebi Egbe, gave a vote of confidence on the ability of the Italian based company, Limonta Sports, handling the laying of the organic turf, adding that the internal drainage would make the job of laying the 99 per cent organic turf easier.
Egbe assured government that the project would be delivered within the next 11 weeks because the MoniMichelle as a company work within FIFA approved specification.

He expressed worry over the poor drainage system and blamed food vendors outside the stadium complex for dumping refuse into the drains constructed by the state, but bemoaned the lack of support from the people to keep it clean.

If we don’t strive to keep the drainage system outside the stadium clean, FIFA may not approve the ongoing renovation being done.
“The drainage is an integral part of the project, if we must woo the FIFA and the international sports community to Bayelsa State.”

The representative of the Italian based turf laying company, Limonta Sports, Mr. Florin Lemonta, commended the state government for its decision to raise the standard of the facilities in the complex and gave a pass mark on the stone base of the football pitch done by MoniMichelle.

Lemonta however called on the government to expedite action on the clearing of the blocked drainage outside the stadium complex as it may destroy the world class organic fibre turf expected to be laid.

SOURCE; Sports Tribune

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